Recovered from Corona, what to expect

Sup Yas Forums. My wife and I both had Corona and did not know it to the end. Here's what to expect.

I'm 30yo w/m, average shape. Pretty healthy with normal bp etc. Wife is 26yo w/f, average shape.

It was certainly the most sick I ever felt. Like the normal flu but hits you way harder. Started in my sinuses (nasal drip, coofing). Moved down into my throat (sore throat, lots of phlegm, coughing). Then got into my upper lungs (constant pressure, uncomfortable, coughing).

Had no insurance to we used a netti pot twice a day, constantly breathed/drank hot tea/water and took hot as fuck showers w/ lots of steam. Used Niquil, rubbed vix all over my face and chest. Had trouble breathing and thought I might die near the end. But when it breaks it breaks.

Back to normal. Sucked but you'll be ok. Can see how this would kill an old person or a smoker without help though.

Recommend stocking up on lots of tea, vix, decongestants, nyquil, etc. I also gargled with alcohol (vodka) to kill things in my throat. Tbh I think that helped a lot.

Goodluck. It's not as bad as they say, but most people are fucking babies.

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Garlic exists, you know

That trio of images represent a Myth upon a Myth upon a Myth.
A threefold myth does not make it any more real.

Garlics a fucking herb. I know it helps peoples hearts or some shit but it does nothing for colds.

Honey and hot water/tea helped a lot though desu.

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Quarantine yourself for another month. The likelihood is that you're still contagious.

The oldest icon of Jesus also matches it desu.

Also goodluck with Corona you God denying britnigger.

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It still confuses me that most normalfags don't know the power of the lemon and ginger tea which cures all ills.

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Too late for that friend. No insurance and I had bills to pay. If I'm still contagious then I've infected untold thousands. But the majority if people I've been in close contact with have been fine, so don't think I still am.

Hot Toddies are pretty legit for killing mouth and throat sicknesses.

>having no savings

You first my dude. I had been unemployed for three months prior and just got a new job. Sorry if you guys die but no ones gonna help me so I can't help you.

Enjoy your two week ride. Maybe find God. When I prayed fervently I suddenly fell to my knees in front of our altar and a cup full of fluid drained from my throat and lungs onto the floor and I felt 100% better.

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I've had a nasal drip since January that won't go away, I also sneeze multiple times a day. Is it possible I've had corona this whole time..?

>having no savings

Fck garlic just use vodka

But ye unironically just use vodka

Likely. If you feel a bad throat cold or pressure/trouble breathing it's probably Corona-chan.

It lasts like 2 weeks though so yours is rather aberrant if it is though. I'd recommend getting a neti pot and flushing our your sinuses. Might have some crud lodged in there causing a continual drip drip.

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Glad to hear you're on the mend bro

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no, you just have rhinitis

Whatever dude. My generation is fucked and most of us are grinding to stay alive. I'm glad you have more money though, must have had nice parents. Hope you'll be a good parent to your kids in turn.

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>nasal drip
>lots of phlegm

Except that Corona doesn't have those symptoms.

It's a dry cough.

FUCKING NIGGERS with regular cold/flu thinking "muhh I beat the virus".


Thanks bro

Fyi user sugar lowers your body temp and hot tea raises it so wtf were you trying to do

Dude phlegm and nasal drip are very common. Go look it up.

do you have children?

Now you never will

Honey is a natural anti-biotic and it coats your throat and feels nice for about 5-10 mins. Hot shit makes it easier to breathe and expands everything it touches so easier breathing. The tiny bit of honey I used likely had no effect on the virus, but it numbed everything.

Naw but why would a virus end my ability to cumdump into my fertile young wife. She'll have kids or I'll adopt some white kids for us. Who cares.


>My generation is fucked and most of us are grinding to stay alive.
Stop making excuses. You're ultimately responsible for your lack of savings. You're ultimately responsible for most of your bills. Don't make other people suffer because you have no ability to plan for the future. KYS or self-quarantine

I’m 19 and I’m awaiting confirmation for my test. I live in Seattle and am self quarantining. Just a flu fags are right, I’m clearing up and will most likely be immune soon. Literally fought it off with DayQuil and good soup. I will also confirm I had it on test results when I receive them from my doctor if it isn’t over the phone.

My symptoms for young anons, from most prevalent to least:
Sore Throat
Phlegm from Lungs
Sensitivity to light

If you’re under 30 stop panoocking

so you've chosen the cuck option

How are most people fucking babies when it's illegal?

I'm so fucking glad you'll never be in any position of power.

COVID-19 and the common cold share many of the same respiratory symptoms. According to the CDC corona virus often included the following:

Stuffy or runny nose
Sore throat
Post-nasal drip
Watery eyes

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Kk stay safe and stock up on vodka

Lmao this. All the panoockers are starting to realize they wasted all the prep money for nothing. Left and right are reports from people who had it and even they say it isn’t bad.

wtf is that real?

Let's keep spreading hope my bro. This shit kills old, weak and sick people. They need the hospitals. The rest of us need hot soup, hot tea, OTC medicine and lots of rest.

