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wtf, i hate capitalism now!

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is this bernie's alt account?

If the plan Trump just announced works... then Capitalism reigns supreme. Commies blown the fuck out.

zoomers who have never read a history book. communism has killed so many people

I was shitting my innards out during his speech, whats his plan user?

This guy would get sent to a camp and be shocked it happened.

China literally violating every human right these same fags think they have.

globalization in general with diseases will fuck us into eternity with any form of government

I for one always believe what a socialist government tells me about the welfare of it's people. They have a perfect track record of never lying or omitting anything.

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Online screening guided by Google algorithms, if you qualify for testing then Google maps sends you to drive through testing at Walmart's, CVS, and Walgreens. Test results and hospital if needed after that.

China does not provide care for all. WTF is that retard smoking? China has a medical system very much like India's. You have to pay before treatment, provide your own meals and nursing. You also have to pay for quarantine and your food while quarantined. Ignorance--the levels are off the charts.
What IS the plan--besides opening stupid testing centers? Why aren't they telling people the tests are useless? Too many false negatives. They are trying to calm people and make it seem like the testing is useful...test negative--go home and keep spreading it until you start getting symptoms and then test positive. Maybe.

Pumping the stock market--good I guess. Imagine going to the Walmart parking lot to get your drive-through test--and you test positive--military dudes step in front of your car wearing PPE--ask you to step out--lead you into Walmart Quarantine Center.

Attached: Wuflu India man tests negative dies from it the next day.png (1041x2344, 477.16K)

>puerto rican subhuman wanting socialism so the usa can give him all the gibs he wants


If only we could get away not reporting real numbers too

>zoomers who have never read a history book. communism has killed so many people
capitalism killed way more people than communism. he fucking slave trade was a product of capitalism and 20 millino africans were killed

go fuck off shit head.

capitalism is fucking cancer that needs to die

>strength of socialism

You mean how china arrested and cracked down on anyone talking about the virus back in december? Socialism caused this.

>while Vietnam, Cuba. ... still strong
>Soviet Space Dog

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send this faggot to the gulags.

Are we counting tiny little countries now?

socialism needs a global pandemic to be useful
meme arrow


Username checks out

Fucking commie would say X is the reason capitalism is bad.

>china is applying care
lol china hasn't reported any new cases because it's unmitigated and probably in the range of 500k+ by now

China imprisoned its citizens by welding their doors shut.

>welding people in their apartments is proof socialism is grrrreat!
Surely they're just pretending to be this stupid.


Ive been to Vietnam twice, the country is as free and capitalist as the US, even more so, and certainly much much more than China. The only difference is no one can own property indefinitely, you can only lease for 70 years.

Then go live in a communist country then, faggot.

Gunna need a source on any of that...

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>he fucking slave trade was a product of capitalism
slavery is not capitalism, the entire system works by labor being a commodity that can move around freely

>Surely they're just pretending to be this stupid
You'd think so, but no

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I guess if you want it to be normal for our government to roll out the military to quarantine entire cities every time someone sneezes we could do that, but you don’t need to get rid of capitalism for that. We could also bring back a subclass of domestic slaves working the factories we outsourced to the communists. And we can also have hospitals collapse on our heads. #MACAbaby

lol communists

communism will win

Nah the africans were shit and needed to die

This man speaks the truth. The law re: land is different though — VN citizens can have a 'freehold' lease on land indefinitely while foreigners can have a 50-year lease on property (with restrictions) that can be renewed.

BTW the country has been doing a damn good job so far with containing stuff. And I'm neither Vietnamese nor do I work for the govt

>China are still strong and providing care for all

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>wtf, i hate capitalism now!

>DJIA up +1985

u mad stay mad

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not if we shoot you fuckers in the back of the head

Communism is only good at killing communists.

Imagine giving out a virus for free the giving both treatment and a cure out for free as well.
Then you commie fags wonder why youre always poor

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FACT: OP never liked Capitalism.

Top Kek
Of courses without human rights messing with you all the time you can be prompt in your reactions...
Do you think we could see dozens of people in hazmat suits spraying the streets in Paris while there are still people shopping/eating ?
No, only in China.
Don't get me wrong, they are hanging this shit way better than us, the same way they handle the Muslim problem way better than us

wow interesting

Shits going to hell here. Never use our socialism.

