Corona hysteria

This is starting to get really retarded. Am I the only one that is not scared of virus that does not infect and kill more people worldwide than normal every-year flu?
Am I missing something and not buying one month supply of toilet paper?

Just think, how many people that are not welcomed by their country government can be imprisoned under "corona" and other shit.

Honestly I think there is something more interesting coming than few thousand dead niggs

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yeah the herd is the dangeorus part of this, start running with them or youll be trampled

the virus is just a cover up for the financial crisis, which you should be prepping for also

This corona thinghamajig seems pretty serious because it spreads fast and easily.

And further it spreads, the more mutations it goes through.

>all of these countries and businesses and institutions closing down
>all of these experts legit worried
>companies and governments spending billions on finding a cure and handling the crisis

Well let’s consider what your options are

>a. Everyone is a fucking idiot besides you Mr. BigBrain

>b. This is actually quite serious and you should be concerned

Let’s sit down and think the likelihood of both of these potential realities

normal flu also spreads and mutates. Why even give a shit about this?

That is not an argument. If everybody would stick a knife into their eyes would you do that too?

Mass hysteria is not an argument.

Everybody wouldn’t stuck a knife in their eye dipshit

This is real life not lessons from your whore mother and idiot father.

This is clearly serious, if you aren’t concerned it’s because you are in denial.

A combination of confirmation bias and the stages of grief.

“It can’t be that bad! No way.. nothing ever happens”

ok, right now in China there is more recovery than death. So again, why even bother?

Did you buy your 1337 rolls of toilet paper already?

Problem is you can get infected over and over. Each time more severe than before rendering you bedridden for fucking weeks and taking more and more shots at your lung until after the fourth time in three months it says fuck it and you die.
So it kind of makes sense that they want to prevent it from spreading too hard

>Am I missing something
>virus that does not infect and kill more people worldwide than normal every-year flu
You are misinformed

I always have toilet paper in bulk didn’t need to buy any

Every other country is expecting millions of casses China is full of shit

The Lord comes soon

ok, any serious sources ther than some internet fag saying its zombie apocalypse time? I would really like to read something serious other than nbc and sun articles written by people who know shit? I was looking for something that is even barely resembling some serious statistics or science papers but all I can see is "someone said that somebody heard that somebody saw something". PLZ hit me with a sauce bro

20% of the infected will need medical care, which they aren't going to get at some point.
Here is what a failing government policy looks like:
Sources are listed on their main page.

Well, it is 10 to 30 times deadlier than the seasonal flu, which is not much, it is true.
But the problem comes from the fact that the respiratory issues that come with it necessitate a heavy medical response, that is not available for a big wave of patients.
when this happens, ppl die, just like in Italy.

DUD. I am looking for some SERIOUS source not a random site made by some fag with acne. I mean something that epidemiologists or even any kind of medical doctor wrote. Some SERIOUS shit, not collections of data or whatever.

Even if this would be concidered a serious source, according to this website there is more recoveries than deaths. So again what is going on?

How do you get 10 to 30 times more deadlier? Any statistics or "just sayin', trust me on that one bro"?

the doctor in charge of italian medical response effort is describing it as worse than a bomb, because a bomb only goes off once

You're missing the fact that nobody has any cure and you could be dying or you may be passing It to your older relatives and basically kill them, while using public health service depending on your nation's policy on health.

Rly I am looking for some serious scientific paper not "a doc said iz bad nigga". Ok it's bad but even 1 mil deaths in total of 8bil people on earth is not even noticable.

yeah, like every other virus basically. So what does this prove?

Literally denial

You will see this in crisis moments

People simply won’t except that this sort of out of control event is occurring

>there’s no way it’s this bad
>everyone just freaking out for no reason

Classic cope

What's baffling is that governments like uk's are actually saying people should get it in order to build immunity. They're encouraging people to get it even though it is extremly dangerous.

People are rushing supermarkets and the prime minister is saying "no need for such behaviour, there is plenty".

