The happening is over, guys. Trumps stimulation has spurred the economy. Everything is going to be fine...

The happening is over, guys. Trumps stimulation has spurred the economy. Everything is going to be fine. This is one of the biggest gains of all time.

Attached: happeningover.jpg (623x408, 29.99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ah my sweet summer child, the markets will tumble for months

Lagarde needs to learn with Trump how to calm the markets down

And yet NBC reports the exact opposite right as its rising.
We have to fix the fucking media.

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These traders need to take their meds. Make up your mind faggots!

>We have to fix the fucking media.
They are fucking terrorists at this point. If you were on twitter these people are literally trying to undermine Trump in real time as he says shit.

HOLY FUCK, saved. Great image right there.

Imagine selling the bottom.

zoom out

>its anons first bear market
let the dead cat bounce
this will continue for quite some time

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Alright, resume niggerball season.

Based, be sure to BUY BUY BUY right now Goys!

I mean guys,


I can’t even wrap my head around it. The world is ending. I’m alive to see the world end right before me.
I’ve wasted two entire decades of my pathetic existence doing nothing. That’s what makes this painful. I’m going to die unfulfilled. I’ve never in my life felt such genuine pain and hopelessness. I’m past denial, and I’m too exhausted to go through anger and bargaining. Depression is all that’s left and I think I’ll be a writhing dead mess before I even consider acceptance.

>mommy mommy I don’t know shit about stocks but look at the new phrase I learned!!!

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dow literally soared 800 pts as trump spoke today. to say it tumbled "as he spoke" is a blatant lie.

lmfao I think they changed the title already
>Before: DOW tumbles
>Now: Dow tumbles, soars, closes with a gain of 1,900 points after Trump declares national emergency


Don't fall for that...

and 800 pts in the last half hour of trading, which was "as he spoke" -- the first line in the article is still a fucking treasonous lie. I want these fucks exterminated.

>Wait until the end of the day
>Have a press conference 30 minutes before close
>Dump 500 billion in during conference to make it seem like the conference is the cause
>Stocks go up and people act like lemmings and buy because they see green
>Market closes before it has a chance to dump which is why it was so close to the end of the day
>Look guys we did it

Its so obvious it hurts.

>economic collapse
>race war
>mass reset to gold standard
>innawoods boogaloo SKS stalker LARP

Fucking walmart ruined everything again

Attached: depression.jpg (663x579, 37.58K)

>a fucking treasonous lie
This is the problem with the American media complex now. They are not engaged in journalism, they are engaged in treason, what the media is doing in America at this time is worse than any treasonous act in the history of human betrayal.

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Hanging myself sounds like too much of a hassle desu. I’ve thought about drowning myself, that’s sounds the least painful. Or taking pills.

>Artificially stimulates the economy with loans
>Then declares a national emergency right after that

You have no idea how fucking far this line will fall.

The market doesn't control the virus.


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One of the things the WhiteHouse can do, is help spread Work From Home Best Practices lists for all kinds of businesses.

No, you’ll still get that. I mean, you’re going to be enveloped in nothing but pain and sick. We all are.

The virus doesn't control the market.
Nigger, your germs better be afraid of me.

>I’ve thought about drowning myself, that’s sounds the least painful

Attached: 1583346794106.gif (590x333, 123.88K)

well go ahead and put all your savings into the market right now
the DOW is still 50% in the plus since 2016 despite it losing 25% over the last week
what are you afraid of?
put your money where your mouth is
itt: people who have no idea whats yet to come

Jesus Christ, you're such a fucking homo.

Stop typing and kill yourself already.

The only way they can sleep at night is probably compartmentalize their culpability.

If you're a news anchor, you probably say to yourself: "well I don't make up the news, i just report it"
And if you're the deep state you say "well i don't report the news, i just make it up"
Its a codependent relationship

I can't believe people can look at how volatile the market has been in the last year and even more so now and not realize what's happening. This shit will crash hard again come Monday.

>least painful
no and no.
you are an amerimutt just shoot yourself

This weekend will be where they make the plans for next weeks announcement.

They will likely announce nation wide school closure.

The following week they will order any service sector people to stay home. Restaurants, movie theatre and shops will be closed while grocery stores and pharmacies will be the only ones allowed to stay open.

They will likely announce a 3 month moratorium on evictions, foreclosures and utilities shut off. They’ll cut a $600 check for every household to go to landlords and banks to cover the temporary lapse. They’ll tell people you don’t need to make your payments for the next month as you’ll all be in quarantine.

Announce a universal basic income similar to an income tax return or an unemployment check.

They’ll sanitize the streets and deal with the cases for 2-4 weeks. Hopefully the cases will begin to go down like in China and Korea. If this can happen then possibly by may or June things will return back to normalcy.

