Chinese Firm Tells People To Eat Dogs To REJECT 'Rubbish Western Culture'


>A Chinese company has called on people in the country to eat dogs to show their “cultural confidence” amid the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

Fankuai Dog Meat, based in eastern China , issued the call to arms in protest to a proposed law that would ban people from eating pets following the coronavirus outbreak. It also sensationally claimed that the law was drafted to appease the West.

While the company does support the proposed law to ban the eating of wild animals, its chiefs blasted any move to include pets on the list.

In an article published within the country on Thursday, the company said the plan - that affects Shenzen - would be a “denial of thousands of years of Chinese food culture”.

>“Extreme dog lovers are influenced by extremist thoughts from the West and appease Western rubbish culture without limit.”

The post was removed after it sparked outrage among Chinese animal rights activists.

Lawmakers in Shenzhen will debate the bill after the city of 13million were asked to give their feedback.

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Ok pajeet

>Fankuai Dog Meat, based in eastern China , issued the call to arms in protest to a proposed law that would ban people from eating pets following the coronavirus outbreak.
Oh no, a dog meat company is telling people to eat dog meat, what a surprise.

All edible animal meat should be acceptable for consoomption. We eat other pets like rabbits, why not cats and dogs?

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Don't eat any meats forbidden in the Bible or else you'll get AIDS like China did.


Pigs are actually smarter than dogs, makes you think about it. Can't stand the hypocrite who criticize China while eating their cancer inducing bacon.

Who fucking cares about intelligence of an animal, dipshit? You need to be euthanized. Die. We dont need subhuman who think like you. Get out of the genepool.

Seals are smarter than dogs too

I eat dogs to gain their strong sense of deduction and royalty.

Humans are smarter than dogs and still eat them.

>denial of thousands of years of Chinese food culture

Say it with me folks:


If the intelligence of something was the determining factor for edibility, you would be food. Fuck, France is fucking retarded. The faster the sand niggers clean up France the better.


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They literally just banned eating dogs in Shenzhen. This is bullshit.

t. low iq mong
Take your own advice, you insufferable retard.


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A socially alienated Russian in desperate need of attention, I see. Here's a (You). Enjoy.

Thanks fren

omg not the hecking puppers not the doggerinos the cute doggo woggo wogs!

good riddance. i say we eat all the dogs and we start with the pibbles. they look particularly meaty.

dogs evolved to be our friends

Dogs should not be eaten but they should not be pets either. Dogs belong outdoors, they should be roaming around free in packs like Nature intended.

t. vegan


Pigs aren't good bois nor are they flufferinos

Hahaha we are going backwards so fast jesus fuck
It’s not a big deal if they wanna eat dog doesn’t mean you have too
They’re not going to come steal your dog they raise them to be slaughtered and take the ferals off the street


>Dogs belong outdoors, they should be roaming around free in packs like Nature intended
Wrong. Dogs are specifically designed for tasks by humans. They do not have a natural state that is not with us. Eating dogs is like eating your family.

Just export them your pitbulls, retarded muricans. Problem solved.

Is it ok to eat humans then?

Rabbits are shit pets

They stop eating good dogs. They stop being good boys. They start eating American pitbulls. They become buffed and aggressive killers like American pitbulls.

I'd eat a dog. Don't give a fuck. If it had a decent life and wasn't tortured, all animals can be food.

The Chinese are becoming more civilized as we become less so.

Piglets cannibalize each other when hungry and pigs are known to eat unattended children. They crunch through toddler bones like celery. I would trust a shitbull before I would trust a pig.

The point was simply that intelligence is not the deciding factor. How do you get cannibalism from that?

Hang you from a tree

What do you think makes an animal unethical to eat?

>dog meat company
I thought dog meat was already somewhat taboo there, and while not illegal, wasn’t mainstream, and all the memeing was exaggeration.
Guess I wrong.
Chinks are truly subhuman insectoids.

It would solve the shitbull problem overnight. Hunt them and eat them.

