>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
They're world's not purely economical. A loss of a x% of exports hurts the west more, than China. China is able to deal with an impoverished populace, they'd send soldiers to quell protests. The west, and its filigree democratic system, can't send soldiers, it would be their declaration of ideological bankruptcy; laissez-faire liberalism and its elites would lose their legitimacy.
Anthony Williams
The point is still that you must be either underage or retarded to consider that centralized power and decision making is the best institutional setting to react appropriately to such an issue, as the current pandemic shows. Literally a disease that could have been prevented by spending 10 bucks more on good lab equipment and better training, or being able to take measures without having to go trough 10 party levels and having to wait for slow centralized decision making considering more the short term economic and upper party members individual interests than the issue at hand.
Communism is a disease in it self that is perfectly capable to destroy humanity for good
Justin Morales
>So you're taking advantage of other people's naivety? the commiekike is projecting, color me shocked no, what i'm saying is that i disagree with your definition of what is """pseudo-science""" & that i probably understand more about the underlaying meaning of occultism than you do
>How will you be spending your time the next three weeks? learning more about mathematics, doing calisthenics, improving my English and German, and writing computer programs. >Some recommendable vidiya? Rogue Bit, Nand Game, Exapunks, Shenzhen I/O, Prime Mover, Human Resource Machine.
>Mann hat mehr als "ein Lieblingsbuch" und liest in der Zeit einen bisher ungelesenen Klassiker oder lernt eine neue Fremdsprache. Neger bitte, als ob.
Hudson Clark
>The west can't send soldiers The 20th century called they want their military paradigms back. Nobody needs the military to destroy china, china has destroyed itself and is trying to take the world with it, but as you say, the world will be okay, but china, china will be just a memory and a warning
Easton Reed
ich lese als Frau auch. Im Moment lese ich "Der Spion der aus der Kälte kam". Ich könnte ein Jahr drinnen bleiben und würde nicht alles lesen können was ich habe. Aber wenn man wegen Corona nicht daten kann, helfen Sex Spielzeuge auch.
Connor Rogers
I never even heard of one of those games. doing research now
Carter Watson
Der Zauberberg or der Idiot next?
Angel Turner
Ausschuss vielleicht nicht. Mann schon.
Elijah Cox
>Aber wenn man wegen Corona nicht daten kann, helfen Sex Spielzeuge auch. dating=sex degenerate spotted
Nolan White
Na ihr Fotzen. Montag morgen schön aufstehen und arbeiten fürs Merkel Regime?
Ryan Clark
Eduard Dullers "Das deutsche Volk..." liegt in der Warteschlange derzeit oben.
Here's a cool story from my workplace, which is honestly exemplary for this country's attitude - it's up to you whether you believe it, take it seriously or even care
>Be me >Wageslave at my work's evening shift in the supermarket >Some customer approaches me >Looks like a basic german soiboi >They are occasionally accompanied by their boyfriend and often search for the vegan aisle >"Excuse me, I have a little problem" >That's strange, usually people just ask "Where is x?" >"Sure, how can I help?" >"You see, I left my shopping cart for just a moment and when I came back, it was gone" >"No prob" >This shit honestly happens all the time - people constantly mix up shopping carts and grab someone else's >"You see, it might be a bit problematic, since there is not only the stuff I wanna buy, but also my bag with my money and my Polizeiausweis >Moment of silence >Isee.jpg >Call info - while trying to sound as neutral as possible >The idiot is extremely lucky - someone gave his shit to the Abteilungsleiter instead of stealing it >Thank you very much >You are welcome... I guess
Let that sink in - we live in a country where cops casually go on a fun shopping stroll, wander away in search of whatever consoomer product they need (probably Alk), while leaving not only their cash but also their fucking Ausweis unattended and for anyone to grab. All during the time of heightened extremism and general crime, as well as strong tensions which have also risen recently due to the damn virus. Even with my extremely low expectations of any german official (politics, law, etc) this is a major oof. Why not leave your gun in the cart next time? Assuming of course, it's not some desk "policeman", who has no gun to begin with
Germany is a lost cause
Brody Nguyen
It's the other way around. China's centralized power allows it to react more quickly, as there's less bureaucracy! It's not a democratic decision of hundred of incompetent delegates and corrupt opportunists, it's decision of one man, the party's leader.
