Is it possible to follow Jesus without the organized religion? the sekts? and most importantly without the interpretations of those who claim to be his followers?
Just follow him and his message only?
Is it possible to follow Jesus without the organized religion? the sekts...
...and ignore Jesus' command to Peter to build the Church in Rome?
No. The Catholic Church is the cross upon which Christ was crucified. To remove Christ from his cross would be to rob Him of His glory. Just as you can’t remove Christ from the cross you can’t remove Christ from the church.
Jesus didn't follow an organized religion, even if he took their scriptures and temple seriously.
Dunno try and tell us how it went.
I suggest DBH New Testament - it's a non-confessional translation by a Greek classicist with a grand intellect. It will sound to you in English almost identical to how it sound and got received by the 1st century people hearing it.
Assuming you consult every footnote as well.
Peters mission was to save the teachings and spread them, not just to create a pope nest. Jesus said that all of us are equal, the idea of having a pope (spiritual hierarchy) is not of Jesus. but his followers came up with the hierarchy ideas. (which they took from judaism)
sure but if you're going to cherry pick the good parts of christianity and ignore all the retarded stuff it is undeniably connected to, why believe it all came from god?
It feels like you never read Jesus's teachings, but you read tons of organized religion's literature.
I have divine communication and not following any religion. I might hear some Christian leaders online but that's about it. Seeking Wisdom on YouTube is good. I had a divine intervention that saved my life so I shouldn't even be here. Also witnessed a category 5 demon which help me realize that evil existed. So I switched from atheist to Christian. Most people wont change from their ways unless God calls on them to follow him. Blessed are those that follow Christ but have never seen his presence.
The only thing is that it also says on the Bible to not neglect to meet as is the habit of some. Eating the bread is important.
Because we grow up, evolve, and when the time is right, we remove the dirt and take the diamonds. Which is Jesus's teachings.
The old testaments "retarded stuff" is a parables. it was needed back than, because we were cave-people.
You can do whatever you want to. Just remember to keep basic moral values and not change it according to your liking.
>I might hear some Christian leaders online
Why do you need them if you have the scripture? are you so weak that you need other people to chew the food for you?
We love, we read the scripture, we think, we use our wisdom, we pray(connection with our father) thats more than enough.
The priests and the "Christian" leaders/speakers are just people who make business out of it.
When Jesus said:
>"A wolf in sheep's clothing"
he actually meant something.
yes. orthodoxy.
ok, sounds like you are non-denominational then. or maybe something similar to Marcionism
Churches are good for community, and potentially a good preacher. However, the churches are not God, nor the Lord Jesus Christ.
God bless you on your path
When you're so faithful, that you believe humans can rob Christ of his glory.
Yes, and it’s actually the better way to go. Organized religion has been heavily diluted by satan. Just form a direct, personal connection with the lord and that’s all you need.
>Peter, go build a Church in Rome and become the infallible God-man
Things Jesus didn't say
Wtf where does it say that in the Bible?
christ was removed from the cross, laid in a tomb, and rose from the 3rd day, you satanist. only the devil and his followers still fantasize about him crucified. u sick dog.
good answer.
Not, I dont follow any ism, I just follow Jesus's teachings.
get your nasty ass eastern orthodox filth art out of here.
>What is the bread of the presence
Christ is the Church. Watch this vid, although note first that the Catholic church changed its Eucharist in the 9th century, while the Orthodox Church has not. That said, his theology is correct.
Follow the teachings
Like the dude
Not sure about son of God
I'm probably next profit of god
>or maybe something similar to
Yes, it's possible.
you are such a drunk piece of shit, u and your entire klan, garbage bound for hell pieces of rot flesh shit, go die in hell
No. May the Lord forgive your blasphemy.
keep reveling faggot, u will be shut out, permanently.
The churches tend to use God to make money and get full control over people, also financial questions (indulgence and stuff).
The organized religion wants only benefits to itself, and they make bad interpretations.
May the Lord forgive your vulgarities, dear brother.
u are disgusting filth and your eastern orthodox art will burn in hell beside you in a flash
Many people follow Jesus but don't follow the religion. This seems counter-productive, and Christianity without God is just SJWism. Not a good idea.
The ancients were smarter than people think.What is your issue in general?
Your satanic eastern-orthodox precedes you straight down into hell to burn burned in sulphur.
Thomas Jefferson wrote his own version of the Bible called “The Philosophical Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.” It’s just the New Testament with the miracles taken out.
You're not the judge over my salvation, my friend.
Not even once.
Revelation 16:13
And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs;
Exodus 8:14 14 The dead frogs were placed in piles, and the whole country began to stink.
Your eastern-orthodox art will burn in hell beside you as your rot flesh is consumed in the holy flame.
Thomas Jefferson will burn at the stake for wickednes.
Orthodoxy is better than Catholicism but still, its an organized religion that cant take you to God.
Priests want benefit, they want control over your soul, they say that you will never get to God without the priest(pay him), which is complete bullshit.
Theres only 2 options, its either Jesus or (any other organization of this world)
Yes, I enjoy the weekly zombie Jesus cannibal feasts, too.
frogs are a curse of wickedness from the bottomless pit
1 Timothy 2:5 King James Version (KJV)
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
No. The organization is the best part. The church. Nobody actually cares about Jesus.
Mathew 6:5-6
"When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."
Why would you want to follow Jew-sus anyway?
Christ established a priesthood and promised they would remain to administer His Holy life giving Sacraments until His return, my brother.
Where is your heavenly bread and Passover lamb, in this church of 1? And who is administering it?
Jesus BTFOs kikes for all of eternity
Why every single crazy fanatical use KVJ? It's like this translation promote this sort of excess.
John 4:22 King James Version (KJV)
22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
>And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast
>and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs
>false prophet
It feels like he talks about the modern religious-speakers who only do it for the money and the benefits, they only want comfy fate, comfy life, but they dont strive to God irl.
Your eastern-orthodox satanism art will burn in hell before you with weeping and gnashing of teeth, wicked.
No, you are a false witness and false prophet. You will reap destruction and heap iniquity upon yourself.
John 18:36 King James Version (KJV)
36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
Hes beyond race.
Yeah im thinking Luther was based
John 11:35 King James Version (KJV)
35 Jesus wept.
Thats the interpretations I was talking about. they are trying to take monopoly on Jesus.
He never said that. he just wanted them to promote his teachings. the popes worship the body, thats why ortho popes are so fat usually
Why did King James ordered the word "tyrant" removed from the Bible? Was it because he knew better than God what God wanted to say?
>Is it possible to follow Jesus without the organized religion? the sekts?
No, because then religion lacks credibility. Papacy and Catholic Church are historical evidence that christianity is true.
The bible is a message. Use biblehub to look at 20+ versions side by side then ask God to give you clarity.
Not true and 99% of the catholic church is blasphemous
The day I see a fanatical like yourself using any translation other than the KJV, I'll admit it's not the political corruption it is.
bullshit. Acts 17:24 King James Version (KJV)
24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;
1 Timothy 2:5 King James Version (KJV)
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Your idolatry precedes you into the bottomless pit, heathen.
Get on your knees, satanist.
Yes, your home is more holy than any church if you have a personal relationship with Christ
Your home will burn in fire. God alone is Holy, blasphemer.
Watch the video I linked earlier. You should also note that every Church father agreed with the Eucharist being the real presence of the Lord and a fulfillment of the bread of the presence of the OT - which was the dwelling place of God on earth. If you want further evidence, from scripture, read exodus and then John 6 then behold the mysteries unveil themselves to you.
Not a single Church authority had ever supported your individualism.
God bless.