I guess the supermarket people are immune and will happily risk their lives restocking things the coming weeks.

Encouraging people to get it is stupid and retarded. However, more people die daily in car accidents than from this meme. So should we ban cars? Or close all roads? No, we just obide the road regulations and minimise the death threat and that's all.

Yes it is dangerous. But it is a solution. Probably the best for now.
This thing will mutate. Worst case scenario: turbo-covid this fall and no herd immunity.

Why no video or photos coming from New Rochelle containment zone?

there is no video because they are cutting the internet

And found the tranny faggot.

I'm sure it's because everybody is dead already. Or maybe because not everyone is an attention whore that sends videos of everything they see?
Or maybe the interwebz is restricted to prevent mass hysteria and basically a civil war?
No clue.

The r0 of standard flu is between 1.4 and 1.6, which is why it never really goes away.

The r0 of COVID-19 is 3-6x, which means for each person who gets this, they will infect 3-6 people. This leads to a far greater exponential growth of cases.

Second, the death rate for people with flu is .1%. That means 1 out of every 1000 people who get the standard flu will die. With Corona Virus, it's 3.4%, which means 34 out of a thousand people with the virus will die. Does that make sense, dumbass?

Silver lining, and horror story: Since testing is inadequate, it's impossible to know how many people actually are infected. and the actual mortality rate. So, hundreds of thousands of Americans can be infected and not know it yet, and nobody knows the deathrate.

Tbh, since testing is low and it only kills people with such a limited amount of life left I see it as no big deal. Of course, the boomers in charge of the government realize that politicians and elites (who interact with people who travel the mos) are the ones most likely to be affected, so they're panicking and using this to impose legislation to help the elites. They will become infected and are more likely to die from this than the average person, and are more likely to lose money than the average person.

Anyway, there's no reason to freak out other than a bunch of old people trying to quarantine the USA to prevent from dying or having to spend government debt for ages to pay for a bunch of rich 1% people's fears of death or losing their money. When the rich control the government, it acts in the interest of the rich above all else. Bernie Sanders would have been the man, and he would have dealt with this appropriately.

You're missing the intellectual capacity to understand the concept of exponential growth.

It looks like there is an hidden agenda, sure. But we don't know and we can't trust anyone. Dying is not a problem, though. Did you checked your karma?

>So should we ban cars? Or close all roads? No, we just obide the road regulations
Fair enough, but no one seems to be following the regulations and instructions. Instead people cause even more hysteria buying sll the toilet paper, hand sanitizers and pasta available. At this point there is a bigger risk people starving due to empty shelves in supermarkets and shops than getting infected. Not to mention so few people cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze. And anyways a big portion of the population doesn't have good basic hygiene habits.

Where3 did U get that info on mortality rate? As fas as I can see, the mortality is under 1%. Also, any serious statistics that EXCLUDE deaths of people who have serious immunological defficiency? Unless you get me some serious statistics. for me it's just another "somebody said that someone heard". Looking at info on the web the only country that is above avarage in death rate is Italy but I can't see any erason why would that be.

I understand exponential growth nigga. But getting infected does not equal to death, or even gettin any serious symptoms. So as far as I am concerned every single being on earth could have this virus and nothing significant would happen.
That's what I am saying basically. No need to panic because there is a LOT of worse stuff happening right now in the world and nobody cares.

>This corona thinghamajig seems pretty serious because it spreads fast and easily.
wrong fin fag

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>go to grocery store
>see ramen completely sold out
what the absolute fuck. Living on ramen is the college meme, you aren't actually supposed to survive on that. Are people really this retarded?

who cares its only dangerous to boomers

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It's an extinction level event. There is no herd immunity and the reinfection will kill you.

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hey fuckwit - those numbers you are listing for Covid have nowhere begun to be understood yet, but good job being a fearmongering shit-stain. When we understand it more, we can freak out.

We can't produce vaccines for it and it spread much more easily.

The virus only kills old sick people.