>Communism is a disease in it self that is perfectly capable to destroy humanity for good Communism is the state-manifestation of a personal philosophy, a philosophy that's superior to the western one. They're equally as potentially destructive, though.
Bentley Collins
>The river, the weird twisted house I live in, the old rundown hotel, the twisted underground maze not an uncommon setting why's your house twisted & who lives in the maze? what's up with the old rundown hotel? >Kinda melancholic overall. that doesn't sound to unusual either apart from the women with no face, what's up with that?
My point wasn't that China uses its military against others, my point was that China uses its military for itself. It's able to secure itself in a state of crisis. The West cannot, because of its delusional ethical standards. And, btw., the military paradigms of the West in the 20th century was a caesura in its previous self-concept, Nazi-Germany was a break with the democratic Weimar Republic, the Italian fascists were a break with the Entente Italy; the area of fascism was the end of the 18th century liberal West (and the defeat of fascism in WW2 was its revival).
Angel Rodriguez
Immerhin 2-3 Yas Forums mäßige Posts entdeckt, aber löscht der bestimmt eh.
>1. Für Cappies bist du inzwischen zu alt. >2. Jeder weiß, dass du Trottel vom Staat promotet wirst, um Kinder zu brainwashen (daher ja auch das bescheuerte Cappie). Du könntest im Leben keine wirkliche Debatte mit einem echten Konservativen gewinnen. >3. Xavier hat recht. Idioten wie du (inklusive der RTL-Boss) so: "Wir stehen für Vielfalt!" Nö. Ihr seid für das Gegenteil. Euch geht es um Ideologie, nicht um ethnische Vielfalt (einem schlauen Fuchs wird auffallen, dass Xavier nicht gerade Hitlers Traumdeutscher ist). Es geht euch nur um Ideologie, und zwar nur um die eine: Links. Ganz links. Das ist der Grund warum bei Hillary Clinton jeder Journalist schreit, "Wowie-bowie, erste weibliche Präsidentin, wie cool das wäre," bei Le Pen aber niemand. Und das hier ist das beste Beispiel aller Zeiten. Unsere Medien zerstören dieses Land.
dieser lefloid war schon als ich vor jahren zufällig mal von dem gehört hab ein linkes fischkind
Landon Morales
Okay. Went to the store to buy water and vodka. Some asshole laughed at me and asked "You gonna party today? *wink*" I just looked back at him with the same doofus grin, overacted, that shut him up.
Then went to another store cuz needed doggofood. Store was closed. Decided I need chips, went into big supermarket next to doggofood place. Friggin people bought everything useful. Toilet paper, pasta, rice. Its here now too. Did the smart thing and bought the last 30 deenz. Some guy was at the kasse with his gf. He tried being funny to her about "hey look hes buying all deenz" but i saw panic in his eyes and he knew i saw. Was super hilarious.
Also fuck normies, who needs them?
Jason Jackson
Zeig deine Möpse oder Schnauze zu.
Grayson Campbell
>The West cannot, because of its delusional ethical standards. the same ethical standards that have led to your marxist sandcastle, that comes crushing down while we speak as the fire rises, the age of the Übermensch dawns youtube.com/watch?v=M86IdGSqTsY
>Vielfalt gleich 'alles außer weiß, männlich, deutsch'; Vielfalt bezeichnet also den Ausschuss, das Minderwertige.
Wenn wir das so geframed bekommen -> kek-galore.
'Asylant' war auch mal ein positiv besetzter Begriff...
Oliver Bailey
>twisted house
Dunno. I live there but it is all wrong ... doors that should not be there, too many rooms, sometimes it is quite huge. Still it is home somehow.
>who lives in the maze
The dead are down there but I do not fear the dead. But the tar thing lurks somewhere down there. Weapons do shit but you sometimes can outrun it. The fat fucks sits down there and does Gods know what ...
