Are you ready to eat your dog/cat when production stops and hunger inevitable escalates?

Are you ready to eat your dog/cat when production stops and hunger inevitable escalates?

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No because kitty is best friend

If I was going to give 1500-2000 calories of food to another organism it would be a white wife or child.
We don't raise furbabies in this household.

Don't be stupid, user. Like said my kitty is an asset.

eating animals that aren't food animals is how this whole thing got started, retard

thats a terrible idea, cant believe chinks are considered intelligent when they arent even capable of handling animal husbandry beyond eating imported domesticated carnivores designed by smarter people for an entirely different purpose

>Doesn't eat kitty

No IDIOT dogs can be trained to hunt. Cats kill rodents and keep your food stores safe. If people are dying on the streets then there are going to be a lot of rodents around.

That's why you cook your food and don't eat it if it has red meat in it.

>not using your dog to aid you in hunting
Stupid pastanigger.

It’d have to be a pretty dire situation for me to actually eat a pet. By the time it got that bad they’d probably be pretty lean from starvation already. You’d probably have to make a stew out of them.

>implying Moors don't already eat horses, frogs, dogs...

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That's only true if you cat isn't a lazy fuck who is only good for sitting on your keyboard and knocking shit over.

>doesnt have a few german shepherds around the house to alert his made up family about danger

never gonna make it

Eat the bugs.

That's your problem for having a shit-tier cat, then.

Stfu Italian. You’re country should have hasn’t better protocols put in place

an average adult human has far more usable meat on him and doggo can help me with the hunt

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I'd sooner let my dog eat me.
Bros 'til the end.

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This morning there were 40 deer in between my house and my forest.
Why would I need to eat my old, lumpy piece of shit dog when I can just fire randomly into my backyard and gain meat?

Wasn't there a cat map of Europe during the black plague where they overlaid areas with the most cats and it showed holes in where the disease was spreading? Cats are useful as fuck.

you will not eat the dogs or cats

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>Are you ready
yep. as soon as the cat food runs out(i got a months worth). shame too, cute short haired Persian

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cat is friend not food

Why there's plenty of humans outside instead

No, nigger. I'm prepared to kill people to feed to my dogs.

my city has always had a strange abundance of rabbits running around

It's the only logical choice, really. People are potential threats and the dogs are companions who can help you get MORE food.

>state fails
>public sanitation ceases to exist
>rubbish piles up in the streets, attracting vermin
>crime rises to unprecedented levels

What do?
A) Eat dog that alerts you to intruders
B) Eat cat that keeps vermin population down
C) Eat neighbours who are now vermin and intruding on your property to raid your vegetable garden

I'd honestly kill, butcher and eat a human first.

Don't eat rabbits, user. You'll get rabbit starvation. You need a source of fat in addition to the bunnies.

"people" are food

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I'd rather die than eat my kitty

my dog died a month ago so no

I'm sorry for your loss, user.

hell yeah cat dog rat chinese people but no wypipo because most wypipo dont clean their ass and yes jews and mexicans are wypipo

No i got enough food and I live near a number of farms

This. If it was bad enough that there was no other food source like that, or I inexplicably lost my ability to walk in my yard and hunt/trap, I would not bother killin my boy for a few days of food

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You precious kitty will happily eat you when you die though.

why did not you put it into the fridge

Other way around, I sac self for dog and cat.

literally most of my dreams, for the past 7 to 10 fucking years, have taken place in detailed apocalyptic wastelands, where everyone i know and love is always dead or gone, and at best theres a cute girl with me, and i dont really mind all of it because of her. often we are running from decrepit zombies with rotting flesh, and im fighting them off. but i have a gf and theres no jews, niggers or beaners anymore, or any other men to steal her from me, so its all cool

anyone else know this feel?

And this is a problem why? If I'm dead I don't need my body anymore, idiot. Don't waste food.


they eat people eyes when they die in the house and are found days/weeks later

>grounds squirrels
>song birds
My dog's gonna make it, user. Don't worry about us.

