Have any of you gotten the virus? What's it like?

Have any of you gotten the virus? What's it like?

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tastes like lemon and sawdust. An acquired taste.

I remember you mom now.

That girl hit the wall hard.

itchy throat, coughing, a fever for a day, then ejecting yellow/brown phlegm for a few days, then a persistent dry throat/cough for a week or 2 now

I'll let you know in 12 days when the symptoms show up.

Itchy throat
Dry eyes
Weird feeling in testicles
Brain fog

who is it?

Complete apathy for four days, followed by fever that has been rising for three days and penile pains. Not very pleasant, but not really that bad.

Some roastie that was part of Identity Europa and then left once that landwhale got a heart attack in Charlottesville. She got an article written how she "left the alt-right" and jewish propaganda.

You’re just depressed and masturbating too much.

yeah i know, but who is she then, and how do you know she hit the wall hard?

salty bags and sand

The article they made had a picture of her being interviewed at that given instance and she looked busted up hard, she hit the wall.

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oh damn yeah

I think its brittany venti. Dudes probably just a butthurt fag I think she's doing fine. Still a 10/10

Salty milk and coins

I got it around the beginning of the year, just sore throat, coughing and sneezing, stuffed, the usual flu type shit.

I had what felt like a cold for a week, but then suddenly got a fever, felt run down etc. Didn't get too bad of a cough though. The weird thing, like others have mentioned is the testicle pain. I got REALLY bad bollocks pain and it's making me paranoid as fuck. I wanted to chop the damn things off, but it seems to have settled down now.

Also this with the brown phlegm

Been sick for two weeks. Fever, chills. Weakness but overall not too bad. Wasnt tested for corona, diagnosis was "unknown virus"

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sounds and tastes like bat soup

That’s not venti. Venti has hammerhead eyes

>Weird feeling in testicles
I didnt get this but i masturbate at least twice a day

She was actually cute when she was in IE.

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>sleeping 16 hours a day
>cooming 5 times a day
>no human contact
These are my symptoms

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I got the virus. i keep farting. i save my farts in mason jars

Balls are on fire. And the headache is from hell too. Gonna kill myself.

I have had a cough for about two weeks, just occasional and dry. No other symptoms, although heavy headed in morning and slightly blocked nose occasionally (just a bit different to the norm to be noticeable) - wondering if it's one of those cases of "almost won't notice"

they dress like mormons


the wall is real

so how do you know for sure that you had coronavirus then?

At least no Corona-chan risk huh user!

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had the fever for 2 days then got better. it's literally just a cold

I had it for two weeks and it sucked. Started with a runny nose, then coughing then fever then stuffy then fever again then runny nose then fever. It was different shit every day. I preempted with multivitamins and vitamin c tablets. When it was starting I made a huge pot of homemade chicken soup and ate that shit all the way through the first couple days and pounded water. I slept as much as possible.

I don't, but new guidelines from gov yesterday do mention a continuous dry cough, whether that refers to continuous through the day or just present over a number of days I dunno. Just gonna wait and see, I'm working from home anyway as company told us to do so under the slightest possibility and got my prep in for that weeks ago

Still not, but here the situation is very tragic, I won't surprised if I will result positive one of these days

I still don't understand how one lady having a heart attack just a second before contact with a car bumper means that the event and the whole movement were somehow evil.

Do you undergo testing on regular basis?

That’s interesting why would you have pain in your junk

The lying press is very effective at spinning a narrative.

Parents came down with a crippling flu the day cases were announced 60km from us. Symptoms showed up and overtook them in a matter of hours. (m is 59 d is 62) 22m Brother caught it to tho, got taken down just as quick. Doctors wouldn't test them for it, said it was pointless or they didnt match symptoms or some other changing story. All are fine now. All would also put their checking accounts on it that they had chink-flu. All 3 said it was nothing like theyve ever been sick with in their lives. But they kicked it in a week, back to normal now.

Exactly this although I don't remember my phlegm being so dark. it was all over within a week.

Kek. Open them next flu season for extra immunity, based prepper.

No, I will when I'll see influence symptoms, Italy don't have time and tampons enough for test regularly everyone

>I wanted to chop the damn things off

You should have regardless of WuFlu.

Get a semen analysis at a fertility clinic as soon as you can.
Same suggestion goes for everyone else with corona virus who is experiencing any pain or weird feelings in and/or around genitalia. For women with corona virus and experiencing genital discomfort, get your eggs checked as soon as you can. Have the doc determine if you’ve suddenly lost more than usual or if the quality of your eggs have significantly declined.

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And do what with that information?

No, because I'm not an immunelet


hahaha, that feel when coronavirus is secretly manmade population control that kills a human's ability to reproduce.


it's like getting the regular flu

Mine was dark green

I'm guessing it's because it apparently attacks the filters in your liver. The same filters that push dirty shit into your urine and clean blood back into your body. Guessing some of it goes down to your bladder and then downwards.

I want to die/10

Strange demographics targeting then. Aren't there sperm banks with enough semen to impregnate the whole planet a dozen times?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but population control virus should always target women.


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it's targeting men and womeen.

Yeah think i had it. Just felt slightly tired for a couple of days and had itchy eyes.

It's just the sniffles, bro.

i envy you
i have to work all day and have contact with hundreds of people

I was actually legitimately diagnosed with COVID-19

I was feeling really weak at work and had to leave early. Went to the doctor and had blood drawn. Few days later I got the news that I had it and they shut down my entire office.


Do you feel any more of a faggot since you got the virus?

Looks like I'm hitting up voyforums

Roasties and birth control would like some words with you

Yeah but the jizz probably all came from the jewish doctors that run them so

If shit is abnormal, spread the info as much as possible. If this is fucking with human fertility than ppl need to know.

trannies are safe, thank god

Yep, officially diagnosed and everything. Had a cough for a day or two.

I'm a touring artist and i'm pretty sure i got that shit while on tour, meaning i've probably spread it to a dozens of cities unknowingly. When i left for tour there were supposedly no cases in the US... Well, I probably caught it in omaha and spread it god knows where. I wanted to quit tour but my people all told me i was being overly dramatic.


white women age like milk

Idk if I had corona but the beginning of this month I was sick. My ears hurt really bad and I had a sore throat and stuffed nose for a few day’s. I also had a fever for 3. I feel fine now at least, it was probably just an ear infection or something. I get them a lot.

My dick fell off

I got tested last night and won't get my results back for a few days, but assuming I'm positive it's basically a very mild flu.

not but I have joint pains everywhere and my throat is dry

I had chills and felt very weak too, I forgot to add that.

>reddit spacing

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Come on, man. We have an infected, and your busting the guys balls on spacing?!

I haven't been sick in a decade. I hope that doesn't mean I'm going to be fucked when I finally do catch a virus.

What do you paint?

Both wife and father in law have it, not memeing.
Wife got over it in 4 days, father in law still has the cough. In both cases the fever never lasted beyond 2 days. Wife is at 90% father in law I have no clue because he doesn't care enough

I also had testicle pain and flu symptoms [fever and coof]. Is corona sucking us dry?

More like frat bros. Which isn't a bad thing desu

I had it and in my case it was literally
>just the flu bro

Those who got it probably died or are dying, and certainly not posting on Yas Forums

That's because testicles have a high number of ACE2 receptors, just like the lungs do. The chinese study was right, it does attack the testicles.


I had a high grade fever for two days (104), prior to that a really dry cough. Took Tamiflu and Tylenol, gone after 48 hours. Was it flu or Coronavirus? Happened around second week of February.