>This is starting to get really retarded. Am I the only one that is not scared of virus that does not infect and kill more people worldwide than normal every-year flu?
Jesus Christ you are retarded. Wait a year and then tell me this.

We can't produce vaccines for most of know viruses. So, what about HIV, HPV, common cold, common flu and other shit? Is there a closedown because of any other virus or did I miss something?

Souce or didn't happen

Oh believe me, I will. And you shitfag will too.

I'm 28 and dying from it right now. It attacks the lungs hard and fast.

It's a psyop and an obvious one. Yas Forums is in a sad state. Never been dumber.

>user asks for any proof of Corona from non-MSM sources
>300+ replies
>panic-glowers fail to post even a single piece of evidence

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It's literally nothing, it only looks scary when you see the numbers.
But the reality is, most people don't even get tested. If you get the sniffles you call the doctor, and they'll tell you to self quarantine and call back if it gets worse, without even being tested.
The point it, a lot of people just shrug this shitty little virus off without ever being tested, its only the serious cases which are reflected in the case:fatality numbers.

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I’m more worried that this mass hysteria will drive us into an actual depression.

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dying and posting on Yas Forums? Tru story bro.

Yeah I am still waiting for some serious paper, but noone can provide. Not that serious medical data for all other takes about 15 seconds to find. Yas Forums has become a shitshow for some time now.

Me too.

>this virus targets boomers and the elites

This seems more like the dream we wanted

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Dont forget the excuse why
Even if we blocked travel and killed virus, it would spread in middle east and africa, so we would end up infected again

They straight up said keeping refugee flow is more important than brit lives

I hope you get it and die since there are plenty of people in their 20s who died

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You should have bought the TP OP

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This was bound to happen considering the mass hysteria we’ve been witnessing in the media for the past four years. It has everyone on a heightened alert and the craziness of the last four years makes most people think anything is possible now. It’s all fucking retarded though. Once China knew their economy was going to go in a recession they just let the virus go for another month or so to bring down the rest of the world.

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this is putting even 45 year olds into ventilators

Ha! You fools shall perish along with the rest of them! The ancient Indian leader Sawatchaqwa warned of this millions of years ago when THE WHITE MAN brought the diseases to his land. We must now return to the pagan Gods who will save us from the Chinese flue sent by the Gods as punishment!

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Taste the ruffies on my tits so I can harvest your organs.

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I have like 5 rolls left. Does it mean I will die because I will wash my ass instead of wiping it?

Yeah, so does the common flu and bunch of other shit.

>So it kind of makes sense that they want to prevent it from spreading too hard

first off? it *mostly* kills the elderly and really already sick, so...
its like mother nature came up with a "day of the pillow" for us.
if ENOUGH old people died, social security would become solvent again.
honestly, a BILLION deaths worldwide? would be a godsend to the world economy and be a great answer to unemployment and such.
EDITORS NOTE: the european countries hardest hit? are the same ultra liberal countries always bragging about how many refugees they admit.
i have been saying for YEARS, you can NOT have unrtestricted immigration from the 3rd world to the first world, without startiing a fucking pandemic.

I am eurofag, I didn't have any ancient indian leaders. Why we have corona?

Gimmie gimmie!

>>this virus targets boomers and the elites
>This seems more like the dream we wanted
day of the pillow is here, and mother nature lets us keep our hands clean from it.
tee hee

You have carona because you do not follow the ancient Gods!

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have the liberals found a way to blame the fucking corona virus on TRUMP yet? *matter of time*

The virus is not the problem. People buying in to the hysteria the democrats are pushing and reacting in dumbfuck ways are the problem.

will gypsy tears work? Will it cure corona?

help. I think i may have the virus. east coast us here. I have no fever or cough, but i'm out of it, lungs feel weird, head ache, and im bumping into stuff. had symptoms for 3 days now. not worried about my health, ive had colds much worse than this, but am i gonna infect others?

5 rolls? user you're already dead. R.I.P

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>da democraps
>dem librulz

Found the actual hysteria