Which is 100% fucking stupid. People are going to "share the right answers" to qualify for a test. I need to be in charge of this shit because--these idiots are too stupid to fucking live.

Imagine all the niggers crowding around a computer memorizing the right answers so they too can get tested. False negative tests are literally going to fucking kill this country.

Can I has your women if you aren't using them?

Slavery is bad. Gulags are fine.
I know this is bait, but there are commies who inironically believe this.

If we’re all slaves then no one is, porky.

>he fucking slave trade was a product of capitalism and 20 millino africans were killed

Based capitalism, capitalism needs to go back to its roots of killing africans.

>delusional retard post on twitter
>twitter posting
Kill yourself.

>20 million african living condtions improved

Kung Flu is not pneumonia. Fear porn much?

It's showing just how much leftists need to shut the fuck up with their incessant whining about every conceivable thing.

Or, everyone zerg rushes the Hospitals and spreads the virus at a higher rate. This idea is a great idea.

Are you really that retarded?

(apparently so)
Two year old's lungs--went from normal to completely fibrotic in 2 hours. When lungs are fibrotic they cannot expand or expel. Lungs get fibrotic they fill with fluid that gets infected then you die. Bacterial pneumonia bro. All you do each time you post is make a fool of yourself.

That's how they were hiding so many cases in the US..calling it pneumonia from "regular flu".

So--why are people pretending kids don't get this? Iran had a shit ton of videos and pics and exposes--until they arrested everyone for doing it.

Attached: wuflu chest xray change 2 year old boy iran.jpg (600x605, 50.11K)

Capitalism is for evil people

Communism is dead and capitalism is still alive

nigger computers studying for a test
none of that makes any sense

let's hear your idea that is infinitely better?

>Slave Trade a product of Capitalism.

Boy, I sure do hope that all those Bastard-Feudal monarchies setting up government backed colonial ventures appreciated how they were practicing a system of free markets and self-ownership.

based and breadpilled

You can still get decent child snuff porn under communism.

You guys are missing what's smart about this. I'll give you another chance!

>20 millino africans were killed
lol, no, we brought over 5 million and their population has only increased. You're thinking of the arabs, who did in fact kill 20 million of them.

Wow they are just blatantly defending a shithole like China now. Not even saying "not real communism" anymore just going balls deep.

January 2 shut it all down. Shipping, air--everything. Lock down the borders. Then institute the end of mass movement. NO domestic air travel, no mass gathering, no church no nothing- do what the ONLY city in the US did that had NO deaths during the 1918 flu. Severe social distancing with punishment for quarantine violations or trying to flee the lockdown. Organize a ration card and use the Military to run warehouses and deliver food.

China did everything wrong. EVERYTHING> They blocked the roads to stop wuhanians from fleeing (which they did by 5 million the day before the quarantine) but forgot about how food gets to the cities. Farmers cry while their food rots and their animals die and the city folk starve to death.

See last messages youtube channel PART 9. That was the one compilation that did me in and probably one of the reasons we don't get many more leaks from Chinks. Instead of using the military to safely move food to the city--they focused more on arresting people for sneaking out at night to buy food and cremating people alive.

Did you know that the infected were not permitted to buy food and sellers faced arrest if they sold to them?

I think I could do infinately better. Use mobile cscans to test for the virus. Anyone showing fibrosis in their lungs would be moved to a center and their family marked to monitor. The stupid ass tests they are offering are nothing more than a comfort measure and if you've been on this since December, you'd know that.

This is bullshit, I am a chink myself, and I know that the Chinese economy is collapsing. The government forces everyone to work, despite the pandemic hasn't been put down yet. The second wave is coming, the city of Chongqing is now showing the sign of another big breakout.

effin retard

20 million people starved under USSR land reforms you dumb fuck but keep dreaming you'll be a inner party member when Stalin already proved you Starbucks dreamers have no chance and are literally going to a gulag

>@Alireza11645220, no avitar

its nothing bros

Oh, yeah. It's totally because of socialism and not because these countries are run by authoritarian dictatorships or anything!