>Whatever you say
Meet your new queen, Yas Forums.
>Whatever you say
Meet your new queen, Yas Forums.
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Fuck off.
>tfw no american nazi gf
lol I'm not watching this shit, but are there any feet pics of this broad?
iron your fucking flag you dumb slut
This "ok boomer" has to stop, most people use it when they have no argument and yet it's valued as a solid argument. Without your ancestors you wouldn't have ANYTHING you have today to enjoy and complain about the past. Kys.
This girl will reveal she has a bf and simp war 2 will begin. Why do these girls do this? I swear they torment single men.
she’s a very cute cia agent
Ummm, I’m thinking based!
ok boomer
ok boomer
I bet he's black too
ok boomer
mutt’s law
Thank you for invoking mutt’s law.
Women are so fuckin' cringe.
ok boomer
ok boomer
post feminine penis, we all know there is one
Boomers sold the legacy of your ancestors away. There's nothing left.
It's seriously the only argument you need against a boomer
okay groomer
Fuck you, you stupid whore. Stop aborting babies on your tiktok.
Better pics?
user, that’s a man.
sauce on bottom right?
Boomers are all cucks anyways, if they werent we would share the same disgusting genetics and we wouldnt find them all normal instead of abominations. Therefore not our ancestors.
Cringe, I hate these fucking attention whores
All women will be killed in the revolution
>and we would find them all normal instead of abominations
No idea, she cute tho.
I miss when the Oki Doki Boomer song was just a meme by a dumb youtuber and not some weird simp ethot thing
I didn't know the guy who sings for FIDLAR was a Bernie supporter
kys nazi
tits or GTFO
tiktok is cringe and everyone who uses it and everyone involved in the making of it should be gassed
Get this tranny slide garbage out of here
it is literally right there in the pic you fucking mongoloids
Cringy edgelord. Also degenerate. Also who
Why rape the mailman? This is a cash grab scheme and I bet she goes here to sucker us men here.
That’s a man until proven so.
Based user. “Ok boomer” is a pathetic substitute for actual humor.
I don't use your faggoty app, memeflag. I'm just here for good material.
ok boomer
Stfu groyper faggot
sure is a new flag with all the fresh creases in it...
>visiting twatter
Fuck off mong
ok r*dditors
Why is "she" worthy of praise, what has she done for the advancement of the White Race, Simpson are pathetic. SAGE
This twitter account blocked me when I called this a larp.
It was a fun song though
Then it got turned into some Bernie Sanders tiktok shit
ok r*dditor
Ok boomer meme is gay
Shes a nigger
The one who made the song is equally to blame.
>diversity hand symbol
>obvious fed
ok boomer
>disrespectful to elder
>attention whore
>le edgy nazi larp
>(now just donate to my patreon and follow me on social media and buy from my amazon wishlist user
Another great contribution to society by China.
>noooooo not the elderino nooooooooo
Why are so many Latinxs Left-Wing?
>mfw when degenerate zoomers are right wing
Foot fags get the rope
She just bought it last week. You can't expect an attention whore to actually sit down and think through her ideology and understand and respect the implications so soon.
>This is a cash grab scheme
No fucking shit, Sherlock.
How the fuck did you figure that one out? Wow much genius.
>I was born in le wrong generation
I don't use it either retard
Can you not read? Fucking retard kys
>when pressed, the faithful put their faith before their people
>bro dude how could you do that, what about the hypothetical whiterinos, what about the based vikinginos!!
t. ideologically empty eBoy without convictions or beliefs other than a vague malaise towards the lesser races
Women pick out ideologies like they pick out shoes. It's just a fashion statement. Her bf probably got her into this.
I honestly fear for this country when Gen X starts retiring and millenials and zoomers start moving into real positions of power. It's going to be bad.
Can you stop being a zoomer?