Non-Abrahamic hate thread. Abraham told us 500 years ago what not to eat, yet some people still haven't got the memo

Non-Abrahamic hate thread. Abraham told us 500 years ago what not to eat, yet some people still haven't got the memo.

Fuck chinks, hooks and poos.

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I'm an atheist. Does that make you angry Christfag?

Lol. I'm eating salad and it tastes really good. : )

This is not "the will of god" its merely natural selection.

5000* gooks*


>i have made all the animals for you to rule over and have dominion and to with what you will

also God
>except for the majority of them you should just avoid. amen.

How is natural selection not the will of god

>Does that make you angry Christfag?

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There is no good reason to not eat pork.

Dietary restrictions are just like the ritual mutilation, a way for tribal savages to separate themselves from their neighbors.

It's funny because christcucks are the new fedoras. The ones associated with this cringy site atleast. You're all degenerates deep inside.

Pork is degenerate and diseased. The original Christians didn't eat pork just like other followers of Abraham (Jews and Muslims). This was altered sometime later.

Didn't Jebus say everything is clean? Halal and Kosher don't apply to Christianity, because of the New Testament. I'm guessing you didn't even read the Bible, or look any of this up properly.

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Thats not a good reason.

it makes me sad you reject your only chance at life

You're fucking retarded, Pork has the same risks as any other meat, if under cooked. Go suck off your cut penis Rabbi, somewhere else.

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You weren't meant to eat animals.

Do you still beat your slaves Moshe as told in the OT?
How about stoning someone to death for wearing certain cloths on the Sabbath?


Jesus and all of his disciples were raw vegan.

>Pork has the same risks as any other meat
Objectively false. Seethe somewhere else, chink/poo.

only thing I agree with are the unclean air animals

Nothing in that says you're supposed to eat animals. Adam and Eve were meant to tend to garden and it's animals.

Matthew 15:10-20
10 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand.
11 What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”
12 Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?”
13 He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.
14 Leave them; they are blind guides.[a] If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”
15 Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.”
16 “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them.
17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body?
18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them.
19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.
20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”

You're right, you can get salmonella from eating chicken.

I would never trust a deity that told me I couldn't eat oysters.


ever since I gave religion honest consideration and became christian, its funny to me how athiests (which I used to be) seem exactly like bratty children. makes me cringe that i used to think that way

I'm going to go make a big bowl of bacon, beef,and shrimp curry with cheese, because fuck you.

>eagles are first on the avian list
Would you guys please start paying attention?

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I used to think people who didn't eat shellfish were retarded but I'm starting to think they're right. Lobsters are basically just massive underwater cockroaches with claws, which is pretty fucking disgusting. Once I realized that I've had a hard time eating them.

Jörmungandr isn't a god.

God isn’t nature, he’s the exact opposite of it

Even if you found out that pigs are spliced from our dna?


>Lobsters are basically just massive underwater cockroaches with claws
why lol? because they both have an exoskeleton?

I eat at least 600 grams of pork every day

Because they’re bottom feeding ocean roombas, they are amazing though.

Why are all prominent atheists Jewish?

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Actually shellfish like lobsters and crabs are more closely related to arachnids than insects, so much so that it is said that spiders - if large enough to have their meat extracted in any meaningful amount - taste very much like crab.


You don't know what you're talking about....

Luke 24: 42 And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. 43 And he took it, and did eat before them.

>and do what you will with

so? doesnt it depend on how they metabolize all that gross stuff and turn it into something edible for us? cows eat grass but you eat beef, not grass.

A jew once told me that shrimp is kosher. But lobster isn't.

>look goy, dont eat prok, dont eat lobster
>i want to eat them and im sick of you lot stealing my pigs!
>god told me to tell you its unclean!do not eat!
Then they sold the meat at night for extra price.

>god doesn't let you in his secret club if you eat something he doesn't like
what a fragile little bitch, is he going to throw a hissy fit when the dip i bought for the potluck is not kosher?

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Shellfish are legit some of the healthiest foods on the planet and a theorized reason why humans had such a large jump in brain size was switching to a shellfish heavy diet and living along the coastline (these are likely the first blue eyed people too). The amount of good fats for brain growth in shellfish is bonkers

Essene fruitarians, actually

Plebian degeneracy.

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I'm guessing you read the bible and didn't understand it. Where did he say you can eat unclean meat?
And don't quote that part where he was mocking the pharisees for not washing their hands.

tend the garden.have dominion over in charge.
eat from all the trees in the garden except one.
meat eating didn't start until noah left the boat.

fucking measles came from cattle you dumb nigger

This doesn't say anything about bugs...
Does god support eating bugs over pork?

What does that even mean

>except one
>that one over there, tree of knowledge of good and evil
>no goy, you dont need to know what is good and what is bad just do as i say and believe me that its goo

If you give a fuck, here's reasoning for why these practices were past down. Traditions as well as genes passed on if they were superior. Those that didn't east shellfish survived.

He's not even religious, he's just based.

passed* completely writing off any sort of tradition is retarded as it probably had some implicit reasoning behind it in truth.

It's valuable you little nigger. You look back on a time thousands of years ago with google that you have today. These rules served purposes and weren't just random. And this is coming from somebody that isn't religious at all, it's just called honoring those who created traditions that worked over years of trial and error.

Controlling food sources was the first attempt at controlling society. Control the food you control who can reproduce. Pigs were obviously not something the early church could control. However it spoiled fast. So they used this reason to declare it unclean. Shellfish and river critters are among the easiest food for some one to catch with little effort. Simply dig a hole on a riverbank and chum it. You'd have a feast in about 7 hours.

Avian's are also an easy food source. Most Avians can be disabled from a single shot from a rock sling. Just group them in with the Avians that not safe to eat like vultures and there you go. A controlled populace that is unable to eat the easiest food sources to get in the wild.

Now they are fully depended upon the food sources that can be easily be conquered and controlled by your armies and would be absolutely incapable of obtaining food on their own.

Christfags are honorary kikes.

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>thoughts come from the heart
Retard alert

Europeans cave dwellers lived in forestsneating pigs,deer,horse,cows,fish, drinking milk, ducks, berries, apples, roots, nuts and that is perfectly normal for us, so any dictates about this evolutionarily successful strategy can fk its own arse with a hedgehog. Bacon is lord, pork and apple sauce, crayfish and garlic butter, bootiful.

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