Is suicide a cowardly act? It is a sin?

Is suicide a cowardly act? It is a sin?

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Not really, no one ever considered it a sin before

Suicide is nothing. It means nothing.

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The idea that it's cowardly is a Hollywood platitude.

Permanently ending your life takes a lot of balls, or stupidity.

Wanna talk about it? I'll be around for like 30 mins.

I've been considering it. At a hospital right now because of suicidal thoughts.

I have been thinking about killing myself a long time ago but it's not because im sad or depressed, im just bored and don't see a point in living desu.

Also my mental health is shit

That was a good case until recently. Don't you see we live in very interesting times now? :D Anything could happen in the next year, or even months. You have to stick around to see it.

It's a sin but the main reason it's looked down upon is because your (1st world) country has put a lot of time and money into your education/training and now you need to contribute to the economy.

Depends on the reason.

Suicide over a relationship, simp
Suicide because work, simp
Suicide because depression, meh
Mental or physical illness that are terminal and debilitating, grief over great loss and nihilistic virtue are fine.

And by anything, I mean we're in the middle of a black swan event. ANYTHING.

i don't think it's good or bad because I don't see anything as necessarily good or bad. if you are thinking of suicide, just think that you can always do it later if things get worse, but there is a chance we might see some cool shit and we're already here and we're all going to die one day anyway. why not ride it out as long as we feel comfortable. that's my take at least

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not if you hold honour in your hand and a mans courage in your blade.

I'd say that it's pride. God's got a plan for you and you don't think you can hack it so you kill yourself. Are you saying you know better than the omniscient?

There's no point in killing yourself. Your soul will get recycled by the Demiurge and you'll have to come back again to this fucking simulation.

Cringy faggot

Its the most self centred thing something could do.

Sometimes I think im doing shit with my life norwaybro, when I was 8 i thought that when I would be 20 i'd get girls in parties and doing funny stuff in general, but i'm not doing shit. I'm antisocial in the most anti-antisocial country of the world, bored as fuck and don't have someone to talk about everything I like irl. Seems like im Just existing, not living.

>spiritual perspective
people whom die move to a different plane, get shwnn what shit is about and after some 10 to 50 odd years they reincarnate and learn new lessons.
people whom commit suicide cannot detach from physical body and are therefore forced to watch their own body rot away until nothing is left. this can take a long long while.
and because this is so traumatic for the soul it can only happen once in the eternal lifetime of an individual soul.
>watching your own dead body being eaten by maggots

I wouldn't say it is cowardly thing. Not everyone could do it. There is a reason why there are so many failed suicide attempts

Gargle cock, nigger

Suicide is the most pathetic cringe act one could do

Suicide is for those who only think about themselves. Live for others not yourself.

>but what if their body is burned haha
burning a dead body might be even worse because more often then not the soul has not detached yet

You could do it for selfless reason. People often feel like a burden for other people. They think killing themselves will make other peoples' lives easier.

Of for the wrong reasons yes, but when a person faces a serious loss of dignity then I see no issue with it.

If any of my friends contemplated suicide id beat the shit out of them.

You either have the suicide gene or you don't. I'm not tough but I've been disabled for 38 years, bedridden, no chance of committing suicide. Other people do it over relationships, jobs lol.

Not true, its an illusion. Fuck that person. They shouldnt let themselves get so weak and pathetic. Suicide is never ok. It is the lowest of the low.

If yer gonna do it, take some evil motherfuckers with you.

Suicide is the mentally and genetically defectives way of removing themselves from the gene pool. A dead organism cannot pass on it's failed dna.

I am not saying that suicide is ok. But it can be selfless act. Remember being selfless isn't necessarily good,

It should be wide spread knowledge that anyone thinking of suicide should be ridiculed and mocked. It is not okay. It should never be celebrated of mourned over. Media black out for anyone who does it. In my world there are less suicides. This is not an opinion

This is terrible advice

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We all will die anyways. 120 years from now not one poster from here will be alive. People feel immortal but thats just major cope.
Suicide is merely quitting the game before times up.

I don't know tqbh. As a humans we dont know a lot of things. We just eat, sleep, fugg, build stuff.

Still not true. Even if you think youre a burden on others, doesnt mean you are. The choice to think youre a burden on others is selfish. The arrogance of it. That somebody thinks so highly of themselves.

