Does this IQ map (based on the most extensive IQ research ever) prove that there are no correlations in Europe between IQ and wealth of a nation?

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More or less. But europeans are pretty much the same race (caucasian european), so it's dificult to compare.

That within the European genetic circle it was historical luck that played part i.e. for instance Brits being on an island making them hard to invade

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the cutoff in income is protestant-catholic, more than in IQ.

This proves the swedes are the master race. But we already knew that

Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying IQ doesn't match well outside Europe
East Asians have much higher wealth and IQs than other Asians and so on
Also Latinos and Arabs having similar IQs makes sense as well as Africans having lowest

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Good point
But what for instance about France or you consider that a godless nation

How when they're not at the top?
I'd say it proves Croats and Slovenes when you consider they were surely weighed down by other Yugoslavs as every map nowadays shows (although nowadays they aren't that extensive it's racist)

>literally nigger-level IQ
See mutts, that is why we call gypsies niggers of Europe

Not for the Romans.

Or Indians of Europe
So that East Asians can also relate

Well Rome was the greatest empire in Europe's history and they brought civilization to Anglos

>But what for instance about France or you consider that a godless nation

France is obviously catholic, developed but still lacking to Germany which is mostly protestant work ethic influenced despite being 50-50 catholic protestant. where is this from ?

IQ charts show there is no correlation with Wealth but a strong correlation with income. Also European countries suffered from many wars so therefore wealth of european countries is likely incorrect.

it's almost as if wealth is directly correlated to a geographical sphere of influence

I don't know some Romanian posted it on pol a week ago
Here's one more I have of him

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Well wealth almost directly correlates to income of a nation doesn't it?

Data from 1981. 'it*ly' now is at 96 thanks to the quasi extinction of Lombards and demographical explosion of Siculo-neapolitans and third world invaders.

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this. Fuck gypsies

I bet used to be over 100 if you catch my drift.

Similar thing probably happened to Yugos to be honest but for different more somber reasons
War tends to send higher IQs somewhere else

You don't need to tell me anything
Although Croatia has them under control since we had concentration camps for them but nowadays they started to make problems in one region next to Hungary (Međimurje)


Dude wtf is Jewslavia doing up there?
What are you hiding the IQ of Serbs or something?

As I said already this probably makes Slovenians and Croats have the highest measured IQs but they had to be put up with other Yugoslavs
Still they couldn't have been too bad and Serbs are the biggest nation out of all of us

Yea but if we were represented separately our IQ would maybe be a bit higher
and also
What your explanation?

capitalism only rewards the most deserving

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Actually the right wingers generally score higher.

Damn I might even Google if he said this kek

they meassured the IQ in Zagreb

So what?

the high IQ in the source were meassured in every capital but with Zagreb instead of Belgrade for Yugoslavia. High IQs naturally gravitate towards big cities. But then came the war.

Still so what?
My problem is that Jewslavia is representing my country

Meaning they probably measured more Croats than Serbs duh

Dummy this is 1981 what were you then if not Yugoslavia

Why did they choose Zagreb and not Beograd?
Also do high IQs really go for Capital cities?

Oh I didnt see the date my bad.


Cant say that posts with that flag show that.

UK IQ should be in the negative as current events show

what? it shows Germans and Dutch as the most intelligent

But your average IQs must have fallen hard cause of North Africans
They probably also lowered your average height

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>IQ charts show there is no correlation with Wealth but a strong correlation with income.
What did he mean by this?

dysgenics. average IQ in Western Europe is dropping, and not just because of shitskins

Anglos as I said already had so much luck being on an island
But then again that might be the reason of their looks as well

>Research suggests that there is an ongoing reversed Flynn effect, i.e. a decline in IQ scores, in Norway, Denmark, Australia, Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, France and German-speaking countries,[4] a development which appears to have started in the 1990s.[5][6][7][8]

He might be muttposting

No idea

How tf do poles have 105 iq they are literally subuman brainless white niggers

Well you do have to be smart to survive for a hundred years let alone millennias being in-between Germans and Russians

To be honest the biggest mistake the Poles made was letting the Jews live in their territory for most of their existence.

That didn't help but Pineapple has a point.

In the 14th century they were making soap and taking bathes while the unwashed masses of non-Polish Europe were dying of plague because of their barbaric and hygienic behavior. The truth is that the Anglo man never invented anything, and is prone to stealing achievements like cracking the enigma cipher from Poles to make up for their vast inferiority. They are a race of rabbits on an island that never had to adapt.



Those 2 on the right are not native italians and everybody knows that.

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Americans talking about anything european makes me cringe and think about pic related.
Please dont ever share your opinion with me again as i do not regard your words in any valueable way unless the discussion is about which hamburger tastes the best.

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i mean. High IQs do better in school and have naturally better prerequisites to do well in school and get that university diploma to become a doctor or a lawyer and make enough money to move in to the big cities where all that extra money will be made. And naturally, their children will also be successful because high IQ AND good socioeconomics. All the good schools are also in the big cities which leads to the kids having much better chances at succedind in life. The city schools also have higher demand and more competition. And kids who grew up in capitals with uppclass parents with high IQs naturally have higher odds of fill up those places in the good "university of [capital city]" schools which repeats the cycle. High IQ is correlated with success. And success means living in big cities rather than a shithole town.

>Why did they choose Zagreb and not Beograd?
idfk why they measurred Zagreb. You're the one who put up the infograph that doesn't openly reference to any study. How am i supposed to know?

Nah, polish vermin cannot be higher anything above IQ95

They look Italian to me.

Western European niggers neither used soap, nor utensils. Slavs had to teach you to do basic things wash yourselves and eat with a fork and knife.

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you're stupid you know that?

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Finland less than Poland? ......

Have you been reading the replies?
Are you a Nigger?

>most extensive research ever
>no link, no source, a big nothing
You just posted a random map that pictured you as the brightest and this is why you picked. Simple shameless larp.

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Thanks brother

Not him, but it looks like your flag has a pineapple on it when it's small.

europe is poor as fuck

Go away kike. Your same "sources" proclaim Chinks are as smart as Japs, when in reality they are just a bunch of cheaters.

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I don't trust any IQ study that doesn't explicitly filter out nonwhites. National averages are literally pointless, why would anyone give a fuck about a national average

Mutt posting.

But also wouldn't a high IQ person one be independent and have a house of their own in nature and not wanna live like rats?

What actually happened here?

I'm a big dum dum? Not surprised at all.

Those standard deviations are ridiculously wild. There's something seriously wrong with the data listed.

trust me, if europe was just one state, it would be richer than the US