Justify this

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Giving homeless drug addicts and losers who work at mc donalds "free stuff" doesn`t help anyone else besides those weak losers. Keeping the economy alive helps everyone.

>unsourced numbers from commie twitterfaggot

Seems legit

If it's free why is there billion dollar price tags?

emphasis on, "short-term"

>housing for all
yeah, lets all live on section 8! dumbass

the fed didn't give any money away, they were short term loans with government securities as collateral. by analogy it would be like a giving someone a loan to pay off their student loan debt

I don't get it. Banks have been making big bux in the last decade and everybody says they're not overleveraged. Why do they need liquidity from the fed then?

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The federal reserve dictates monetary policy, not fiscal policy

Is he quoting one days worth?

Some coofing bankers are more important than millions of citizens.

Education and healthcare for your citizens are also loans, long term loans

and $50B for me.

Sanders said *free* childcare would cost 1.5 trillion

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All this banking bullshit because some fucking anglos couldn't keep their money safe in some vault in their home.

they're collateralize loans paid back with interest, retard

>feed nigglets and spigglets
No thanks

Why do you need someone else to take care of your child? If you cant do that youre a piece of shit who doesnt deserve kids

>Justify this
The government doesn't exist to take care of you.

Crony capitalism is still better then communism or socialism.

For being an industrialized country you seem not to grasp the concept of "scaling economy"

Why do people want free college? I mean, sure, sounds great, getting an education for free. But, there's hardly any jobs for college students, and making it free will just make college degrees even more worthless than what they already are.

this is actually a true story

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you will die if they don't do this

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*spinners groove*
you gon' lose yo mind
when the cash mosheen, uh starts to BRRRRRR
you've never heard a sound
like the cash mosheen, start to BRRRRRRR


both ways the value of your hard earned dollar is worth less and less.....

Housing for 10 blocks of real estate in Manhattan doesn't even cost 250 billion dollars.

>Not taking into account that those costs are per year, every year, plus inflation

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Without all the corporate debt all those things would cost a lot more than that to provide. If you actually tried to give people all that free shit it would cost a lot more. We have a supply issue. You can't drop money from helicopters and make everyone wealthier. And when you bring poor people in from all over the world you need to give them a slice of the pie, a piece of the American Dream.

At any rate, this could be it, friends. The moment the supply chain breaks down and panic spirals things out of control.

>for a month
>for a month
>for a month
>for a month

They right should call it 'middle class taxpayer subsidized" and watch support evaporate.

If we gave people all that shit for free, there would be no money to be made!

like all these useless week losers arent going to die in mass in the next few weeks

fuck them

why do you people always post this crap

At best, those are the cost for one year of it before the inevitable federal budget bloat happens.

These people are idiots. That's the program cost PER YEAR. This is a 1 time bailout that helps everyone. If you put those programs in it would be like doing this bailout every year.

Having a strong economy grants opportunity to more people.

>Fed gives short term loan
Based retards.

>Housing for all - $250B
per year, forever, since you can't take something like that away.

>500B into market
1 time injection to hopefully prevent economic collapse

Do these retards even math?

they don't exist to serve Israel either, kike.

none of that exists if theres no economy
but zoomers would know that if they didnt just regurgitate stupidity. the libdick is so far down their throats the foreskin is digesting

10B school lunch for how many months?
150B childcare for how many babies?
80B college for how many students?
250B for how many houses?

500B for companies who can employ you, paying the salary with which you can buy all the above. Also, the company keeps growing, employing future generations

>npc memeface as profile pic
How fitting

shut the fuck up shill

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A private corporation giving away money has nothing to do with social programs.

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Ok cuck

I don't understand how people think it's governments responsibility to provide everything for them

why do people think like this, I don't get it at all. Like once they get all the stuff they want, then what?

Prove my post is wrong.
You need a system that's gonna keep providing services for next generations instead of writing off stuff and providing gibs temporarily.

Ugh. Ok tard. The money wasn’t just GIVEN away.
The Federal Reserve made short term loans available. For one day the reserve banks could borrow a piece of the $500B at whats I think was 1% interest.
They BORROW that money for one day and use it as capital to further their fractional reserve lending and offer more cheap loans to big companies who offer cheap loans to medium companies who who offer regular loans and consumer credit to us plebs.
This COST banks money, but it spurred spending and “stimulates” the economy. The loans got paid back today.
Now go kill yourself for pushing bullshit agendas using falsehoods.

because they've grown up dependent on the state

That's not what this does. This is the fed trying to manipulate the market upwards with infusions.

Imagine people thinking money lost in the stock market is the equivalent of it going up in flames

>how many companies
>how many staff
>for how long
suck your own hyperbol cunt

Those losers are fairly harmless compared to the jews who Trump just gave a fortune to.

>yes goy dont give that money to your fellow man, but to me, your trusted banking ally instead!

They're not capitalized

>what's the difference between loans and gibs me dats

Yes. And that's why they're manipulating the market upwards with infusions.

That would depend on how long the Saudi-Russian oil-price skirmish lasts and coronavirus effect on the market
Stock-investor confidence is low and this infusion will provide the necessary short-tem operating capital needed by companies.

>yes goy, yes! we will totally repay these loans back, my good shabbos goy

The monetary system of expansion and retraction is a little bit harder to understand than this morons tweet about free shit.

Two trillion dollars were just looted before America collapses.

Motherfuckers can't be this blind.

How does that corporate dick taste

Lmao that pic

>Imagine being so naive to think the stock market is real