Go ahead, find a flaw i dare you

Go ahead, find a flaw i dare you

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denmark doesn't deserve swedens tip if it already has norway and iceland
Also who owns estonia, russia or sweden? same shade of blue.

Ireland isn't british you cuck. Fail. England is pakistani these days though.

Belarus to us, Polish commonwealth is a meme

Too many to mention

>Denmark and Sweden should unite to create a "Nordic Union"
>All countries with land in the balitics should reliqish them and the balitics be made into the "Baltic union"
>Yugoslavia should exist
>Romania should exist
>And poland should surrender belarus to Russia

Found the sinn fein cuck
Anglos out, niggers in

Germania should be dutch instead of the other way around, for the rest its cool

Do you want to be ruled by Spain? If no fuck off faggot.

You're wrong again swamp German scumbag. Fuck Sinn Féin, The National Party is the only way forward. 32 county fascist Irish state is the plan.

There's some issues, but not enough to complain about.
8/10 quite solid.
Ireland is less than 80% ethnic Irish.
They're as pakified as us.

All the faggots that live there

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fuck you nigga

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For a “nationalist” board, Yas Forums sure hates nationalism

Based and redpilled

Almost right.

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Lithuanians hate Poland.

Alsace and Lorraine belong to France.

Give back corsica.

Romania and Bulgars share the shattered plate of the balkans.

Honestly just split Germany betqeen France Poland and Italy

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>get rid of small useless states
>Portugal still exists
at least be consistent, user

>not the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Fuck off

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I've got a better idea.

Attached: european-union-map-with-stars-of-the-eu-vector-14204924.jpg (1000x1080, 114.16K)

EU superstate now


Too much Polska. Should be split between Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary.

Either way, Belgium shouldn't be included. Let the French have it

>Go ahead, find a flaw i dare you
Easy. Germany and the UK still exist.

Naw i got a better idea. We take vlaanderen you can have the rest

Istria and dalmatia belongs to italy.

Would rather have an independant Flanders desu

>Alsace and Lorraine belong to France.
Wasted trips

forgot to write britain in

Sorry it's not exploitable. Paint fucks it up when i save

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>give back corsica
It was never french in the first place.

Georgia and its realm are not included, which is ignorance at best, jewish shilling at worst

They denied the truth i speak.

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Looks legit

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It's... BEAUTIFUL :'-D

Georgia still exists

stupid infidel piggy. hope i get to slaughter you one day and start a war in europe

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Des Weiteren: Basiert!

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We don’t have many pakis at all. The biggest minorities here are white east euros. The republic is still over 92% white with the highest fertility amongst native Europeans. When you add the north we’re over 96%. This is one of the whitest places on the face of this earth.

In fact we’re so white we’ve spent the last 150 years trying to bleach you brown eyed freaks. As per the 14 million of your countrymen and women with at least one Irish grandparent. Also you should spend some time researching our military history in the British Empire and come back and say thank you.

Is estonia swedish or russian? Either way works

Finland doesn't exist. The rest are 10/10


you guys cant take care of yourselves.you need us.


Nice, but replace Russia with Finland.


These faggots are oblivious to the fact that imperialism is multiethnic by definition

Keep dreaming westslav speaking chinkshit language, don't make me come there to brute your wife again .

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it's not multiethnic when you assimilate everyone by force

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unite scandinavia apart from that, all is well

Haha haha

Wha?? I thought you guys hate Russian rule

Come 'ere cunt, we have free heating for you.

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yeah, but seeing sweden as its current state makes russia look pretty based

Ah, I see. Based.

>Slesvig-Holsten isn't Danish clay

I knew your wife was heating, but you gave me a compliment for admitting it yourself.

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Germany should be austria (^=

>Estonia not Danish clay
>No Danelaw in *ngland


>No Romania
>No Belgium

Pretty fucking based If i do say so.
Just gib Gibraltar and Cyprus and it's 10/10


>sees Serbia under Bulgarian rule
>sees Transylvania under Hungayria rule
>sees Ireland under bong rule
>sees parts of Romania like Moldova under
Bulgarian rule although they are more closer culturally to russians than bulgarians
>knowing that not in a million years these absent chad nations won't be conquered by those lame ass estrogen mongrels.
>spends a lot of time searching the internet for the countries proper names in their native language
conclusion : OP is definetly a faggot

you have stolen Russian land.

You question the word of the mighty Joukahainen?

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I was leaning this way as well, Österbro

You do realise Germany has hills. You're okay with this?