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That cunt and April Ryan are da fuggin worsssse yo
Someone needs to notify the local zookeeper and let them know one if their Sheboonequa's got out and dressed itself in people clothes.
The fuck is up with its hairline?
She is the quintessential sniveling leftist identity politicking race baiting retard. I’m ashamed that the news hour hired her.she is a liability
I don't know why but the sassy fat black american woman stereotype is so fucking funny for me
what's with the US & niggers. Can't you guys send them back to Africa?
lol "bet you know how that is since you probably just started working at that newspaper"
bad question, stupid person, she was just there to be a black female victim, they sent her in with a stupid fucking question so that she would get wrecked and reinforce victim psychology, literally, no way to win with the way they play the public. its disgusting the manipulation theyre doing
lol "bet you know how that is since you probably just started working at that newspaper"
bad question, stupid person, she was just there to be a black female victim, they sent her in with a stupid fucking question so that she would get wrecked and reinforce victim psychology, literally, no way to win with the way they play the public. its disgusting the manipulation theyre doing, fucking jews, keep it up, you know what happens
You forgo- nope. You actually covered everything.
How in the hell did this pavement ape get educated?
Can we?
remember, she works for PBS
our tax dollars pay her salary
She's a disgrace to the black population. It was embarassing.
It would be worth breaking quarantine to exterminate every single mainstream journalist in the United States.
anyone have a link to this video?
I want to hear the sheboon act like a nigger
I was watching it live - she's a hate filled bitch
Is this that bitch that lost the governor race in Georgia?
> Fuck AOC
Literally and figuratively
pls send help
What a fucking CUNT! Even if he was sick its BETTER that Trump stays at work and ensures that things get taken care of, like you nothing burger faggots keep saying most people will have MILD symptoms. I want to lynch all niggers.
We wish. I'd happily vote for a tax that funded one way plane tickets back to the African country of their choice.
Sweeten the deal for them and throw in a $5,000 check, and shred their citizenship as soon as they walk through customs.
If they're caught coming back into the country illegally, instant 5 year prison sentence, and once the sentence has been served, fly them over some random country in Africa, give them a parachute pack, and boot them out of the plane at 30,000 ft.
The kicker is that the pack will have a bag of quikrete stuffed inside of it instead of an actual parachute.
That's a reparations program I could get in board with.
what she ask?
btw: that little SPR line, earned me 55k. Diamond offshore stock went up 3 dollars, from my base price of 1.40.
me too
the only thing that was missing from her snarky attitude was finger snapping, teeth sucking, and head bobbing
PBS is actually mostly privately funded at this point which is why they have a boatload of commercials at the beginning and end of every episode now.
Make Angry Fat Black Women Happy Mammies Again
aunt jemima taking uncle ben's big ebony rod
Big Mama I wants a pancake
tried it but it's too expensive to logistically do it when you aren't making money off them like in the slave trade. Plus they immediately ripped apart the place we sent then to
about -25 minutes back
What's that things name?
Das rite !!
Cant you just send the Chinese back to china??
>We're all getting swept by the biggest virus in national history and all racels care about is "Duh niggers!"
Never mind. I hope Corona wipes us out.
By ripped apart he means “enslaved the natives and misgoverned into failure,” by the way
Black ho
>trump gets called out for the lying bitch that he is who never takes responsibility for anything
>incels on Yas Forums seethe
biden 2020 and not shit you can do about it you stupid cucks, and the best part is, that the republican senate told POTUS he was omnipotent, so enjoy it all being thrown back in your face
Why do black people to their best to make sure they are the national shame of the US? Seriously it’s as if blacks have decided that making themselves out to be monkies will help them.
Honestly I’m so tired of seeing and hearing black people. I did white flight but I still see them in print, on the Internet, and in movies.
Has anybody made a plug-in for Firefox that replaces blacks with whites?
She claimed that Trump disbanned the pandemic department from the NIH.
quick search:
1 Snopes says it's true.
2.Politifact: half true.
3.Factcheck: false.
