Why is she being so quiet?

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Mouth full of black dick

her curiosity has been aroused

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even normies were starting to think she was cringe, like those gun grabber kid actors from the school a couple years back. time to put her on the shelf for awhile

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Maybe because warm weather has a positive effect on negating the spread of this virus.

How many lives worldwide could have been saved from Covid-19 if this little bitch and her handlers spoken up ONCE to Xi's government about their unsafe, non-vegan, climate-destroying practices? Even ONCE?
>She's on China payroll and it's time to expose that and let her face her future.

Because air travel virtually stopped.
On the other hand, people aren't using many trains either.
But expect her to be back demanding to continue the measures "for the climate" as soon as this thing is over.
Bloody cunt.

Climate chan old and busted.
Corona chan is the new hotness.

too much onions milk and HRT

God dammit I want to tie her up and coom repeatedly in her so bad for the duration of however long this lockdown may be.

And I will feed her only meat. Besides meat of course.

Hard to get people to care about a theoretical event in the future when a deadly virus is a real and present danger.

Because the world is facing a REAL issue now, or at least it seems to be.

That or she can't criticize someone who is non-white. Them chins might get offended. Wanna bet if the narrative changes and some white country is blamed for the outbreak, she's gonna be on the front lines.

Can't talk with a dick in the mouth

Climate change could have saved us with warmer weather. It's all her fault.

Sshes the aylmao strain of corona

because Naomi btfo her


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Lutt's maw

Chinese film investors (?)

her handlers haven't found a way to profit off of corona yet, so they're hanging low.

also note, that coronavirus has cut emissions more than the most radical environmental proposals ever could dream

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>the smallest of things comes along from a country you don't talk shit about even though they cause a good portion of your climate change and will kill more than climate change will in centuries

Yeah, I'd be feeling retarded too

Kids? When they're quiet.........they're upta summat?

For the first time in her life she's scared.

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Also coronachan has done more to lower greenhouse emissions in two months than she will achieve in her entire life

I'd dick her, not gonna lie.

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the guys behind her fame are the ones who unleashed the chink virus

Greta plan failed, gook flu plan now in effect

Her job is done. The airlines and the industry is finished. Her virus did a good job. It did the best job.

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Why do you want to hear from that little monkey?

She literally got what she wanted.

Everyone is too busy dealing with an actual immediate challenge to listen to any more pointless whinging directed at people who are not actually part of the problem.

because she is the one that spread the virus. Notice how the leaders are the ones sick and who had recent contact with these leaders who also hates them?

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Because people found out her father runs her Facebook and she has no real opinions it's just him and a few politians


You do realize comments like this send her and her tart mother's egos through the roof, correct? She's a squat, malforned, downy little goblin full of pus, hate and vegan bile, and fuck her.

Greta is two-faced. Sometimes she looks cute, and sometimes she looks like a downie.

She has coronavirus

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explain italy then

Winter, northern Italy.

Probably realizing shes being used and feels conflicted.

Are you saying theres a difference??

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>Why is she being so quiet?

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> TheCureForFeminism.jpg

>and fuck her


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because the Greta-Virus is doing it's job. She don't need to say nahthing

Is she 18 already?

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I was thinking cooooming to her after she turned 18.
But not after this pic.

truth, angry bitches just need a good dicking

God she is so grotesque. That busted, asymmetrical face. Those gross spots on her face. Those beady, psycho eyes. That clammy, pasty skin. I bet her breathe stinks, as does her wet vegetable farts. Her belligerent, misanthropic attitude. The pooping in buckets.

I’m really just sick of seeing her. Just glimpsing at her ugly mug turns a good mood sour. It’s like the opposite of when you’re in a bad mood, and you see a beautiful, smiling Japanese qt, and she lights up your day.

Can you imagine what she’s going to look like when she gets older? Ugh, it makes me glad that these Euro trash countries like Sweden are being conquered by Islam.

She really throws a wrench into the whole “we must preserve the beauty of the white woman” stormfag nonsense.

imagine if she flipped and came out nat-soc

was gonna say she has discovered cock.


The sexiest woman of the decade. Absolutely cute, natural and lustful.

She destroys disgusting roasties full of makeup and instagram filters. Most women would be ugly as an incel without these tricks.

she is cute tho just not in a sexual way
I wish I could be her alt right older brother and get into playfull fights with her everyday and later smother her with kind huggies

are you cooming to her right now then?

She is getting dicked. Hard. Women shut up after a good fuck.

she is the queen of Yas Forums

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wtf dude. poland can have her just dont let her ever get on screen again

whoevers getting to smash that is one lucky nigga

>and fuck her


I will :)
not with her consent though

So you're not going to wait?

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Women are only "strong and independant" when they're safe and everything is being handed to them on a plate.

she is literally getting what she wants with the corona virus.

Worldwide pollution is down by a ridiculous amount

She enjoys watching boomers suffer a crisis of their own.

The carbon got her

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because some Nordic Aryan Chad is plowing her regularly so now she has no more emotional frustration to release in her little rants to the media