“Weird how the biggest market rally in 30 years is not a big story. Our media can eat a dicks”
Trump Curse Strikes Again!
“Weird how the biggest market rally in 30 years is not a big story. Our media can eat a dicks”
Trump Curse Strikes Again!
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they injected 1.5 trillion dollars. there's no way it couldn't jump. They still picked our fucking pocket to do it.
Maybe the FED will gibs anudda TRILLION to those TBTF banks to piss away on Monday?
because it is still down 6000+ points form a week ago?
2nd Term Assured.
What would it be 6 days from today at this rate of increase?
I wonder when people are going to wake up and realize no matter who wins, we lose.
down another 6k
Democracy isn't real retard.
it doesn't matter, because it's an artificial bump. You'd see Weimar levels of inflation.
And it would be still 6K higher than under Obama
Inflation would be offset quickly with market confidence.
>le left team blue team xDDDDDD
holy fuck you people are hopeless.
Then why are you worried?
Because its just a bump. There's no reason for stocks to rise yet. We aren't even at the bottom. When the usa inevitably quarantine areas and halts commerce, then we'll be going to the bottom.
>paying back a loan with interest = give
who the fuck cares about Obama
Worry about Justin.
sure thing, bud. I bet we'll see another day of huge gains on Monday. because of how confident everyone is.
...bros... I didn't buy the dip...
>n-nobody defaults on loans from world governments r-r-right guys?
naive boy.
Covid19 is hype. Knee jerkers are already realizing this.
Inb4 Monday -15%
then why did you bring it up?
Mario stay in quarantine.
Because it brings out shills like you.
Yeah bro the banks are going to pay back the loans like they did in 2008 haha
shills for what?
You’d think Trump isn’t going to collect?
More than double what the rebound was will be gone in a week
shills for what nigger lover
>hiding behind their finger
American Optimism always wins!
>making his best friends and business partners pay back
You poor, poor sap.
Feta worry about your country.
Dead cat bounce. There will be more. Wait a month for things to stabilize.
With interest.
I’d say in 17 days.
MIGAtards are the fucking worst. This is not the bottom you nigger, not even close
there's a thing that happens in every market crash and its a mark of a bear market.
its called volatility.
google it
Literally who
Dollar devaluation incoming
>Two weeks worth of the biggest dips and rallies in history
>Worsening of the conditions that brought us there
Yep, totally healthy economy.
Imagine wanting the economy to crash.
sure thing. I'm sure you've got everything set for a HUEG come back on Monday, right?
yeah. I bet you do.
Gold Standard. End the Fed.
pastabro, what's going on? it seems like a lot of posters from your country have gone silent. are you guys good?
I cashed in today.
it's a straight up no win scenario the second you give in. You literally just handed cookie to the fattest fucking mouse in the room. the difference is, when he asks for milk and you say no, he's just going to burn the fucking house down.
You realise the interest to those banks is like 0.00001%. The average sheep can't access credit like this.
>He believes the current market mood, and doesn't know how bad it really is
Let George Gammon learn you some basics
I don't. But stop being a delusional idiot.
What do you think happens when testing becomes widespread and the number of cases explode?
What do you think happens when bars, restaurants are closed or receive significantly less revenue for months?
What do you think happens when schools and colleges are closed for months?
What do you think happens when people start making less money and thus spending less money?
Stop being a monkey brain nigger
how do you think bitcoin will do?
Worried about what?
Probably not good. Its been performing as bad as stocks in the last month
yeah it's getting thrashed right now (but did recover slightly with the stocks)
I'm thinking in next 6 months
The Fed is going to have several meetings on where to allocate liquidity to keep the economy running
this is going to run a real risk of inflation getting out of hand
there's also the possibility of government infringing on free trade during the next 6-12 months where bitcoin could be used as a medium of exchange
especially when we are using the post office now instead of markets and stores
Why not. I have money and I want to buy as much stock as possible.
I want it to crash, not collapse
What kind of collateral do you have?
We have a lot of opportunity here
Now in a time when you should be quarantining ourselves anyways , you can research the markets for hours on end
Things are going to change rapidly so studying the fundamentals and seeing how actions countries and central banks do affect the flow of the economy
you can capitalize on that