Why poor people are angry at people who can afford toilet papers?

Why poor people are angry at people who can afford toilet papers?

ITT we post our toilet papers purchases

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>imagine actually worrying about corona
>just sociopath bruh

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Not our fault if you weren't clever enough to stock on it..

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Someone jack that boomer

How many rolls you guys have? I have about 250 rolls. Still planning to get more tonight

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It's weird how these people are stocking up on toilet paper but not on canned food or water. I can understand not going for the gun stores since in most states it takes forever to get approved for one and it's too late, but canned food seems like a no brainer.

Wtf and why?

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Canadian Costco right now

>july 3rd
>nothing left to buy in stores
>all chips eaten
>all junkfood eaten
>no more food left
>still 500 rolls of TP
survival of the fittest


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18 rolls of toilet paper here
how are my fellow Yas Forumsacks doing?
this boomer faggot will die a natural death before he got a chance to use all that paper

and then what? you are not going to use all of it by your own.
and at some price people will just opt to take a shower.

>in leafland
That place is basically a chink colony here, I can only imagine the sheer number of slants in Canada there.

>Laval's Costco is going to shit
>No more toilet paper
Why must it be near me?


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i just shower after i shit

>survival of the shittest

>Being that close to that many people in a space that enclosed just to buy more fucking TOILET PAPER

These fuckers don't stand a chance

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>one person has corona virus in there


Can rolls of toilet paper be used to incinerate a human corpse?

Only time will tell...

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The ones getting it now are dumb as fuck, Costco is filed to the brim with coofers, should have stocked up weeks ago.
Hope those 500 rolls of toilet paper help you when you're drowning in your own lung fluid.

>wear a sign that says I have coronavirus
>smear my snot all over the TP aisle

More like...

Survival of the fattest

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I hope boomer's TP molds on him.

at best it would be kindling.

Dude on the phone looks like some Albanian Mafia type from behind.

we fixing the buyers now?

>Whites are civilized
LMAO you are worse than niggers.

>Clean anus is my first priority
You fags should meet water and soap.

Acid-washed jeans.

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do you need over a years worth of tp?
how long are you planning on this lasting.
I would be stocking bullets

All I see are stupid people crowded into a tight space without any precautions--breathing on each other. Each person there is 10/10 a fucking chink-I told you other countries would not act any better or any wiser than the bugpeople.

The level of stupid in this photo is so high I can't even. They are all now infected.

182. I'm ready.


Just take a shower after shitting, it's 10x more effective anyway considering toilet paper barely removes little shit particles. What the fuck is insanity.

started prepping when the chinks started welding people in.
45 days ago.

Will we see a rise in bidets in the US after this?

>toilet paper : 3.00
>washing your ass with shower : free
>inb4 power goes out
>it’s just cold water
>inb4 water goes out

If that occurs anyone “prepping” with a single run to the grocery store is fucked

Should be getting wet wipes in case the water shuts off.

Why do people hoard toilet paper anyway?


Just rinse your butt off you animals

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woman need to wipe their vaginas every time they piss.

Honestly, this is just a LARP-Hysteria.
People are just acting hysterical because they're bored and want to reenact Y2K
It's fun though

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i honesty think this would be actual FUN for your typical NPC drone. You know, the hunt. The need to find fertile shopping grounds. The competition for access.

If the grid goes down we have much larger things to worry about. Corona-chan isn't that powerful

>30 rolls x at least 12 = 360 rolls
>360x425 = 153,000 sheets
>if you use 20 sheets to wipe your ass, that's enough for 7,650 shits
>shit every day amerishart? That's 21 years of toilet paper right there.
>probably longer than the remainder of his natural lifespan
TPpoopooers are just announcing to their world their inability to run basic arithmetic

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Monkey see. Monkey do.

imagine how bad the real happening will actually be

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, does not cover toilet paper. Flaunting a big pack of toilet paper during a chimpout is like wearing Air Jordans and carrying an I-phone.

SNAPniggers will just steal toilet paper from fast food bathrooms.

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Buying food so I have a reason for the toilet paper.

>(primarily) using toilet paper or bidets
Savages the lot of you. Just give yourself a courtesy wipe with a single sheet then pop your ass over the tub and fire up the shower hose, manipulate until fully clean then take two sheets one to dry your crack and the other to verify no shit remains.

These people are stupid.

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>Why do people hoard toilet paper anyway?

Because they didn't have prep supplies in place and they are panicking, buying random shit instead of relying on their pre-existing stocks of broad-based valuable items.

>no refills

Not gonna lie tho--Albanian Mafia once saved my ass in Paris.

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>when your city is so diverse you need a sally port on fast food counters

Jesus Christ, what's this, a ghetto McDonald's?

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I got started a bit before that--I did an RV and knew this was IT.

I just dont understand all these people who go through that much TP. 4 rolls lasts me half a year. The average person must have diarrhoea quite often, probably due to their modern food and carb addiction.

Fuck, I laughed.

Burger King

I just shit in the shower and waffle stomp the turds through the drain.

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the shart meme is real, i finally will admit it

from experience:
If you are in or near this group with a mask they will make snide comments to each other about you.



well burger king but yeah, the niggers behind the counter didn't tip you off to that?

Daily reminder that this LARP got BTFO when he posted and you’re a brainlet for spreading it now.

Due to my duty in Afghanistan I learned the acient mystic tradition of having a ass stone by the elderlies of some sand nigger village.
So no TP needed for me. But you all gonna die

>ghetto BK
>no refills
Class-action lawsuit incoming

I'd be so tempted to just snatch one off her cart and say "What are you going to do about it, bitch?"

That's literally what Andre the giant had to do, the toilets wouldn't hold up his weight. Think of all the fucking hotel rooms he fucked up.

Just never seen one like that irl.

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Sly Stallone is banned from several hotels for waffle stomping

Not me bro--I have been masking up under my balaclava for over a month when I go out--when people notice and give me the eye--I coofff into the mask--people dart away fast. Clear the way--coofer.

Is it, or is it not correct?

>bought prep start of February
>go to Costco yesterday to buy some chicken for dinner
>chink couple with toilet paper like OPs pic
>walk up and take a roll
>chink freaks out tells me it's his
>I chuckle and say not anymore
>three more people pillage their cart
>I leave and make chicken schnitzle for dinner

Lmao I dont even need toilet paper

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Facial expression goes from happy to slightly displeased. What a trooper

I need shart paper
It’s my right as an American

Why do you buy so much toilet papers, nigas? Are you gonna it it?

Boomers and chinks are culturally the same. They both have that attitude of "fuck everybody else I'm getting mine"



hahaha which one of you was that first guy in line

>tfw living in the mountains in my own hut with my own water and my own electricity (sun coming out too regularly now) and my own garden and my own small farm (free eggs) and my own doggo without some bitch to nag
>tfw stocked on coffee, cocoa nibs, oatmeal. noodles, beef jerky, toilet paper, penicillin, garlic, potatos, lemons and honey
live is good man, live is good
I hope this shit hits hard , I want to have a harem and breed girls to have my own small army and form a raider band conquering Europe

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Why do people even need toilet paper?
I go trough like 1 roll per month. Poop once a day, shower immediately after

What if that ends up being true, america runs out of food and only the 400+ lb ones survive on their own blubber

why do all of these people look like shit? how do they even have money?


Redistribute thy toiletpaper comrade

I had no idea waffle stomping was popular with celebrities.

What'll they do when the government launches a nation wide mandatory toilet paper confiscation :^)

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got mine yesterday
>chicken schnitzle

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I have 2 rolls, or 2 and a half I guess. I need to get more for general everyday use, not to fight the virus.