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Better in the long run TBQH.

So much for socialized medicine.

>Meme flag
He's right though. It's fucked.

>socialized medicine

Nigel was the only Brit politician anyone could trust and when he walked away to let the Tories work it all out, it was a huge mistake.

Why cower in our houses when there is no cure? This isn't our first rodeo.

There is no guarantee for herd immunity against Corona at all.
It's an insane risk...

Anglo mentality. One of my coworkers was saying it's only 'economically inactive' people who will die

We need to trim off some of the diversity.

This. I think he was far too naive in doing that. He made this same mistake originally by thinking May was going to be a decent PM (at the time she was elected).

Fact is Farage was the only worthy PM of this country when your choices are lab / con.
For what it's worth, we're still apparently paying billions to the EU for another 9 months and abiding by all the former laws while a 'trade deal' is worked out. Personally I don't believe that we'll ever stop either. They've lied about absolutely everything and this will be another lie.

They are absolutely 100% right and every government, health department, and bioscientist knows this fact.
There is NO way around this virus other than developing herd immunity on a global scale. You are not going to be able to just hide in the basement forever and hope to never get infected. At some point you need to confront this virus, whether that happen through a vaccine or through primary exposure.
The best part is, it is inevitable. It will occur naturally. And like always, the strongest survive and the weakest will not. Life will go on.
Compared to what. Compared to human extinction? Compared to the total breakdown of society? Get real swissanon.
This isn't the first time we've dealt with this and it certainly won't be the last.

Man you should read the comments underneath, so many boomer bootlickers defending the Gov't

There has never been a virus that a human hasn't developed an immunity to. Especially whites. Our immunity to the plague now gives us an immunity to HIV.
Besides, it's an easy way to cull the filthy shitskin population. Whites live in rural areas and will be fine anyways. City fags will die.

>'economically inactive'

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>socialised death

Compared to AIDS?
Would you infect everyone with AIDS in the hope of developing herd immunity?
Herd immunity isn't some natural law. It's only a possibility.

Translation 'we need to kill off all the middle aged types to make way for their replacement cheap workers'.

>f-flatten the curve
>btw many of you will lose loved ones before their time

Attached: covukgrowth2.png (392x326, 12.42K)

The government isn't doing it for 'herd immunity' anyway, it's doing it because their precious GDP number.
People will be at work dropping dead.

Except there are a lot more people who are fighting off coronavirus on their own, you don't come back from AIDS. What a stupid analogy.

SARS-2 antibodies have a lifetime of about a week in the body. Have fun with your weekly plague! :^)

You aren't immune to HIV...

HIV is being fought by prevention, the exact opposite of creating herd immunity...

We have been told to stay at home if we have mild symptoms. We just aren't shutting everything down.

how do you know humans can develop lasting immunity to SARS-CoV-2?

And how about the B cells?

Because it's a strain of flu, there is no cure for it. We need to build immunity to it so it become more like the 0.1% mortality rate of the actual flu. People are hiding away from it like there is going to be a cure, there is no cure.

>have a problem with my lungs because of an issue with my spine from when I was a kid
>both of my parents have health issues because of age
>we all work for a living
>lazy deadbeat neet sister and her bf live with parents rent free and are healthy
>me and most of my family will likely perish from this except for the fucking parasites

It's not fair anons...

>We have been told to stay at home if we have mild symptoms. We just aren't shutting everything down.
Everything should be shut down, much like Italy and Israel and Russia have done.
Difference is they all have governments that put their own citizens first.

There are droves of them getting re-infected.
Not a single patient has yet developed an immunity.
That's why it's an insane risk.


It's about fucking time, someone has to do something about this shithole.

This, (((vaccines and drugs))) will weaken the nation through dysgenics. Why should the government have to pay for people who can't take care of themselves?

barely anyone can afford not to go to work for a week (which is an insufficient isolation period)

>Because it's a strain of flu
no it isn't; it's SARS Coronavirus 2

Is there some particular reason why this virus works differently to every other disease out there? HIV is an exception because it attacks the immune system.

>Why should the government have to pay for people who can't take care of themselves?
The government doesn't 'pay' anything. The government collects money from the citizens and then decides to send them to the glue factory.

Less people getting sick all at once means hospitals have more capability to actually treat people who need it instead of jamming the surge capacity ya bingo bongo.

living with your parents (and grandparents and further relations) is normal and naturalpilled


>Because it's a strain of flu
It's not even in the same viral family as the flu....

SARS-CoV-2 also attacks the immune system

again, lasting immunity is not a rule

Because they pay taxes. The cunts who dont pay into the system should be left on the streets.

Can you imagine if Trump had said this shit? People would be storming the WH by now.

> asymptomatic through incubation
> can be asymptomatic and mostly mild symptoms for most, when and if they arise
> limited test kits available so far for all countries
> only recorded stats are worst cases or high profile cases

let's face it lads, it's here to stay

you genuinely are a spastic

Did you report him for a racist hate crime?

>Angloids reveal their true form

stay on nofap to keep your immune system powered up

Not if you refuse to work...

Do you have a proper citation for that?

I agree with the UK policy for once. If your immune system is so weak that the flu kills you then you deserve to die.

>refuse to work...

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I hope all white brits die

America closed borders for all EU countries because they are scared of corona

All except the uk

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google cytokine+levels+coronavirus and filter by date

immunity is not a guarantee

They really want to kill off white conservative boomers

it's SARS mate

Wagie cope
NEETs will inherit the Earth

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Makes room for more browns

>tfw we are basically creating an ubermensch
>should be ready before brexit
cant say i disagree with this

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Jews and niggers first.
that is the correct response to any proposal for Mass death in European countries.

watch as the Jews pushing this back down.

if you are about to die from this shit might as well make the open borders faggots who just murdered you pay.

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>hits urban areas hardest
>UK does little to nothing
Shitskins in London about to be btfo

Western governments hate the people they control

Johnson has slashed immigration to the UK from the third world, Farage is only against Eastern European migration. Farage is a good politician for the UK of 20 years ago, but the Farage of today is a civcuck like that Canadian retard (peterson) and thus useless.

Unironically based and natural law pilled

Yeah it seems (((((they))))) don't like current rise right wing government across the globe

Seems you have it backwards. It doesn't attack the immune system, but a hyperactive immune response may cause its own issues.

But where is your license to disobey? Go out there are fetch corona, that is an order.

Atleast for now they haven't put a loicence on it

>(((Free))) healthcare
The phrase "you get what you pay for" comes to mind.

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Farage is a Boomer
> BoomerRemover


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Thats what we keep telling you meme flags but you dont want to hear it

>Johnson has slashed immigration to the UK from the third world
he'll probally bring overalll immigration down since the EU free movement is gone his non-eu policy is looser than Theresa Mays

nothin personell

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>UK to exterminate Anglos
I see no problem with this

>Reminder that Trump didnt ban the UK and they can still travel to the USA and infect people

Because its past the point of containment and anybody with a brain knows it. You cant just hide in your house forever.

The NHS pensions demands are 19x the value of the entire NHS assets. Insanity.

it's an immunosuppresive disease, which is what leads to its pneumonia symptom

in any case, lasting immunity is not a guarantee. we should not have to rely on lasting immunity that we don't know exists or not. there is no lasting immunity to SARS. why would they be lasting immunity to SARS-2?

>You cant just hide in your house forever.
I can and will.

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Also reminder you payed 1.5 trillion yesterday for a dead cat bounce

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>Boomers dying
I have no problem with that

>Coronaviruses can also cause problems in other systems of the body, due to the hyperactive immune response we mentioned earlier