Niggers On Twitter think they are safe from corona cant wait till Africa is raped by it

niggers On Twitter think they are safe from corona cant wait till Africa is raped by it
Its not like these niggers didnt fuck chimps and start the aids epidemic no no no
Dirty filth death to nig

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I've been pretty angry at the Chinese for all of this . . .but they may have just redeemed themselves.

yet we'll still bail them out like cuckolds

>cant wait till Africa is raped by it
>disease that only kills people in their 70's and 80's that have chronic lung conditions
You're pretty fucking retarded. Africans don't live to 70 and this stupid meme virus doesn't kill people under 50. The flu would be much more deadly in Africa.

why dont we just mustard gas africa and get it over with

Waspjew thread... SAGE

>cant wait till Africa is raped by it
If the South African doctor posting last night is right then Africa is already infected as fuck, but the international community is suppressing it because they're using them as human petri dishes to see how the virus mutates.

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africans can get it but negros cant the one who got it was from France

we have those lacks genes

>Only kills people in their 70's and 80's
Hey retard, Italy is seeing a huge wave of 40+ year olds needing immediate ICU care.

Chinese people are white???

normally I'd ask if that's real but because it's niggers I know it's real.
>functionally illiterate
>insane and self-centered ramblings
>vague references to African shaman we wuz wakanda bullshit

>40+ year olds needing immediate ICU care
Hey retard, sitting in a hospital bed with a cough isn't dying. Post the age and medical conditions of the people that have actually died from the meme. It ain't 40 year olds, faggot.

Pretty sure Africans are dying, they’re just not being recorded as CoVid-19.


It will destroy niggers.
Every one has asthma and shit from being raised in roach shit.

got archive link for that thread?

The funny thing is the life expectancy in Africa is so low they don't really have old people to get killed by coronavirus

This is awfully baity.

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African "spirituality".

The virus isn't spreading there because it's hot as fuck. Also this virus is a fucking meme to begin with. The amount of deaths is tiny.

Looks like our suspicions were right all along.

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Wtf is this shit? Sadly, this is believable.

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>cant wait till Africa is raped by it
and then we give them a trillion dollars to help
good plan

Not this time, the economy is fucked.

>the South African doctor posting last night
Which thread?

immunity looting soon

They just "freed up" $50blln for the US. Whatever the fuck that means.

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>mfw the virus cuts off food and medical aid to Africa and nigs die

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Black culture is fascinating.

The rest of the world will be recovering from it right around the time it hits Africa. Except they won't have the resources to stop it.

Is this some sort of trend I didn't hear about?

its called culture sweaty, whiteys wouldn't understand

how many hospital beds does Africa have?

oh wait you're just moving goalposts

My girlfriend literally had to do this about 20 minutes ago because some cunt wanted to hoard all the baby wipes. Fucking dumb fuck gullible ass nigger normies.

Ethiopia was just hit by the virus.


The only reason it hasn’t broken out in Africa is because nobody goes there. It’s only a matter of time.

>only killing white


Yeah. I was in Costco yesterday, local grocery store today. All the water is gone. All the paper products are gone. Shit's retarded.

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Well, have you actually seen one? Han are more whiter than most of the mutts on this board.

This possibility crossed my mind too.

Yah I guess I dont.

even young people die when they don't have access to ICU. It is going to kill quite a lot of people even if the percentage is small.

Prayer is strong user. Pray for these people as they shall soon be humbled

When everything is given to you, you must destroy it to feel.

>tfw fucking niggers ruined raw gay sex forever

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don't count on it, the climate in africa may be discouraging the spread of the virus. how often do you hear or see africans in africa with the sniffles?

>mwf in the next two weeks nignogs will be dropping like flies

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>already infected as fuck, but the international community is suppressing
The int community gives zero fucks cuz africa is irrelevnat to world economy. Same as latam. Mexico has a fuckload of cases but there is no way to know for sure cuz health system is non exitent since we went full commie.

Africa is too hot for the virus

American's just lol... Supply chains are still relatively uninterrupted and you're all buying shit like you're genuinely going to bunker down for 10 months.


It kills people with weak immune systems, it just happens that the elderly tend to have weak immune systems, as will much younger malnourished Africans.

What is Australia?

They don’t understand that when the rest of the world stops having a surplus of goods they will starve.

Funny that everyone that keeps repeating this doesn’t take into account the civilized response and treatment that everyone else has.

>suppressing it

More like nobody gives a fuck because africa has no vital infrastructure to the global trades outside of very specific niche items, so there's no legitimate reason to keep their populace in the know about treatment or prevention care.

Lmao and people wonder why no one wants to open a business in a nig neighborhood

They also didn't understand killing the white farmers in Africa leads to famine.

It's not a trend it's just niggers being niggers

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Lol. We found a use for niggers.

that fucking pic

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Okay skinhead

The cure for corona is found inside the skulls of jews. Go get some my nubian kings and queens.

Kenya, Ghana and Ethiopia just confirmed their first cases. Black Twitter btfo!

18 nations. That was fast.

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