Dude, if you don't have any physical problems thank jeebus you have balls and not crippling pain 24x7.

I had been often thinking about suicide before because i can't be fully-functioning member of society due to my mental problems and i just leeching off of my parents and it makes me even more miserable. But now i realized that suicide is fucking stupid and i need to keep trying to overcome my problems until the day i die, i may never find happiness in my life but i need keep trying. This is like the meaning of life, just keep trying even if nothing changes because if your not trying your already dead

You're right. At the end of the day it all comes down to our thoughts. Disabled retarded people don't kill themselves.

Repent of your faggotry and turn to Christ. With Him, you will find meaning.

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Sins aren’t real.
Its selfish though

The soul is immortal, the body will be
suicide means giving up because life's too hard
fuck that
I'll die when God wants me to, not when I want to.

Shit way to die really. At least do something cool like wrestling a lion.

In the UK there is a self centered program called love island. Guess what? 3 suicides from the programme already. Why? Because suicide is self centred and only self centred people commit suicide.

So yh. Dont act like a love island contestant.

What do you think of antidepressants? Are they harmful? Should one take them if they can remove one's suicidal thoughts?

a noble suicide is an old tradition. Romans would kill themselves at the drop of a hat if things were going badly or they fucked up, and it was seen as a positive. Christianity made suicide a naughty thing to do.

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I feel like taking massive credit and going to some exotic beach. If I will die anyways who cares? Live a litte.

It would be extremely painful.

They are for the weak. They wont slay dragons. They will only add fog, so you dont see the dragon anymore. Its still there tho. Getting bigger and bigger.

Maybe it is for the better. Noble suicide is still tradition in muslim countries.And it doesn't make their society any better.


yes but Brazilians are used to murder so I guess it's fine.

Do a flip faggot


Not only is it bad for your soul, it's also completely pointless, you will just come back, most likely in worse circumstances.

what a bitch

You’re lonely. You sure you are not depressed? Do you coom a lot?

Suicide is peak faggotry - besides actually being a faggot. If you got two functional arms and legs, and an IQ above 90, you can practically do anything.

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It is time to go when the Lord says it is time to go so I don't worry about it

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

Luke 12:2-7

God is dead its not a sin fag

Suicide is a sin user, times of testing are for growth. Just wait it out man I know its rough I hate it too

>Do you coom a lot?

You'll go back to Hades, wait in shame for another body to enter and then relive your fate until you awake.

Yes.Don't kill yourself fag. Didn't you see the Mist?

Suicide by cop isn't. If you've got firm beliefs and some politician(s) is getting in the way of them, then go get a gun and out with a BANG.

To me, it depends on the reason.

If it was easy, literally everyone would do it.


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13 year old boy just hung himself at my brothers school. Lucky bastard, he got out before the world collapsed.

my girlfriend left me and now things are broken with us, my country is a mess, and we are too deeply kiked to fix this world, i feel like im done with it. i live on the third floor so i could technically hang myself. i havent bothered looking at how to make nooses yet but did actually loook at climbing ropes/how much weight they hold. if my country goes into full lockdown like italy, then that means the kikes are suppressing us.

he tried to warn us

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Yes. Rather, find out what drives you toward death, and kill it instead.

Yes, you may be a jungle monkey but your jungle monkey life ia a gift from God and it probably has some sort of intrinsic philosophical value

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i would have necked long ago were it not for the hope of a NEET dominated future

thou shall not kill. did you forget the basics?

>Is suicide a cowardly act? It is a sin?
No. Your life belongs to you to do with it what you like. You can throw it away if it is not to your liking. Or you can try to do something better with it.

The number of a man. Look it up.

People love you bro, and you're giving them way too much credit and power. They really are powerless.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

The Apostle Paul, Romans 8:38-39

>It is a sin?
Yes, you will end here:

Yes, 6, the number of man's hubris. Having suicided and lived to tell the tale, I'm well aware of what happens. If you do it in a definite way that destroys the body, there is no going back. If you overdose or do something that a timeline jump can correct, then you can return to your body. If you suicide you enter a black void of nothingness and you become that nothingness forever. It is the lack of existence.

It's cowardly

Suicide is a selfish act and a sin that you can't repent for. A close friend of mine from college killed himself. Think about how it will affect your friends and family. It took me 10 years to recover. That shit fucked me up man. I still have trouble making close bonds with people because of that.