

Latest Updates

Great video from Greek side of the border at Kastanias
Turkish Drone flies for 5 hours along Greek-Turkish Border
Italian Police arrived to support our Greek brothers in Evros
Polish, Italian and Dutch border security forces deploy at Kastanies
Turkish Armed Forces Baykar Savunma TB2 UAV patrolling over Thrace with interesting call sign 1453TB2
Turkey's private hospitals do not accept patients with suspected coronavirus infection
"We will stay with nothing (money) in Turkey. We will wait here for Europe to open its borders, no matter how long it takes, "said Mark and Eric, two Syrians from Cameroon.
Greek F-16 dogchase exercise over Chios at very low altitudes simulating the defense of local airport
Greek Military placed a wall of concrete blocks at the border of Kastanias

Latest CNN interview of PM mitsotakis:

>Videos and images

For this full list check the pastebin

Poseidon's Wall (Shoutout to CzechBro)

Previous Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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!!!!!!!!! Support Greece, Buy Greek Products !!!!!!!!!!!!

For full list of updates check /GBG/ pastebin

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Damn brazil, bro you got me again.
The except of my d+ rule are redheads.
WP god.

R*lling for the retaking of Constantinople

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lel I have to get these fuckers to check the links so I kinda had this fucking idea

very very soon

>said Mark and Eric, two Syrians from Cameroon.
>Mark and Eric
>two Syrians

what did they mean by this

I'd tongue her asshole so deep, that her next turd would have my signature on it

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Thanks based BrazilBro

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bro, its a joke... how can you be a syrian from Cameroon? they are as black as it gets, open the archive and you'll understand the fucking joke

based brazilbro.24/7 on duty

thank you

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Delete those white girls from your folder nigger. Just because u are pro greek doesn’t make u white nigger.
>inb4 Some cucks defend muh based brown bull

>Brazilian master mind bait with tits
For me you just need a dumb roach trying to be interlectuall.

Fuck off shitskin

>never heard of allys
You know even if he isn't white he is a white by honour and you lost your whitestatus by honour.

> This Roache migrant again spamming Greek thread.

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>meme flag

Please Neck yourself

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i'm back(Chiosbro) let's get this bread nice and cozy...

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Cuck greek praising the brown bull who wants to fuck your women giving the chance

0/10 shit post, please improve.

>oommmgggg muh honorary status let him give a pass to fuck aryan girls because he is le based xD
>not a cuck

Greek Brazilians (Greek: Ελληνοβραζιλιάνοι, romanized: Hellenovrazilianoi, Portuguese: Greco-brasileiros) are Brazilian residents who are either fully or partially of Greek descent. They are located throughout Brazil with numbers of about 50,000 people and with 20,000 Greeks living in São Paulo alone.
Notable Greek Brazilians

João Pandiá Calogeras, Brazilian Minister of War, of Greek origin, during WWI
Bruna Griphao - television actress
Cleo Rocos - comedy actress, presenter and business woman
Constantine Andreou - painter and sculptor
Constantino Tsallis - physicist
Miguel Nicolelis - neuroscientist
Pavlos Papaioannou - former football player
Ronald Golias - comedian
Silvio Santos - TV host and entrepreneur
Vitor Belfort - Mixed Martial Artist
Leonardo Koutris - footballer

>thinks he can give me orders

are you mad because I called you irrelevant arent you? too bad, its the truth

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>Freepass = honourary white
Wheres the nigger mind here?

Come on Ahmed we know its you

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Based Greek bro.
Are Greek political partys agreed to Allied on this border crisis or lefties are seething about
> Muh poor refugees?

He literally said he is not white

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they might start arriving very fucking soon, that algerian/french flag retard usually shows up at night

>muh relevancy
>don’t give me orders I can fuck stacy’s.Some cucks on Yas Forums said it’s ok.
Look at this dirty race mixer. This is the Guy you call a “bro”

nah..they're all Traitors...they all only care about filling their pockets with Sorros money.. the revolution stems from the people not the political roaches...

Show flag
>calling me achmed

i'm not saying he's white..i'm saying there's Greek ties and Fillelines all over the world..even to Brazil

The Greek diaspora is one of the oldest and largest in the world, with an attested presence from Homeric times to the present. Examples of its influence range from the role played by Greek expatriates in the emergence of the Renaissance, through liberation and nationalist movements involved in the fall of the Ottoman Empire, to commercial developments such as the commissioning of the world's first supertankers by shipping magnates Aristotle Onassis and Stavros Niarchos.

Attached: 50_largest_Greek_diaspora.png (1425x625, 43.61K)

Turkroaches really need to fucking die
Take back Constantinople

It's always this Holland/Roache and A*gerian fag seething in those thread.

>thinks he is relevant
>mad because he was called irrelevant
>thinks having pictures of white girls = pass to fuck white girls


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Yeah if he was white then it’s ok. But he is not.

Lmao let him use his dirty nigger cock to fuck your sister Pierre.

Algerian ufcker is boring, hes too stupit.
I rather show my borthers flagg for that, maybe now you know hwere I'm from.

Among a global pandemic
We stay united against the roaches

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Is the Greek people fed up of this bullshit? Any hope?
Heard about some based Greek fishermans tracking migrant boat.

wait? chiosbro? was that a thing?


>thinking he is a big country makes him relevant
Lmao delusional shitskin. I see through you. You never will be white.
>inb4 muh relevancy moh fucker
>tfw Netherlands was always more relevant than “brazil” throughout history
Lmao cope nigger

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I said that I never implied being white, you were the one thinking I was here because I so desperately wanted to be white, I never said that

Some shitskin country because your english is shit.

>Not white
Come on Ahmed, the entire population is whiter than you.

ooooh shit he is mad

it kinda makes sense, he is replying to everyone like usual, where are the Ignore images?

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well Greeks aren't "white" either..we're can't get our Based DNA as much "We Wuz Hellenes and shieet" as you try.
You need to have ΙΧΩΡ in your blood which is a Hellenic trait only..sorry story though..

Iliad V. 339–342[2]

Blood follow'd, but immortal; ichor pure,
Such as the blest inhabitants of heav'n
May bleed, nectareous; for the Gods eat not
Man's food, nor slake as he with sable wine
Their thirst, thence bloodless and from death exempt.

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2 million rapefugees on greek soil soon, inshallah.

Nuclear holocaust on Turkey when? The whole world is fighting coronavirus and all roaches do is focus on their horde of refugees getting into Greece.

>Italian Police arrived to support our Greek brothers in Evros
RIP in coronas

>soi boi is mad

nononono no nuclear holocaust in roachland, we have to preserve Constantinople

thats our secret weapon, they will sneeeeeze on roaches and immigrants

You people are literally brown.
Nah u are a filthy shitskin.
>also not an argument
Yeah and you still are IE retard. Don’t lump yourselves in with browns like the many of you guys for Some weird reason.

Cope nigger


They're immune.

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you should learn how to read, Von Reetaard

Don't lump me in with that retard. Check ID.

> i am not a turk. Why do you think so?

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Any city is just material losses and can be build again.

Because native Dutch dont speak like that. Dead giveaway.

Hoevaak zuig jij bruine penis?

You cant rebuild history

Okay, now that we have agreed to ignore the retard and hide his posts, I have some updates I'll post in a bit

>leave my brown bull alone


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Don't know if it has missiles? Well, shoot it down and check. All it needs is a bit of flight corridor violation.


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Based brown Dick sucker defending his shitskin bull to death
