What do you guys think about the georgia guidestones?
What do you guys think about the georgia guidestones?
Fake and Gay just like OP
Sounds like some cults strategy for world peace
A guaranteed way to doom mankind, any plan for the future that doesn't involve space colonization is a certain failure, no matter how low you set the arbitrary max population threshold.
They are real retard, lookem up. There is even a sherrifs cam on them incase someone tries to vandalize them.
A series of great ideas
Hurr durr the desert book says we should fill up the Earth with people and wreck the place because Jesus will evacuate us.
They were made some American not long ago to give the perception that the US has a deep history.
Well there you have it folks.
It's not as evil as it's made out to be. It's sad it had to come to this point.
>They are real retard
Real fucking stupid and the sooner these are torn down the better. There is big money behind this fake 'mysterious' monument and the people who constructed this and they don't have your interests at heart.
Elitist peace of shit monument. Doesn't understand greater population means a greater and faster line of production.
We'll never become a space faring race. How does it feel, Yas Forums?
Great. It outlines a future wherein 500,000,000 people live in ethno-states and respect each other. Literally everything I want in the world.
I came here to say this.
100% chance of failure. Written by a pseudoenlightened lucifer faggot butt pluker.
>ethno states
>improving fitness and diversity
No user. There will be no Ethno to define a state.
I am from Georgia
they are an important part of our history
Isn't it an interesting coincidence the guidestones are 666 miles from the UN headquarters and their nifty meditation room.
I'll bet your virgin asshole you are wrong, not in this millennia sure. But we're going to make the stars our bitch, believe it space soiboi.
It'll happen faster than you think.
Space is fake you stupid fucking cocksucking faggot
Fetal alcohol syndrome is an unspoken epidemic in the States, as well.
>Second guideline
>Improve "diversity"
>Third guideline
>Unite Humanity with one language
We dont give a shit history is fake fake and still fake fucking kike
I think Ted Turner is an asshole.
Need to be smashed
You're right but the people who would be in charge of such a world would always be narcissistic evil fucks who probably have a cult mentality so it doesn't really matter what it says.
It's just a fact that sociopaths like to ascend to places of power and can easily out compete normal people because they don't have a conscious. Therefore putting all eggs in one basket and forcing everybody to unite under a one world government is utter nonsense and suicidal.
500m people in harmony with nature spread out into their own kingdoms with their own languages and traditions would be kino though.
i can't wait for the moment when all ethnicities of humans on earth are extinct, except for jews, and eventually one group of jews points to another group of jews, and in a blood curdling scream cries "nazis!!!!"
if you jump off the ground you have entered space, its real
Genetic diversity, not cultural diversity.
It's still idiotic, if you're pragmatic enough to think multiple languages is impractical you should realize that having multiple races, specially when some need to be babysitted by others, is highly inconvenient.
We'd be fine with 4 billion
i think the boomer mason that spent a couple hundred thousand dollars on it was hoping it would of been talked about more than just on a Norwegian basket weaving forum
still 10/10 troll
I agree with most of it but fuck the Globalist elites
How are they allowed to stand? Why isn't antifa attacking the Georgia Genocide Stones?
>private property
>the south
>antifa doing anything
Because Antifa supports this.
They think they're not the untermensch (whatever german spelling) who will be the first on the chopping block.
Cant survive on or in earth. thinks it can survive in space.
Not too bad. Kinda like an Alex Jones art project. Tells you just about everything but hits the brakes HARD when people might ((((((((((((( NOTICE ))))))))))) a ((((((((((( PATTERN )))))))))))))). All like it's one big fucking (((((((((((((((( MYSTERY )))))))))))). It's all so tiresome.
Pure evil, just another example of the satanic NWO putting their plans right in front of your faces. Alas, these things must come to pass before the second coming of the Son of Man. It's not too late to partake in his free gift of forgiveness and salvation my friends, please, take him up on his offer.
The technology to terraform planets is available.
It's only that people who could afford to do it are simply too greedy to create something for their heirs in 1000 years that they may not control because they're pedantic and unevolved.
Im actually surprised no-one has bulldozed it into rubble as a message to them.
no they're not. it's just a ted Turner ego project.
It's real and they will reach their goal, also technology will go into reverse
I stand corrected.
PEOPLE cant survive on in a planet the are engineered to thrive on. But can on some hellscape.
just gotta terra form it and fill it broke niggers!
Nuclear can be used to a much higher affect when there's not humans all over.
this guys nose wants to sell me something at an exorbitant interest rate.
Maybe we should start promoting them as right wing and see what happens.
they're on private land and monitored by cameras
I believe some damage has been done to them but nothing too destructive, just shit like paint thrown on them.
It's outdated. At that time people lived in poverty and had to deal with food shortage. Meanwhile today the times are much different and there's food surplus.
I always thought the guidelines made sense och would like to see it implemented. I've never seen them as a elite pedo kabaal illuminati world government thing, quite the opposite. I like it.
based and redpilled
Half of it is poetic jewshit and if you wipe only human trash I think there would still remain about 2.5 to 3.5 billion left.
Literally some Illuminati level bullcrap. If you believe in this you're a simp.
I think it's amazing that somebody hasn't hit them with their car
Well, we don't have an environmental problem. We have an overpopulation problem, and let's face it. Most people are complete useless and are only a destructive force. A small healty and wise population that is intelligent, creative and healthy is to be prefered to a large population that snapschats their obesity and their tittys between comercials. More forest less humans.
Was 1980s Brazil really that shit?
That's a punchable face
Niggers weren't subsidized so it was shit for them, good for everyone else.
>can't figure a fucking thing out here
>sure terraform another planet that's worse off
Sure thing