Largest Gain in the History of the Dow


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Still doesn't defeat the losses of the week.

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Whatever they're doing, it won't work lol

Yeah, I'm thinking hes back

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>Largest Gain in the History of the Dow
This is getting interesting. I feel like the narrative shifted.

haha brrrr hahaha *snorts* it’s goes brrr brrrrrr haha

Nothing can outsmart the market; AI, organizations and governments are going to be annihilated. Throwing money at it will just exasperate the crisis and has pretty much all but sealed our fate. This is literally our last line of defense against total systemic collapse, creating TRILLIONS out of thin air.

>pot stocks still in the toilet
t. degenerate stock gambler

It’s going to be fucking awesome

B-but its over for Drumpf

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I made a bunch of thin air money off of AMD. they were unstoppable for a minute.

>20 minutes of growth based on an announcment made 20 minutes before weekend
Yeah this is totally organic, this isn't an attempt to manipulate the narrative by pumping 500 bill in for 20 minutes.

The fed is pumping trillions into the economy
trump is spending billions buying oil with taxpayer dime

It's all a pump to prop up an economy headed into a recession, just like the gains last week, these gains will be gone next week as the markets continue to tumble and investors shake their heads because they cannot possibly comprehend how a global pandemic affects all sectors of the economy.

Fake ass jew fraud. They steal from your future to fund a delusion, and the clowns all clap.


Shit Show Clown Circus

You won't see this on CNN
You know why

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>all Street roared back from its worst day in 30 years Friday with a broad rally that sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average nearly 2,000 points higher — its biggest point gain ever — after President Donald Trump declared the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency.

They've pushed $4.5 trillion into this fraud just this year.

Obama's economy, DUH!

>all the seething corona cucks in this thread
fucking kek, take your meds schizos

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I don't watch CNN but someone on Yas Forums said they had a big green dow ticker going. Trump, CNN and all the globohomo corporations like Google are all in this pump and dump together. Get your puts ready for Monday.

the USA will have to cancel the 2020 elections and Trump will have to hang in there for another year.
If things are this bad surely we don't want to risk human life.
Ginsburg can hold on a little longer too, right?

TDS at work.

Did you not want them to report it?

Why not just be honest and say it's because of the economic stimulus package of 1 TRILLION dollars.

filename lmao

once america starts quarantining states watch it fall

You're literally dumb as shit if you think his complete failure of a presser resulted in goyims buying stocks. You retarded faggot. The fed timed their purchases just for simpleton brainstems like yourself.

idk bro just the first sauce I found for the record.

I'm not expecting them to report it
I say you won't see this on CNN
He gives me AP

That surge happened as Trump was speaking because of Trump speaking, leaf.

>implying shit I never said
Low IQ

This isn’t the boog retard it’s the Spanish Flu, maybe a bit worse.

WE BACK BOOOoooYS! Buying a bit of dip will actually pay off.

Think of the elderly, your grandparents, maybe your mom. Do you want them to die in their sleep or should we
the shit is really bad and I don't know if we can risk it.

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fed niggers are pumping everything they can into this until they tweak the narrative a bit
same old shit

It's called a bull trap, peabrian. Markets have reversed trend.

>print trillions
>declare emergency on friday night

Good luck on Monday faggot niggers from outer space.

Imagine the economy didn't go into recession and panic among the public over the virus just dissipated. Would Yas Forums happeningfags ever recover?

That stuff isn't hidden. It gets announced and is widely reported like a couple days ago. Post the dump.

Stop selling 20 minutes of growth as real growth. We already know the fed has instruments to create 20 minutes of growth, we've seen it.

Fundamentals are good. The virus will eventually go away and people are going to want to travel and spend more than ever after being cooped up.
You can see their live coverage, they're cooming over the Trump pump

Lets crash the economy because fuck drumpf you're a traitor and need to be shot

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>It gets announced and is widely reported like a couple days ago
user how low IQ are you? They announced that they will keep injecting this cash for weeks, this is ongoing.

