Apocalypse Slovenia: cik-cak edition

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dans že 2 threada nafilali slovenci. tak je treba fantje. le naprej

Naprej debata o babah!

mislim da to ni dober znak

pizda gadno je ker se nam je news cycle zaklucu, dons ne bo vec nobenih happeningov

thread song

Očitno prevzemamo kontrolo.

Serješ, odličen.

Tviteraška Cuzana Perman bo ziher kaj lepega objavila.

Edino o Cuzani.

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jaz še v prejšnji nadaljujem dokler nebo arhivirana. sam bom hmal končat mogu ko me captcha precej jebe že

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promise you're still gonna come to Croatia this summer

only if u come and save our skiing season, you're not afraid of a little virus, are you user?

im not going to your expensive coast for a while already. ur too cocky croatbros. u bump up all the prices u are more expensive than some way more luxurious destinations. while croatia quite frankly isnt that luxurious.

also i hate how you started implementig the "tip". like just coz u have kuna if i pay more i didnt leave that to u. u just take it and dont give it back. then u have to be like jew and say that they give u back the money. fuck that

Hell yeah, I own a house down there, bro.

any other NEETs?

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Ne razumem te. Če maš ves ta znanje glede narave, zakaj ne furaš mehki harem? Sprjazni se, da ne boš imel "narmalnega razmerja". Izkoristi pa spizdi lol.

>Typical Cuckratian beach party

Na hrvaško se gre, na samotne plaže.

Če bi želel tega bi se šel drogirat na Ibizo.

>Na hrvaško se gre, na samotne plaže.
Dokler ne na bašeš na swinger party na teh samotnih plažah. Včasih je bilo super, zdaj pa raje grem v hosto.

ti to meni govoriš ? kar se tiče znanja in zakaj harema nimam. zato ker ženske gledajo samo tisti top 5% tipov dandanes. na žalost nisem med njimi. pa normalnega razmerja tudi ti neboš meu veš po vsej verjetnosti

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tole limam k sm prej obljubu


U lajfu ga še nisem. Mogoče se pa tudi meni in moji nedolžnosti nasmehne sreča.

Človek, parjenje ni statistika, je psihološka vojna.

eh jebeš. sem tak že nehau sploh se gnati in zanimati za ženskami pa kar se tega tiče.

No way you actually ask people to give back your tip hahaha

kek, evo ti (you)

i did twice. because you are big jews croatians. i gave the server like 40 kuna too much and he took it. lmao im not giving u that much faglets

Sosed, da nisi slučajno peder?

also it wasnt tip. i dont give tips. you croat fags are paid for serving u dont live from tips. i just didnt have exact change so i gave him more obviously.


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ta stran nej bi vlekla podatke od WHO, zakaj koji kurac so nase stevilke tko zastarane?

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>anybody caring about what happens to us


Ker jih kurir Noriškega Kraljestva vozi z avtom v Švico.

Ok, I get asking for your 40 kunas back. But, if the bill is like 36 kunas, don't be a Jew. Give 40 kunas, say "u redu je", and wink at the cute waiter

KONČNO nekaj uporabnega v celmu sukancu.

top mi je da smo slovenci kloniral to stran, in ji nardil tko grd UI da zgleda kot neko early 2000s sranje, kot vecina vseh nasih aplikacij

Cute waiter

Pick one lol. All are Albanian or gypsies

I care user

>cute waiter
thats the fucking problem, its a womans job, but you seem to have forgotten that
you guys have way too many brown boys doing the serving!


because you guys didn't click the first link

it was always for the whole dinner bill. im not jew for 4 kunas i would never ask for that back since i would be too ashamed. but if u were honest you would give even that back without asking. also im almost always waited by men lol.

this is what im talking about you people started taking extra money for tips ffs. if i ever go to croatia im always bringing shitton of change. its not like its not already expensive enough for lacluster shit u get


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you don't have to click it bro

Ethnic Croatian waiter talking
>it's a woman job
No it's not, that job requires you to know how to work under pressure. Rarely do I ever see a woman who can take on the stress of being a waiter on a daily basis for a couple of months.

Honestly, I don't know why people come to Croatia
Yea it's nice, but only some very specific parts of the country.

ravne na koroškem so uradno najbolj zabačen kraj. Tam korona še ni bila opažena.

mater mi grejo na kurac taki ljudje
>nobenga ne zanima kaj se z nami dogaja
>to je možno samo v sloveniji
>mi smo majhni in glupi

spokej nekam s tem defitizmom
slovenia stronk


spizidi s temi čefurji kao nek gangsta pa ghetto life. jebeš rap.

če nardijo jedrske konice pol bi lahko res bli stronk

Točn tko!

A ne veš da eno že mamo?

žal je večina ljudi takih
ampak kaj morš ko se mamo za preveč pametne za take "primitivne" koncepte kot je patriotizem itd

Nagradno vprašanje;

kje slovenija hrani svoje jedrsko orožje?

Pozor; bogokletne misli.

Nobenega ne morem resno jemati, ki neironično posluša tole.

V Metliki

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mi se preveč delimo. jst sm z leve strani pa mislim da mormo migrante ven držat, pa obdržat naša podjetja in banke pa podpirat rodnost pa za revne skrbet
mam pa tudi prjatla ki je 100% za janšo pa je najboljši Človk daleč naokol

ne vem no. Če se ne bi med sabo jebali bi se dosti dalo naredit

aja btw tale korona je pičkin dim, čez par mesecev se ne bomo niti več spomnili nanjo


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