Chinese people are getting desperate

A Chinese girl I know is paying someone 40k to marry her for a marriage visa. She's 22 years old and she's not bad looking a tall.

I don't know the whole story but basically she needs a green card. I guess she doesn't wanna go back to China with all the shit going on over there. No, I don't know her personally but have met her before and she's cute and dresses very well. One thing that stood out was when she answered her phone and she said, "This is she." Nobody answers like that anymore. Very proper English.

No, I don't have a picture. I wish I can look her up on Facebook.

Also, this is not uncommon. I work in a casino with a lot of Chinese people so this happens regularly and they always pay up and pay in cash.

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This is in Las Vegas, by the way. I forgot to add.

but china said everythink is fine

Why would she pay 40k if everything is fine in China?

i dunno but why dont you jump on it

I was going to say keep your filthy bug people out of my country, but you live in LA so you should bring over as many as you can

>One thing that stood out was when she answered her phone and she said, "This is she."
...are you sure her name wasnt Xi?

Then she divorces you and takes half your shit. Why are you all so dumb?

10 years ago I was asked to marry a Chinese girl for a green card for $10k. I kind of regret saying no.

Las Vegas, not LA

Marrying for a green card is common. What's your concern? Chinkland is just a depressing shithole, nothing more, nothing less.

do you get to fuck her while your married?

Same difference

>not having a slave chinkette wife who pays you to save her with your American cock

well if you don't consummate the marriage it simply doesn't real

She can divorce you as soon as she gets citizenship.

>this is she
Isn't it: You're talking to her. Yeah, that's my name. etc.
This is she, sounds robotic, quite Chinese like.

Small china penis

How can I find a qt Chinese girl to pay ME 40K to marry her? How many rich, cute Asian girls are out there willing to pay that much to relocate here? I'm a 35 yr old, fat, virgin who makes close to minimum wage while living with my parents. I could use the money.... and her company.

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The OP has nothing. Just like you.

And...? You're marrying her for money.

If you live here, you'd know that Chinese people generally do not do that and they ALWAYS pay and they always pay up front. These people have money. Green card is everything to them.

When Chinese people answer the phone they say “I am ___.”

Imagine being so desperate that a
>This is she
response gets you turned on.

So ummmm, how do I get a rich Chinese wife who wants to live here? Can her parents buy us a decent 2 bedroom house here?

If they divorce you, they can get both.

It’s common over here for Vietnamese people, too.
My wife is a bit of a stunner and an amazing person both as a wife and as a mother.
Also great in the sack.
She didn’t pay me anything but was looking to get permanent residency, it was no secret. I am happy we met and got married.
Took over three years and two children together for the govt to decide maybe our marriage is legit and granted her a PR.

Because the United States is the greatest country in the world faggot.

She can make that money back in less than a year working in the US.


Take note incels.
1. Chinese girls have smelly pussies.
2. Most Chinese women have lifelong gambling addictions and will shamelessly use you to fund their habit.
3. Which brings me onto prostitution that if they look half decent they will of at least once in their lives fucked for money, most will of fucked for money 100’s if not 1000’s of times.
4. They will 100% lie to your face about this and their current sexual health.
5. They will endless sook and bitch and manipulate you and are utterly unforgiving.

They’re horrible creatures, the only thing they have is youthful beauty after that they’re all 100% total cunts

It was the whole package, the way she looked, the classy way she dressed and she talked proper like she was educated in an ivy league or something.

Imagine selling yourself to Chinese. JUST IMAGINE!
You’re the lowest form of prostitute and they’ll remind you everyday you’re alive

Pays you 40k to get married. Gets married. The money is hers again as a marriage asset

so why didn't you pull the trigger and offer yourself up?

Sorry they are only paying Chads.

>words words words more empty words
Boo fucking hoo
I'll gladly be a degenerate racist mother and sisterfucker for $40K.

#1 is true of all women

I already have a girl

When the whole Corona thing subside, the housing, jobs and women will be dirt cheap.

She wants to marry you so her entire family can get in through chain migration. Don't touch that dirty chink money.

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They pay cash amerilard


I'd jump on it, I could use the cash infusion


It'll be dirt cheap when the pandemic hits the climax not after it subsides

You wouldn't do it for $40K? Unless you're rich already I don't believe you.

Happened to me too. I tried to hold out for $250k. She said no.

So they are like most women?

Use it to pay for japanese hookers before the marriage goes through.

Take the 40k if you are broke.



Find yourself a South African trying to get out on a marriage visa, you will not be disappointed. They're proper women stuck in like the 70s, they're trad af, and that fucking accent is coomworthy in itself.

She'll also be white and not a gross chinkoid, and you'll be saving someone from literal white genocide.

It's still full of Chinese people

Chinese being known for gambling addiction is new to me.
Sounds more like a male sandpeople and slav thing.

No, the catch is that when she divorces you you only get to keep half of it.

True, sorry.
When its gonna slow down people will start buying again. It will be cheaper anyways so im still kind of right but the cheapest shit will be when chan is on the peak.

I wouldn’t marry a fucking insect, unless I could get paid 40k then capsize her fucking boat or get her to have a horrific accident on the way to my house.

There is nothing worse than a white woman that wants to live in a hot climate.
Only if I get the guarantee that I won't ever have to go on vacation somewhere sunny.

Getvthe money first

Yeah that's what he said

Edge lord.

I didn't ask you.

i get why it's called green card now

Are there Chinese females interested in a sexless marriage with a broke European gay guy? Asking for a friend.

The real Europe, not Romania or other shithole countries.

An Israeli girl I know is paying someone 40k to marry her for a marriage visa. She's 19 years old and she's not bad looking a tall.

I don't know the whole story but basically she needs a green card. I guess she doesn't wanna go back to Israel with all the shit going on over there. No, I don't know her personally but have met her before and she's cute and dresses very well. One thing that stood out was when she answered her phone and she said, "City morgue, you stab em we slab em." Nobody answers like that anymore. Very proper English.

No, I don't have a picture. I wish I can look her up on Facebook.

Also, this is not uncommon. I work in a apothecary with a lot of Israeli people so this happens regularly and they always pay up and pay in cash.

Found her Facebook. Not sure if I should post her picture or not, I don't want her googling it and find out it was me who posted this topic. She looks even cuter in her picture. I like how classy she dresses.

Fuck all of the gooks and fuck you too.

Go back to China and contract the miasma you have earned with your disgusting animal cruelty.