>rundown hotel
Usually by the lake. Sometimes they have nice food but it tastes like nothing. Sometimes strangers are there but mostly it is deserted. Don't go in the basement!
>the faceless girl
Yeah, her face is a black void but it does not seem "wrong" when seeing her. She is hurt but there is no way to help her. Sometimes she's just a ghost, immaterial, a shadow.
Hunter Bailey
>China's centralized power allows it to react more quickly > as there's less bureaucracy you just contradicted yourself opinion discarded. Stop trolling outside of Yas Forums faggot
I have the suspicion you did not read Marx, also Nietzsche was not a how-to-do life philosophy, but more of a analysis of historical psychology. The Übermensch is a allegory for a specific type of character in a specific historical context, even a Soviet like Yuri Gagarin or Joseph Stalin could be an "Übermensch" by Nietzsche's interpretation. Nietzsche's not a politician, and btw. he ardently despised anti-Semites, you'd know, had you actually and faithfully read his books.
Jaxon Peterson
Just had an argument yesterday on another board with a literal nigger who called pic related "pseudo-science" and tried to say that it doesn't prove anything. So fucking sick of their cognitive dissonance, they just go on and on in mental gymnastics.
Jack Russel Terrier. Hes a good boy. Runs away often times we are in the woods. And thanks its the last bottle moskovskaya they had in the REWE.
Carson Rogers
What's contradicting about this? If power is centralized in the hands of one person, i.e. one man decides, then obviously there's less democratic bargaining and opportunistic hence-and-forth. I must've reached a borderline in your mind, that you're unwilling to cross.
Carter Clark
Eines meiner absoluten Lieblinge. Generell ist Löns ein toller Autor
Tyler White
Did you forgot the reality of your own ideology? The party has the power, not one Führer. The reality of the local district authority is that, if they want to do anything they have to go through a dozen of different party actors with their own selfish interests. Does the regional authority want that Beijing takes over with APCs and tanks their economy and creates panic and chaos, certainly not, because despite they not being responsible their head is on the stake.
Anyway, you are not worth the reply, good bye teeny, you will grow over this at one poitn, unless you don't make it, which is highly probable
Henry Allen
Ja dem sollte man echt die Fresse einschlagen, nerviger Clown der Typ
Julian Hughes
Owen Ramirez
buaaaah, deshalb gibt es diese fotzen seminare, damit die Damen mit solchen Löchern Selbstvertrauen haben... da war doch kein Schwanz drinne, sondern massig Spielzeuge
>Did you forgot the reality of your own ideology? You just assumed delicate details of my political worldview, because of a meme-flag on Yas Forums. You're more dogmatic, than I could ever be. The German word "Führer" is not the right one to use, because it associates this position of power with National-Socialism; which would not be just. That this "man in power" has a self-interest is irrelevant, as long as that self-interest is power, because then he will what's best for the nation (that's an argument for another discussion, though).
I'm grown up and earn my own money, you clown. I'm not so sure, if you could claim the same.
>Montag morgen schön aufstehen und arbeiten fürs Merkel Regime? Bis Montag wird sich so viel ereignen wie sonst in 2 bis 3 Dekaden. "Mad Max - Germany Edition" by end of next week.
>I live there but it is all wrong Ich kenne den Fühl >you sometimes can outrun it. these sorts of things are nasty >the lake what meaning does the lake have to you?
verdammte Captcha-Juden!
>I have the suspicion you did not read Marx yes, why, what gave it away? >even a Soviet like Yuri Gagarin or Joseph Stalin could be an "Übermensch" by Nietzsche's interpretation i have the suspicion you did not read Nietzsche i'm not denying that yuri gagarin might have been an outstanding human individual on his own, even if the randomness of soviet egalitarianism takes away a lot of that Stalin on the other hand was a cowardly thug who never set foot on a battlefield & died in a puddle of piss marxism as a whole is more the philosophy of the "last man" than of the "Übermensch" Colonel Stache was mostly thinking about Rome & Athens when he formulated the idea of the Übermensch
Ich heile, Catbong! i can smell the salt already by looking at that graphic :D