>he didn’t buy the dip

It’s not too late, next week I’m predicting a 15% increase

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it's gonna crash again monday. sell now

>what is bull trap

Trump forced it back up like last week. Not gonna last

I went long but I expect this to be a dead cat bounce.

We are back to the Obama economy.

I bought right before they pumped it

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Cope harder faggots

I think I'm gonna try shorting for the first time ever on Monday. 99.9% it plummets because of all the bad news for today, Saturday, and Sunday.

>the world is literally falling the fuck apart
>nations around the globe have come to a halt
>oil bumble popped
>global gdp down 90%
Yeah great time to buy dump cunt. You don’t fucking buy insurance when your house is on fire. Wait till the storm has passed. It’s literally just began, we have a long way to go. CDC predicts 18 months at the earliest. Remember how the market went up for 4 years? Yeah no it’s going to go down for about 2-3

Trump is releasing a paper with more actions and will be making further announcements on Sunday night to spike futures.
15% up day on Monday.

>buying the dip

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>bear market lasts less than a day
God damn how stupid are you? Do you even know what your talking about? Of course not JANNIES DO YOU FUCKING JOB!!!


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>one man controls every single nation on earth
Kys. The economy is fucking GLOBAL. Trump can’t do shit

/thread kek


>Trump triggering the shills

honestly this.

it IS just the flu
trump is pumping money into the economy
going to be lots of relief for workerfags

trumps' reelection hinges on the economy, he isn't gonna let this bitch fall. no matter how much chinks and msm seethe, shit is going up. i bought the dip.

It will increase until the corona numbers pump in another country or yours and quarantines start.

This press conference is giving temporary confidence.

>Low volume spike on close

It will be another 2 weeks before Ameriburgers start dropping like flies

>-20%+ sell off
>Bull Trap

Are you stupid ? The market is going to crash and burn

My fund manager has been busy picking plums from gutless sellers' pockets. They did it last time, too.

Ok fine, invest you entire life savings please. I want to watch you blow your brains out on livestream. You are so fucking dumb it’s actually making me mad. It’s like saying you won 30seconds into the match. ITS JUST FUCKING STARTING


>oil demand is a flu
WOW please tell us more


Also this

>time frame: one day

Now do 1 month

INVEST IN ROCHE PHARM ON MONDAY... i received communication through the grape vine last night from who is high level at Roche. I should have invested last night, but I thought it was all smoke and im fucking hitting myself now after hearing trump mention them by name in his declaration speech... so I will fill you in on what happens next (based off what I was told). Trump believes he has the virus..He has requested for a personal test from Roche and is going to take the test on live TV next week, nationwide, during a COVID address. He is going to do this to calm citizen fear and show how easy the testing is and to showcase transparency. This is not the last you will hear Trump mention their name, and not the last they will be majorly coordinating in this whole outbreak

OP btfo

>implying i have any money

You're not going to see any type of massive improvements until the whole coronavirus situation is taken care of.
The following weeks/months will be up and down, with no real net gains.
Expect the markets to surge after that, though.

Oh dear, I was trapped into single day 10% gains. Stuck in a room with no escape and ten extra cents on every dollar I own.

I wouldn't get too excited. It needed to fill yesterday's gap down from when the market opened.

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I bought DGX during trumps presser.

Already down huge sums. AMA


>gains $12
>loses $4000
>but muh gaiiiiiinnnnns
Literal gambling addict

>how to out yourself as a shill 101

>look mom, I'm investing!

Invest your life savings please. Please trust losers on the internet.

did you stock up on HIV meds?

>making me mad.
Making me mad also. I didn't get all the wonder stocks on sale I wanted to buy.

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It's crashing again, this is just a pump and dump for the straggler WHALES who thought it was a "nothingburger". This is the end of fiat currency.

You again! Every fucking time.

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PLEASE invest everything you have. You will get extremely rich. Please buy on the “dip” it’s 100% safe

It doesn't matter if you buy today and the market goes down another 10%. We're almost at 0% interest rates. Once this shit blows over, every publicly traded company is going to borrow free money and buy their own stock back. Dow will be back up to 29k in a month.

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Yea but what % did the charge for the exchange?

>not a pump and dump so people who weren't out, will be


Not if your a day trader

Nobody will have sex with me. Even gay men.

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What bad news? Everything I heard is great .. fuck u lefties


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>all these short term retards
Don't mind me, slowly building up on the cheaper stocks and expecting to hold for at least 12-18 months.

>running out of gas
I work in the oil business you stupid fuck. We all just got laid off because of a global surplus. Stop fucking shilling

Ya, but the gaming season will be epic

I have been buy a little at a time, picking good stocks. I started at 15% pullback and again at 20%. I can only hope there are a few more down days so I can buy more stocks on sale. You are the same faggot, saying the same thing from two years ago during the 2018 pullback. Die poor commie.

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boomers in all our shitholes are still going to die

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Short term so I have money to invest in the long term

>not having thousands of dollars lying around to invest
? Doing short term right now is a horrible idea. Vaccines are predicted in literally 12-18 months minimum.