Where can we find info on margin calls and liquidations due to the 2000 bp pump on DOW-JI?

How much of that TRILLION did they recuperate by killing bears?


Keeping this kike debt slavery system churning is what makes someone a traitor, pajeet.

It's a friday bump, litterally the exact same thing happened last friday go look it up.

This is 2008 all over again. This is exactly what happened when bush announced TARP, it still went down later.

This thing will bottom around 18-19k hang there for 6 months and then climb.

Once quarterly earnings in June July are released its gonna be double bad.

>Thousands of Americans think President Donald Trump may try to cancel the 2020 election by citing the coronavirus pandemic. On the left and right, they envision him declaring a national emergency, using those newly invoked powers to suspend the November vote and extend his first term in the White House.

>It’s not purely paranoia. The pandemic has already canceled campaign rallies, postponed the primary election in Louisiana, and raised ideas to nix the parties’ nominating conventions. Trump, for his part, has often lied about his last election to justify his political power, and most specifically, he retweeted a suggestion last year from Jerry Falwell Jr. that his first term should be extended by two years.

>This is 2008 all over again
It's panic-induced selling.

>this will end the entire world reeeeee
I see we have yet another leaf that doesn't know how the stock market works...great. Someone else explain to this faggot how the 1.5 trillion works I've done it enough for one week and it's only day 2.

Because a bubble economy being propped up by increasingly desperate measures while a pandemic is occurring is cause for panic.

I love Trump and what he's doing. I'm concerned that he sounded tired and sick on the speech, though. Hopefully, he's well and will get better.

>Someone else explain to this faggot how the 1.5 trillion works I've done it enough for one week and it's only day 2.
The kike central banks are too insolvent to make their daily quotas so the fed has to keep using bigger and bigger repo bandaids to keep them from imploding overnight. This is the real reason for the market shakiness, the virus shit is just for the plebs.


fundamentals have been dogshit since 2008: interest rates are literally near zero or in the negative and still the real economy is in shambles; the middle class is being crushed all around the world - the arab spring, the gilet jaunes, brexit and trump are all a result of that; capitalism is undergoing deep transformation that will radically change its very mode of production, and wreck havoc on entire industries, labor relations, etc.; to top it off trump's nationalism and isolationism represents an existential threat to the globalized economy, this virus could've been stopped if the WHO had actually been equipped to prevent this sort of thing instead of just monitoring it, but I guess that would've been a win for the globalists huh

point is the virus simply stopped the dance, now everyone is coming to their senses and running for the door

lol. America just got another hundred jewish billionaires overnight.

Cope harder faggot

>40 deaths
>less than 2000 cases
Woah this pandemic is surely making me panic.

This virus was just the straw that broke the camels back.

Notice how the drop in oil is not being talked about?

There was so much stuff pushing this thing off the edge, if it wasnt corona it was going to be the bad earnings released at the end of Q2.

Also, contrary to popular belief 2008 was not caused by "subprime" mortgages (less than 5% of people had subprime, and the majority of defaults were regular old mortgages to qualified buyers).

Also, many of the defaults in 2008 were strategic (people walked away even though they could pay). It was a panic sell off or a panic "file bankruptyc sooner than later".

The economy is almost entirely psychological in a post scarcity world (raw materials are pretty much unlimited in modern day). A house is like 15k of raw materials but sells for 500k.

Wallstreet last stand kek

And it had no effect a couple days ago. The injection is doing nothing, this is purely from the presser.

It's not the boog.
That's the end. This is merely the end of the beginning.
It's going to keep getting worse and I love it.


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>The economy is almost entirely psychological
And when this panic subsides, the markets will go right back up to the inflated numbers they were at and continue to gain.


wow its almost recovered from the previous 2 days

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Oy vey. Stupid goyim. You should sell sell sell now now now.

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ok negative nancy. I bet youre the kinda guy who his friends try to cheer up but keeps moping

12 minutes*