Poland closes borders for foreigners

Poland closes borders for foreigners
>Poland closes borders for foreigners
Poland closes borders for foreigners
>Poland closes borders for foreigners

finally kurwa,fuck globalism

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who the fuck wants to go to Poland?

Are they the least cucked country on earth? Excluding the goat fuckers obviously

Poland is being a serious country finally like South Korea and Japan, but it might be too late.

church masses are banned too
MP has some balls of steel not gonna lie

Wondering the same desu

>close borders
>be part of the EU's Schengen Zone
Pick one. Fuck off with your fake news bullshit and get back to unclogging my shitter Jans.

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Jesus OP was just obliterated
I can't even imagine the pooper pain he must be feeling
Having your shitter shattered THAT FAST, nearly as soon as he clicked submit to make the thread
I mean I've had my share of bum befuddlement, but NOTHING like this

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>fake news bullshit
>state run radio

i like your mentality, your countries are much better please stay there noone wants to come to poland, its terrible here

Braun, my respects

You can come and live at my country with me fren

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Poland is the 19th most tourist visited country in the world.

Fucking toilets are sparkling, though.

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Show flag

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I did.

Huh says sandnigger from Algieria XDD

Poland stop using a meme flag
how about you put an egg up your ass and beat it

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You're insulting yourself dude

po(r)land is biggest shithole in Europe and nobody should come here,t.German living in poland its literally shithole,poor as fuck,people eating dogs on the streets holy shit

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>how about you put an egg up your ass and beat it
Fyi sodomy is considered a sin by God, so nah. Your tips are kind of gay, faggot.

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But bro, really stop sending patriotic images under meme flag it's pretty gay

Literally nobody wants to come to this shithole anyway.
And once the whole virus mess is over, I want to leave this place myself..

this, yesterday i saw a homeless guy eat a pidgeon

this, its a shithole, foreigners have it so much better

On a scale of 10 to 10, how fucking mad are you right now xDDD

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Germans living on the border, mostly for firecrackers and cheaper gas.

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this,let me out so i can clean German toilets for 300 euro week.
im dont wanna die in polish land shit

this, it's literal africa

Hehehe means half the truck drivers of Germany will be gone on monday hehe


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Fuck your jewish fanfiction god

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>under meme flag it's pretty gay
Trust me, it's better this way (no homo).

Hah, he existed before those Jewish fairy tales were even written down.

I love visiting Poland actually.
Katowice is great.
>those little towns literally have German signs next to the Polish ones
>everybody is white
>all the boomers have German firstnames like Ernst, Hannelore or Herbert
>everybody drives an Audi 80, Audi 100 or BMW 3 (E36/4)
>you literally can dine in a restaurant for the money you would pay at McDonalds in Germany
>women want your cock

The only downside is you guys still heat with coal and the air is horrible

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Show your real flag memef(l)ag

These german soldiers open the polish border with one simple trick...

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>>all the boomers have German firstnames like Ernst, Hannelore or Herbert
You dreamin

No seriously the little town I was in they all had those names and most even still understood German

>Hah, he existed before those Jewish fairy tales were even written down.
Well, yeah, supposedly a god that existed forever, dumb retard

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Just? Who wants to Poland? In Germanic countries there are explosions, jihad attacks but in Poland is the same boring peace...

W Polsce najlepiej już myśleć tylko o sobie bo nie ma prawicy, kiedyś likwidowano wrogów ojczyzny a dziś daje się im prawo równe patriotom którzy faktycznie chcą dobrze dla ojczyzny, tamci chcą wszystko zniszczyć i mogą sobie to robić na legalu, już robią. Nie ma Polski, jest tylko jakiś kraj w którym zrobili pierdolnik. Szkoda czasu na patriotyzm bo to nic nie da.

>The only downside is you guys still heat with coal
you fucking uppity krauts leads the EU with burning coal and you want even more

>the little town
Which one?

Where are now these soldiers? Now you have not nazi great Reich but lgbt-islamistich Reich

Does Ukraine count as foreign borders?

Can't believe you didnt catch the irony

You'll understand.

Yahweh is God, understand this you stupid pagan

If you'll give us Lwów then no

It shouldn't, in our hearts.

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lmao not telling there are less than 700 people living there and I am not doxing myself

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Yahweh is God, understand tgis you pagan!

based polniggers.


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This. It’s a shithole. Everyone should stay out, especially niggers.

In that case get FUCKED Western Ukro niggers.

Szczęść Boże

what kind of retarded foreigners want to go to Poland in the first place`? apart from germans obviously

Wu u callin nigga?

Niech Będzie Pochwalony

grzegorz braun is a putin agent though

Good news Euroweek is not cancelled and still seeking more new volunteers.

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