Okay boomer.

im 30 and smoke. Im scared.

Maybe you should save yourself instead of telling others to KYS. Bless you brother for you clearly will need it. Also your money wont save you now

24 yo smoker, I have a mild chest pain and some coughing here and there since yesterday. Am I fucked?

Based and ultimate pilled.

Those who have only drank milk and eat honey are unable to see why others are forced to drink water and eat bread.

Humbleness comes to us all. I seriously pray that his will be less horrible then mine was. We're all gonna make it bro.

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>Had no insurance
Did you actually get tested? Because your symptoms sound like the flu, not like SARS.

were you diagnosed with covid-19 or are you just a 26yo married larping faggotlord.?
Come on now dont keep me waiting or it was just your feelzies that u had covid-19.

thanks for confirming this thread is a LARP

Quit that shit now bro before it pneumonia’s your ass, I quit juuling (yeah I know it’s gay) the moment it hit the USA

Yas Forums is so fucking stupid that it never disappoints you.q

My sister makes this for me when I have a sore throat. I thought this shit was dumb, but it actually works.

Maybe. Greek bro, hope your Orthodox Christian. Recommend max praying but go get OTC medicines, lots of tea, soups etc. You need a ton of fluids and also get a neti pot, analgesics (like vix) etc. The uncomfortableness of having your lungs inflamed and swimming made me want to punch holes in the walls.


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Reminder that Jews are middle eastern and Jesus was a Jew.

My church paid for me to get tested and yep, had Corona. They wanted to give me a ton of shit but I just left and stayed in my house for a few more days and was better. Same with the wife. I was prepared to die but did not need to do so. It's just a struggle.

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Do you have difficulty breathing after recovery? Are you producing fertile sperm still?

They shut down my college and all social events near me. Some places are closed too. Look up social distancing in 1918 during the Spanish flu, also trust your local and state health department over the feds. We’ll all make it through this without killing your grandma.

Are you Anglo/Germanic?
Yeah you're fucked, bud. Stock up on ouzo, yogurt, and lamb meat. Live these last days to their fullest.

I started working out a month ago lots of cardio, I hope this will help a bit, also I am quitting smoking

were you actually tested?

If you're uninsured, how did you know you had coronavirus? Did you get tested for like $1,000 or whatever the amount you Amerimutts get charged?
Your story reeks of bullshit, so fuck off.

reminder that Israel is in the middle of the known world and that Jesus fought against the Pharisees and called them out to everyone forever. He was murdered by them for this fact.

His first converts outside of the Jews were the Greeks who we all dicksuck for their philosophy mastery. Then the world's strongest white Empire (Rome) converted. All of Europe converted. Africa the worlds largest continent is 50% Christian. Asians are mass converting.

God is bigger then your limited understanding of race Kekistani boy. God's mission is larger then your limited field of vision Kekistani boy.

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You didn't have Coronavirus, you fucking fag.

Not an argument

I cum hard and I'm fine with breathing now. My entire body was tired and it took a few days to get back to feeling normal. It's very taxing which is why it kills the old so easily.

neither is yours dickhead.

Read above senpaitachi.

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Did you even get a diagnosis? If not it could have been a regular flu.

If you get sick and you were too stupid to save up enough money to keep yourself afloat while waiting until you're no longer contagious then choose to go outside and start spreading your disease because now you need money, then you really need to KYS. You're actively spreading a virus that can kill other people and will likely reinfect you and kill you.

I had these bad flu symptoms back around Christmas. Actually a ton of people did and just about anybody on the North American continent agrees there was a nasty flu going around then. Felt sick for at least a week with a cough that lasted almost two weeks. Is it possible that the virus has been going around for much longer than we are told?

hell is real
you are in it

goodluck bro. It's gonna suck but just take max care of yourself and you'll make it. Gonna be a wild ride Mr. Frog. If you're fasting for lent I'd recommend just eating ltos of healthy high calorie food to prepare. It'll take a lot out of you.

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no doubt. It can spread unknown for 14 days and we all know that we have personally gone out sick before.

It's everywhere. People who're old are now just being treated for it because it's too hard to handle. The problem is already over with. Within 1 month we'll be over it and back to nigger posting.

I know lots of instances in which people without previous pathologies have died, so not really so simple. Also wait til you get infected by the second strain.

got any evidence?
like a positive test result or any medical documentation?

>garlic is just a herb
no clue of anything

so you just assume without any testing, its not a given you had chink flu

thanks for proving me wrong Germ

did your weener shrink?

If you read the thread you'll see that I was tested desu.

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how long were you sick for?

This. What a peice of shit.

proof or gtfo

Either you're being paid to say this or the government lied to you and said you had it. The whole thing's made up and you're not fooling me.

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Checked and Amenpilled. Luckily for me I was humbled and knocked down at an early age. Although the older I get I realize, even then, I still had much to learn in the ways of empathy and forgiveness. I just need to work on the fact that I now want to distance myself from extremely toxic people when they most likely need some positive energy around them. Or should I just keep protecting myself?