This will likely result in an absolutely massive rally in the stock market if this can be contained globally.

I’d like to be optimistic, but it is too early to tell.

>expecting the american government to do something smart that would probably work

It’s literally less than yesterday’s fall. You’re a retard.

When the markets open on Monday it’ll be fucked

>thinking government should save you
fuck, you deserve to be pissed on by every US Founder.

Just bought 8000 shares of AMD. KAG

We've literally eliminated diseases from the earth. We can already kill viruses.

It takes decades to do that. Good luck.


i have enough food water and supplies to last a month without leaving my front porch, *I* don't need any saving

How to buy when one has no money?

High volatility. The question is will real economic activity pick up and everything be higher by end of next week

I don't need luck, were the motherfucking USA, we pray to god, we practice our aim, and we go to work without complaint.

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How the hell is this expected to last?
Corona is still going on, at this point it's beyond control without mass quarantine. On monday why would anyone think the economy is going to improve over the coming weeks; more people are going to get infected, hospitals will be overcrowded, more people will die and business will shut down

What other instant power moves does Trump have left in order to make the stonk lines go up? Why do you think they did this 30 minutes before market closing?

Nothing but cheap gains. Once Trump flubs everything, it'll be downhill once again

>mommy mommy I don’t know shit about stocks but look at the new phrase I learned!!!
fucking kek, so true
fucking LARPing Wall Street NEETs

>6 hours

What's the worst case scenario? Everyone dies?
>Oh shit, this is it, I can feel my lungs closing, oh, what should I do. Gee, I really wish I hadn't placed that money in the market...

Fuck off, even at 10% of the population there's not much to speak of beyond maybe a correction from highs and a few hundred points. Especially since we already know the people who are most likely to die, and they're old and retired (mostly) anyway.

Then again, you dumb faggots trading shit at 40x earnings deserve a kick in the fucking teeth.

I’m really going to leave this Earth unfulfilled, aren’t I? This virus is going to infect me and it’s going to be a slow, painful lull to sleep, won’t it?

Everyone else is gonna live forever, we'll use your death to laugh endlessly at you. Thanks for the amusement, not sorry.

>we’re gonna give $50bil taxpayer money to google and walmart please clap now remember America’s heroes eat at mcdonalds
borrowed (stolen) and very expensive time

To be fair, the US market has been under constant intervention since 2009. It never ended. It can last until the people stop accepting USD or bonds sell off even though the FED says the rates are low. This will never end until it ends the whole party. This is a weird form of socialism. The only time people sell is when they get liquidated. At all other times the FED pumps and prints. Ponzi can't be stopped without total collapse.

No shit. They are the primary enemy we face.

Entirely accurate. That's why he waited until 3:30 and didn't start on time at 3:00

Jesus fucking Christ Nancy. Chill the fuck out. This shit is not even that bad.

this bloodbath is just getting started boi

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he started at exactly 3:33.

>sell to me



welp it was a fun ride

I don't want your shares of tesla, faggot.
But shorting them has been amazing, thank you for letting me borrow them. :)

And yesterday's Dow drop was 9.99. Spoopy

But he's right. Any steep movement in either direction will always be followed with a pullback of some kind because of traders coming in to snatch the fresh bargain prices. A dead cat bounce is the result of a surge of traders trying to buy in at that price, and temporarily pushes the price up. This process repeats again until it consolidates at fair value, and then rockets off in another direction again.

It's over for a while. Probably for years. Next year S&P will show growth. Now they shut down everything and the market rallies. You have to realize that people don't invest in stocks. It's a carry trade for treasury holders. Borrow under repo, buy stocks. Rinse, repeat. Occasionally, the panic erupts. There is zero other reasons to buy stocks except for the FED pumps. They are expensive now and have been expensive for a while. The only selling happens when somebody screws up. Earnings don't matter, economy doesn't matter, it's all money flow, and trillions are flowing in. This has legs.

I'm sure Soros is thrilled. It gives him and other jews time to find places to move their investments.

I'm still fucked. My lungs are going to fill up with water until I die. Probably very slowly and painfully too. Fuck.

Attached: death by corona.jpg (1168x658, 169.4K)

I honestly want to commit suicide before they can quarantine me. Because once I reach that point there’s no way for me to kill myself.

>i believe his lies over the medias lies!
i hate niggers

At the very least weeks. The current panic sells have no justification. But in the coming weeks, restaurants and retailers are going to take a massive hit from people staying home. That will undoubtedly make its way into earnings reports and stock valuations.

c ya monday

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>The current panic sells have no justification. But in the coming weeks, restaurants and retailers are going to take a massive hit from people staying home. That will undoubtedly make its way into earnings reports and stock valuations
You have no idea how market works do you. Those future reports that a low IQ retard like you can predict, the market already reacted to them. You're not smarter than the market user