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Humans belong to the animalia kingdom biologically. If intelligence is not a deciding factor then what is?

I don't care if they eat dogs, if they didn't slaughter them like it was a snuff film. Maybe stun them and slice their throats instead of beating them with a pan, burning them with a torch, or throwing them alive in boiling oil.

Acceptable way: Humanely culling meat-stock dogs in a clean slaughterhouse

Chinese way: Maim an abducted golden retriever with a claw hammer before cooking them alive in gutter oil

I plainly spelled it out. Dogs are part of the human social order. You do not eat part of your social organism.

Slant eyes euthanize dogs at the pound, and then just throw them away. At least chinese people find a use for the dogs.

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Another (((you))), fren-stein

can we eat chinese and spare the dogs? would it count as cannibalism?

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no they aren't

*round eye

Nothing wrong with eating dogs.

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How can chinks be so based
I mean I love dogs, but you have to respect how the chinks don't fuck around with the faggotry that doomed us.

you're a nigger.


Eat what you want just be sanitary about it. If you farm raise some bats who didn’t live in several feet of their own filth, go ahead and make soup.

Don't eat the dog and don't have gay sex you fucking chink

Do kill yourself

How about we star feeding dead chinks to dogs. That would make much better impact on the world.

>not eating the family pet is "appeasement of the West"

Chinese people really don't have souls.

Bring back old America

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That is in your culture. Dogs are food in chinese culture.


Thusly. I maintain they don't have an omnivore problem. They have an undercooking problem.

OK groomer

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Found the redditfugee

These people are almost as bad as RT. Find a real news source.

The world has had enough of Chinese antics over these last few months. Can we bring our manufacturing back yet?

>Humans belong to the animalia kingdom biologically.
true but irrelevant
If intelligence is not a deciding factor then what is?
In this particular case, the fact that dogs have evolved as companions while pigs have evolved as livestock.

But, you guys feed your family to your family pets, pit bull.

>Fankuai Dog Meat
Lmfao fucking chinks

No thanks, if I wanted to get done nasty disease I'd pay a hooker

Even from a slaughtering standpoint this seems like a retarded, unnecessary struggle. It's like this insectoid isnt interested in preparing the dog for food, so much as just torturing it.

Anyone with human level intelligence would just bash its skull in or strangle it instead of needlessly struggling like this.

It’s becoming more taboo with the youth, dog meat is favored by the boomers who starved under Mao

I don't eat rabbit

Aren't dogs carriers of the corona virus? It's like (((they))) are in every society.

good idea

Of course the French would spread his asshole wide open to a foreigner

Dogs have evolved as food in chinese culture.

Based China

Neck urself chink

We don't eat stupid meat we eat domesticated meat you retard. Dogs objectively cooperate with us better than almost all animals. Horses are another example where utility has evolutionarily bled into instinctive companionship. Dogs and humans literally trigger oxytocin production in each other without physical contact.

The reason WHITES don't eat companion animals is because of coevolution and love, they're perfectly analogous to brothers from another mother. They are special for the same reason your wife is special. You're not closely related genetically but behaviorally and hormonally you are in perfect sync.

CHINKS and SHITSKINS are animals themselves and can never understand.

Thus proving the Chinese are not human.

The only truely domesticated animal, its natural habitat is around white people

So have humans

The CCP has to go

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I've heard of the Yaulin dog meat festival, didn't know there was more than one.... The bombs will drop soon. Goodbye China. (Animal rights chinks, find a bunker, we still love you)

>Family pet
Your shitbull is not a family 'pet'.

Aw man, I wanted to shoot me a dog

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Need to gas the lolbertarians first. You want to produce your goods in gook land, the disease vector of mankind for thousands of years? No problem, pay up a 1000% tax for crossing the border.


They aren't people so no

Does anyone have the webm of that chinese lady eating a baby bird out of the nest

seems legit

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Пcи нe їcтимyть дoхлятинy, Mикoлo. Кpaщe згoдoвyвaти їм cвiжих китaйцiв.

Eat the poor and stupid.