I see that your dogs a man of culture as well

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Yes! My friend was ridiculing me earlier for detailing my concept of an "apocalypse gf". It's so much more kino and romantic than a normal relationship

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I work in a food producing facility. We by law cant stop. The national guard will literally send us men to train to keep ready to eat food on the shelves. I hope we get that far. All I do is SQF paperwork and I think it would be exciting to be on the verge of disaster with military boys taking orders from us. Scale that sugar and butter right next time, jar head!

Who the fuck eats their cat? How bad at managing your resources do you need to be where eating your guard and control animals becomes a good idea?

The dog is useful to detect intruders, the cat is useful for removing vermin.

Seriously, grow some potatoes. Go take some that have eyes, cut them into thirds and jam them in the ground. Wait two months and your potatoes have grown. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I used to have apocalypse dreams, but I was running through the downtown of my city trying to get out past road blocks. Sewers, back alleys, parking garages, while trying not to be seen or caught.

ive had possibly a hundred or so dreams like this

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Fucking china leave italy already haven't you done enough?

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i already had a very vivid dream 2 weeks ago, a bit after corona shit got popular on Yas Forums, where i was scavenging for food for my family in a quarantine, and i didnt even hesitate to pick up a cat to bring it back to cook and eat it, along with some raw meat that was just laying around rotting

my own cats? probably not. neighbors cats? fuck it im getting rabies

Lmao my retard dog aint hunting shit... He'll be too busy chasing his tail and barking at leaves floating by. Fucking idiot, he is.

Love him though, funny lil dude.... Might eat him if shit hits fan though... Won't be my proudest meal.

I'll just eat a wop in marinara when the frozen pizza runs out.

Us Amerifats have been storing food in our fat cells for years. Now our time to shine

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user... He's too fucking skinny anyways...

Don't eat the neighbor cats either, user. The cat colony will keep the rats away.


I might Columbus it to Murica to eat me some fat fuck yanks... Yum.

It coincides nicely with my cut. Thanks China.

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>gets shot

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>gets shot
>gets ate
>then gets shat

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ill eat them too

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I could honestly kill, butcher, cook and eat a human before my dogoo.

I have MREs

>eating pure lard formed from basedfeed

protip, you want to scrape the marrow out of the bones most of all

assuming humans dont have deadly prions i think.... or something else wrong with it

idk im not an expert of cannibalism but i know you shouldnt eat the brain, and maybe liver and kidneys

The neighbors? Good thinking. They're probably soft like veal.

Oh shit, yeah. Don't eat brains, kids. That's how you get kuru.

the liver will have extremely high levels of vitamin a i think too, real vitamin A, which can be overdosed on. not carotene. at least most omnivores and carnivores do from what i understand

so it could be useful but also dangerous. but there may be other issues with eating human liver, i vaguely remember hearing of that or kidneys

Are the subhuman races far enough removed from people to where you won't go insane if you eat them? There are tons of Mexicans on the other side of the highway. I figure if we eat them first, then if the whole thing blows over not only could we rest easy, but our lives will be better than before!

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Dogs and cats really don't eat that much. They can live on less than 150 calories a day. A 130lb dog might not be happy at 150 calories a day, but their life won't be in danger for as long as they have water. Over the course of a couple of years, their health with deteriorate.

This is equivalent to a human eating about 500 calories a day. Your body will hate you. You'll feel lethargic and have constant headaches, but you won't die. Just feel like shit.

Point being, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to feed your dog since they will be one of your most valuable tools in a post-collapse world. You'd be retarded to eat them. Cats are disposable, though.

Never, rather starve to death, plus we bought a bunch of cat food what am I going to do with all the cat food? Eat it, dumb fucking boot nigger, island gang.

Also my kot eats rats which would spread disease.

Stay away from all organs besides the heart, tongue, and testicles.

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My dog will keep me fed without ending up in the pot herself. She's a whippet/Saluki/greyhound mongrel rescue with a strong prey drive and is so fast that she outpaces most other lurcher type hunting dogs. I struggle to stop her killing things on a normal walk in the park. There's squirrel, rabbit and deer to be had round here and she can take any of them no problem.

I have one German shepherd
She would definitely alert us of an intruder but if she would attack them instead of just trying to get them to pat her is a completely different story tho