Is this our official protein, and why? Bonus points for favorite flavor.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Is this our official protein

yes, lightly smoked.

A challenger appears

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We have canned hunchback salmon here. Nothing tops it, sustainable price too. Deenz taste terrible in comparison to it.

This. Deenz & 3 eggs. keeps me full for hours.

Also great with bread or rice or tatoes if bulking.

Dude, sardines are packed with nutrition. Good to eat animals whole, bro; that's how chimps and deers do it, that's what nature intended.

>by special royal permission


I bought 12 more tins today. God bless our holy fish

brand name?

hidden pantry knowledge of the secret godhead in times of crisis

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cucked jannys banned me for talking bout deenz, be careful OP

Our holy protein duck profane jannies.

back to Yas Forums Nigger

packed in water is best

>canned russian anything
hahaha yeah ok bub

Found the empty calories jew

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people be stocking up on tp but the deeeeeenz are there for the taking.

Any /costcobranders/ here? Only high quality olive oil in my deens

sardines are pleb food trve patricians eat kippered herring

Well done user

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water deenz can be meh, never had bad olive oil deenz though

Canned deens have massive amounts of fluoride.

nice false-flag

I like the water because I can drain and add other things, like oil, in quantities I prefer. Olive oil deenz are good as fuck though, water just being my preference.

>Pure pork shoulder
>Empty calories
The store brand knockoffs that are more akin to chicken hot dogs are for sure. But I camt sau shit because those are the ones I stocked up on

jews fear the DEENZ

Shoplifted all this today from local shart marts. Had a couple of alarms go off but the wagies were to occupied with the crowds to do anything. Yas Forums i implore you to take the petty theft pill before its too late

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Based. Smoked herring on bread with red onions, capers, dill, cream cheese is pretty good and you can laugh at plebs while eating it. Very North Western Euro.

Louisiana hot sauce looks good.

No. That's catfood.

Call them Pilchards, like real men.

the Louisiana hot sauce deenz are god tier
however you are a fucking nigger for shoplifting a few bucks worth of food

kek and so true

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I unironically liked the boy bean oil ones

I eat a can of sardines everyday on my meal prep. Omega threes are great for your cardiovascular health. Theyre easy and taste great

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t. big tuna jew shill

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look it up

redpill me on DEENZ
are they healthier than tuna chunks in oil?

Deenz is a meme for the low IQ preppers. Good for a snack.

there is no such thing as "empty calories". calories are made of macronutrients. fat/protein/carbs.

Tried it for the first time the other day, pan seared with spaghetti. Preddy guud. Question for Deens oldfags:. Can we drink or use the leftover water/oil or tin can?

Mash up deenz with and egg and crackers, make patties. Sardine patties are delicious.

Tuna is full of mercury. You should only eat about one can a month if you're a normal man. /deenz/ are very healthy for you.

You're whole country is a meme. You faggots cannot even keep milk out of your silver coins.

They stink up my room after a few hours and need to be places into an outside trashcan.
This involves going outside

>Can we drink or use the leftover water/oil or tin can?
of course. get it in you boy. get some cod liver. the oil that comes with that is really good.

I dont understand this meme, but the evoo King Oscar deens were the only ones I tired. 10/10.

i've never eaten a sardine. can someone give me a quick rundown?

For your culinary pleasure, the tuna can be swapped out for deenz or salmon and the garlic and onion are not needed but good for taste

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bought a lot of these

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Cheap protein and tastes like basic fish not bad!

Eat the 1%, they are GMO free

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How To Prepare And Cook Sardines.Cornish Sardines.:

***** UPDATE *****
Bolsonaro given secret medicine to treat his Corona

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>soibean oil
What are you, gay?

spicy tomato sauce, curry sauce and occasionally I like the teriyaki sauce mackerel or sardines.
either way omega 3 filled fish is good for you plus the benefit that tinned fish preserves for a long time so will be quite the commodity during the civil war 2 electric boogaloo.

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> ctrl + F "oysters"
> No matches
You faggots are truly hopeless. Not even memeing. You're like children. The internet at your fingertips but you know nothing at all.

deeenz on the rise fuck jannies

dry like the desert, no matter if in oil, water or sauce

Deenz got nothing on Macks

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Get that man some DEENz
The basedbean oil adds extra calories. I might grow tits but hey that might be an asset once things fall apart

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Not nicking salmon / 10

**** Why Africans are immune to Corona ****

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Deenz in mustard sauce.

Deenz are an acquired taste, just like Marmite.
Both may smell like shit at first, even taste like shit for some, but it quickly becomes addictive.
Real comfort food.

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good stuff, i'll look into getting some to try it out

Cheap, high protein and fat, very filling, delicious with sauce and bread.

Do all the cans have such gay color schemes in france?

>muh DEENZ meme xD

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>Yas Forums is so thoroughly overtaken by shills it has threads like "hey bros let's buy this based and redpilled brand"

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No, only the ones that I like

buy mackerel instead

>buying polish sardines laced with chinese chemicals from Wuhan.

Avoid King Oscar

Shit tier. Deenz in water will always be the patrician choice.

Deer eat animals whole?

this thread isn't about brands you monkey, its about DEENZ