sup Yas Forums
is joe biden right or wrong about shutting down Yas Forums?
Sup Yas Forums
without Yas Forums corona virus wouldnt exist so maybe hes right for once
>I’ll finally be freed of this shithole
Do it Joe
>pledges to neuter the 1st and 2 Amendments on (((their))) behalf
Is it any wonder why they're propping this senile old goy?
False and homosexual.
Joe is a pedo
Joe Biden needs to shut the fuck up and spend his Lebensabend in a god damn nursing home
"Look 4chin"
Wish he'd be more honest and say the truth: That he doesn't want people talking anonymously, posting facts without social repercussion.
the 1st amendment doesn't cover private websites, so he can go ahead and shut it down
lmao if this pedo gets nominated, donald is getting four more years for sure
Pedo Joe fears 4Chano
>posting on Yas Forums
>the 1st amendment doesn't cover private websites
WTF are you talking about? Of course it does.
T. Jew
Nothing but facts here
based maybe some pol or r9k schizoid would kill him then
If sniffing kids hair tents your underwear?
Vote for Pedo Joe 2020
yes, the people over on /ck/ and /LGBT/ are incel brainlets waiting to commit the next mass shooting.
>the 1st amendment doesn't cover private websites, so he can go ahead and shut it down
The 1st amendment actually does prevent the government from shutting it down.
Gookmoot can close it down whenever he wants. Biden can't.
link to tweet
was gonna vote blue, I shit you not. Joe just lost my vote though.
Joe Biden, God took all those of your children who do not smoke crack to punish you for having been an awful person your whole life.
fake and gay
free speech is too free.
>pol. schizo
Agent Goldstein please, this is a board of peace
Don’t waste your time with meme flags. Or Canadians. They’re just shitposters.
Joe is going to get fucked by his tranny nigger boy friend.
And the Second Amendment protects our AR-14s.
Fucking based!
The hate speech laws are coming, lads.
You can cry, you can scream, you can beg, and you can deny, but they are coming.
Joe is not your average run of the mill pussycrat.
He's old. He's fired up. He's very, very pissed.
He will shut far right yaps and take the guns.
And he will have one hell of a mandate to do it too after he wins in a huge ass landslide.
The orange nigger will be in jail by the end of the year and shrimpdick Trumpshits won't even have a place to cry about it!!!
They cant write coherent anti speech legislation. They can only hurt themselves.
Yas Forums is mostly boards about anime, porn, radical left topics. and one alt right board.
Exterminating things like you makes the Universe a better place. Its like stepping on a cockroach. Its a good thing.
Listen here, Jack. Back in my day we didn't have to hide behind anonymous image boards to be racist. Whenever a negro got out of line and started talking his jive, we simply lynched his nigger ass. We really knew how to keep them blackies in line back then. We even had special laws for them, named after my great uncle Jim Crow. Open and honest, that's just the way things were back then. And the country was certainly better for it. It's time to cut the malarky.
So, is Biden actually our guy? Authoritarian and Nazi sounding.
>congress shall make no laws
Is this going to be another thing where leftists pretend to not understand sentences?
Fake and gay
He’s officially Joe Biden (Text Join to 30330) now
>Joe "wait, where am I" Biden
>sup Yas Forums
In a way he's right. Let's not pretend people become better people by being on this shithole. We're all miserable.
>only we can push our brand of propaganda!
Yas Forums getting removed from existence is probably a very good move. Nothing productive or good comes from Yas Forums. This is especially true on Yas Forums.
Who? Sleepy joe?
Im voting Joe now.
set me free.
he declared war on Yas Forums it begins
Who the fuck says the left are the ones that are right. They are wrong and need to be told.
It's gonna be fucking hilarious to watch him slowly die of dementia and embarrass himself lol
Hope it's a long, slow death.
Glow harder, nigger. If you hate it so much, fuck off and let us enjoy it without your whining.
>set me free.
More like, let him loose upon the world.
Joe Biden only occasionally seems to know who he is, where he is, and he certainly has no idea what the fuck "Yas Forums" is.