Democrats have criticized President Donald Trump for his administration’s response to the new coronavirus, making claims about cuts to public health programs and the silencing of government experts. But they haven’t always gotten their facts right:
It’s true that the president’s budget proposals have consistently called for reduced funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but Congress hasn’t enacted those cuts. Some Democrats have correctly said Trump “tried” to implement such cuts, while others wrongly claimed he “slashed funding of the CDC” or “cut the funding,” in the words of Democratic presidential candidates Mike Bloomberg and Joe Biden, respectively.
Biden said Trump “tried to defund the NIH.” Trump did propose cutting NIH funding, but lawmakers instead have enacted increases.
Multiple Democrats, including Bloomberg and Biden, have criticized Trump for getting rid of a pandemic response position on the National Security Council. The position was eliminated, although John Bolton, then-national security adviser, was the person directly responsible.
So he got ride of one guy who was sitting around doing nothing, like the Maytag Repair Man.
Why wasn't Trump getting tested and then she was implying he was purposefully infecting everybody
lmao the US is handling it better than literally any other country
>Fuck coal burners
Isn't that something that Trump is for?
>Fuck oil drillers
Again, isn't that a Trump thing?
Wait wait WAIT! You be sayin' whyte pee poe wanna deport THIS?
>when the cops get the cough start flushing all turds
>Fuck Bernie Sanders' brain dead white supporters.
>Fuck The Green New Deal.
>Fuck socialism.
>Fuck environmentalists.
>Fuck communists.
>Fuck niggers.
>Fuck whites who race mix.
>Fuck whites who don't want all nonwhites dead.
>Fuck jews.
>Fuck whites who convict whites for killing blacks.
>Fuck rap.
>Fuck jazz
>Fuck the blues.
>Fuck r&b.
>Fuck hiphop.
>Fuck wiggers.
>Fuck ms13.
>Fuck the triads.
>Fuck los zetas.
>Fuck the yakuza.
>Fuck coal burners.
>Fuck oil drillers.
>Fuck the EU.
>Fuck NATO.
>Fuck all white traitors.
>Fuck muslims.
>Fuck zionists.
>Fuck chinks.
>Fuck weebs.
>Fuck autists.
>Fuck the LGBT community.
>Fuck criminals.
>Fuck women's rights.
>Fuck AOC.
>Fuck border hoppers.
>Fuck diversity.
>Fuck cuckolds.
>Fuck multiculturalism.
>Fuck globalism.
>Fuck vegans.
>Fuck fedora tippers.
>Fuck gun grabbers.
>Fuck faggots.
>Fuck trannies.
>Fuck janitors.
>Fuck janitor applicants.
No. No to the 5 year sentence. Auto kill.
Liberia happened
It's trying to escape from what it's attached to.
As second listening, and it she makes it sound like it was a bunch of people, but it was only one person.
Trump can push a child down a flight of stairs and have it all caught on tape and Yas Forums would still defend him and blame the kid for being Jewish or something.
We tried that already. Once they realized how much it sucked without the white man no one else wanted to leave.
She asked a tough question and Trump simply could have just said we will look into it and instead he absolutely flubbed it and said 'it's not my responsibility' and then looked to someone else to save him
it was embarrassing
It was a valid question, she was respectful and serious and Trump failed to give a reasonable answer.
Buy my grill muhfuggas
sheboons like that work in the gubmint
It's cringe mixed with fascination and lust.
D cup in the front, B cup in the back. Weird.
Can someone recap what this sheboon was on about?
>Playing by the rules
For fucks sake Mugabe stop hip firing you are only hitting the sky.
Liberia is the result of black Americans losing a war to the natives, not them acting like natives, nice try.
if you watched her on a regular basis you'd know how full of shit she is
The fact that Trump can't answer such a simple, valid question seriously disqualifies him as president.
It's because you know nothing coming out of her mouth makes sense or logic.
we wuz coronaz n shiiet
Trump actually looks slick as fuck in this shot, how does he look so handsome bros, at his age?
>Liberia is the result of black Americans losing a war to the natives
The British didn't seem to have too much trouble :^)
It's at 1:52:19