The Jews have just been btfo!
Their sacred dead Sea scrolls that "prove" the Hebrew Bible is at least 2000 years old was just proven to be a forgery. All of them!!!!
In case you dont know Jews and christcucks alike all point to these "ancient" scrolls as proof that that the Torah was being practiced over 2000 years ago and so it all "must be true".
Well it's not!
Fucking kikes and their games. They did this. Obviously. There are scrapes of this forgery that are the size of stamp which sold for millions.
>the dead sea scrolls which contradict the official narrative that Jews are god's chosen instead of everyone is fake!
Lol they are getting desperate
Haven't read yet but I remember the claim from like 2017 or something. Does it say how they determined that they were forgeries?
>The new findings don’t cast doubt on the 100,000 real Dead Sea Scroll fragments, most of which lie in the Shrine of the Book, part of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem.
Wow user, it's like you don't know how to read or something
You had to be a Canadian idiot.
The 'fakes' in question are those small fragments
that have been on the open market since 2002.
The major documents found in the late 1040's are for real all right.
BTW the genuine scrolls are NOT 'Proto-Christian' as some claim.
There's no such thing as 'Proto-Christian'.
Either something is Christian or it ain't.
The Scrolls were those of a sect of Zadokites.
The Jewish equivalent to Al Khaida.
They were fucking terrorists not 'Christians'.
>a Canadian is wrong
Not a surprise.
>Jews and christcucks alike all point to these "ancient" scrolls as proof that that the Torah was being practiced over 2000 years ago and so it all "must be true".
What the fuck are you talking about, retard?
Archive you fucking faggot.
CORRECTION Late 1940's, 1947 48. Not 1040!
Wrong material, treated surface, ink had pooled in certain ways that it wouldn't have if the writing had been applied when the material was new.
Essenes =/= zealots
That he didn't read the article and thinks a few that people doubted = all of the scrolls ever.
Cool, thanks for telling me.
get some sun
actually, orthodox christians rely on the septuigant,which waswritten in the 300s BC
You need a membership to read
archive it
Ah..like so many others you have fallen for the non-existent 'Essenes'.
That form which is Greek comes from Northern Egypt and the scribblers there c100bc to 300ad.
'ESSENES' comes from NASSENES. A Jewish cult in Egypt c100bc.
>the septuigant,which waswritten in the 300s BC
200sBC (in greek
But everyone relied on that
Well no shit leaf. The Vatican has the originals in the vault.
What? It's already archived in my link and you don't need a membership to read mine.
>the Torah was being practiced over 2000 years ago and so it all "must be true"
Even if the scrolls are real it would not make judaism the oldest religion still practiced
>A Jewish cult in Egypt c100bc.
Judean not Jewish
And Gnostic /=/ Essenes
And Gnostic homosexual cults don't appear until after Paul created Christianity
So are you saying that both Jews and Christcucks are filthy liars?
I'm so shocked.
That's not what the article even indicates in any way, shape or form, so no.
The entire Bible is hokey jewish mythology, the only holy texts with historical data to back them are those from the Quran.
Read closely, it's only the post 2002 scrolls
The thousands of other scrolls are real
Literally only a very small sect of deluded Christians even remotely gives a shit about kikes.
You would have to ignore the vast majority of Christian history to come to your silly low IQ conclusions.
Furthermore Jews have lost any claim to being chosen after rejecting the Messiah.
LOL. Christfags on suicide watch.
>The thousands of other scrolls are real
No, they just said that there was no evidence that they weren't.
They did not verify their authenticity.
The nigger lover will ignore this
you dumb moron idiot Cucknadian
>the Quran
lol no
They aren't though. It shows atheists don't read things to justify their false "skepticism".
The dead sea scrolls are Gnostic Anti-Christian texts written by Talmudic Jews and Freemasons
>Literally only a very small sect of deluded Christians even remotely gives a shit about kikes.
99.9% do and jewish Talmud-Kabbalah religion was invented in the 1400sAD under Christian Rome. They wouldn't even exist without Christianity - just like Islam
Read the article retard
>Israel Museum, Jerusalem
The read scrolls are locked up like a James Bond movie, lasers and shit everywhere. You think they're just going to leave them in a fucking museum?
call me a cuck to my face you fucking pillow fucking nip toon worshipping life reject id kick your fucking teeth in
can you read
>a leaf
>The dead sea scrolls are Gnostic Anti-Christian texts written by Talmudic Jews and Freemasons
This is a possibility
>99.9% do
Back up your low IQ kike fantasies.
> and jewish Talmud-Kabbalah religion was invented in the 1400sAD under Christian Rome.
> They wouldn't even exist without Christianity - just like Islam
Modern day kikery has nothing to do with ancient Judaism.
Now, Shoo, you un-inspired inbred rat.
no u
What was the content of the forgeries (like what parts of the Bible) and how do they differ from the authentic Dead Sea Scrolls in Israel?
How come they don't say what it is in the article?
Sorry folks. You are right. I will admit I saw a headline and got excited. Literally read it after posting and came back to this thread feeling like an idiot. As I should.
Still hate Jews though. And I still don't trust them.
nice try rabbi.
Still modern day kikes have nothing to do with ancient Jewry.
They are too mixed to be considered biologically Jewish.
Is there any indication anywhere at all, outside of their own claims in their self-aggrandizing religious texts, that the "ancient jews" were of any remarkable character or achievement whatsoever?
Jesus and Mary Magdalene were both Essenes
You retard.
The museum of the bible is an evangelical museum started by hobby lobby. They have a handful of fake scraps. We already knew they were fake.
The closest followers of Jesus were led first by his brother James in Jerusalem and, after the attempted murder of James in 62 AD and his flight (probably to France), by Simon, Jesus’ youngest brother. These earliest groups, called Nazarenes/Essenes did not believe in:
the virgin birth
the Trinity
the resurrection from the dead
the concept of the devil
the redemption from sin through the sacrificial death of Jesus. The emphasis of their teaching was on good works and helping the poor and was very close to the teaching of the Essene community at Qumrâm.
They welcomed women as priests, teachers and healers.
Just false.
They were written by a monastic sect of late and post-2nd Temple Jews who may have been a broken off from the Saducees.
you are the dumbest fucking idiot i've had the displeasure of encountering this week.
literallly a cretinous moron.
how can one single person be so incredible stupid?
Calling someone stupid three times, only proves you are stupid and have no arguments.
That's a fake torah you know. Completely fabricated, just like the fake scraps in the OP.
OP is too fucking stupid to actually read the fucking article.
Have you done it?
Theres literally nothing wrong with The Torah.
Going around thinking everyone is stupid, just makes you a little narcist.
i called one person stupid, not everyone.
reading comprehension?
>muh documents which make claims about what people said they saw!
I wouldnt trust a norwegian scientist or whatever mickey mouse degree they hold.
Håper Harald får korona feber.
Thats bullshit, you clearly have the attitude of someone who thinks everyone is stupid but himself.
>reading comprehension?
Thats so snarky and bitchy. Maybe talk to people like they arent stupid idiots? You might learn something.
have you read OP's opening statement?
does it look eloquent, informed and comprehensible to you?
Not really.
We have yet to find the Kang david temple.
And believe me jews have been digging all across Palestine to find some magnificent jewish structure to validate their claim to the land.
There is ZERO evidence for the "wailing wall" being a Jewish temple wall, it most likely belongs to a Roman garrison.
>does it look eloquent, informed and comprehensible to you?
Does your reponse? Maybe start living up to your own standards!