Well, guys, nice to knowing you all
Well, guys, nice to knowing you all
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why is plebbit so racist?
Meme some more faggot
Keep it going so funny dude hahahahaha KerK man hahur hurrr
Funny how their sidebar says no racists posts lmao
Singapore seems find
Remember they were saying hug a chink to stop the racism? The italians brought this on themselves.
Fucking hilarious how they prevent you from talking about something that will eventually kill you
Kek what a faggot. Normies are going to eat themselves. Talk about fear mongering. Now I'm going to go share this on my works slack so everyone will continue to melt down
There are under 1,300 active cases in Italy considered serious or critical. They have 13,000+ cases (91%) that are considered mild. They define mild as no pneumonia or lung infection. Are 1,300 patients overwhelming their system or has panic been created so those who have a mild case or don't have it at all are flooding hospitals?
Yeah, so what, the only thing permanent is change. Things are going to change. Big whoop. People have died before. Nothing new under the sun. I mean, it's a something-burger, I'll give you that.
service jobs laid off, stuck at home with no money to pay the bills
Idiot Italian thinks all countries are full of gay cigarrete smoking old people + all types of disgusting nigs and sand nigs
Praise be that we have seen this test! Carry forth! Italy! Prove yourselves and be the light of our Lord!
Bear in mind that as many as 60-80% of the hospital beds are already occupied by all of the things that people are hospitalized for right now
>you have no idea whats coming
>proceeds to explain what everybody already knows
go back to playing Tibia, joao
Eventually the virus will be everywhere and they'll get rid of quarantines and just let the disease take its course.
the latter. the 1300 require external breathing apparatus, which there arent enough of, so people die.
so in other words its a bug fucking nothingburger
yeah, tell me something we didn't already know
Didn’t people find out a lot of the facebooks talking about this ended up being fake?
Keep both eyes open, José Luis. This virus will be weaponized by the cartels
Us has already taken drastic action to counter get the curve. Italy didn't do anything.
Complete utter BS. Fear mongering and nothing more.
When will plebbit learn the pics or it didn't happen doctrine? This is too tryhard not to be agitprop.
My country still isn't doing shit. Korea has been smashing it with success and the attitude from our government is that it's not bad enough yet to react like that. Fucking stupid. Just suck it up and go full Korea and start rapid mass testing and quarantining or just fucking give up. They could limit this massively but all they talk about is muh economy. And fucking NPCs everywhere acting like everything is sweet, even joking coughing on shit.
This. By Nov "Trump overreacted and panicked closing everything" will be the Left's narrative.
Guys, guys, hey guys!
I have something really important to tell you!
Are you listening?!
Here it is!
Get ready!!
Okay, now that's you're all listening: First let me preface this urgent information by saying sorry for any grammatical errors. I am quite practiced at English but it is not, in fact, my first language. I studied English as early as age 5, but still, I make mistakes. Sometimes, my phone makes changes to what I intend without asking, and I overlook those changes. Heck, this even happens to native speakers.
Also, this information is really important and you need to know it so I hope you're paying attention. Before I get to it, though, let me just tell you that I have said these things before in a different place but those people said I should say it somewhere else so I did but that place wouldn't let me so now I'm saying it here.
Okay, finally, here it is:
Again, sorry for any errors I may make.
More like 95%+.
This. Literally 1/3 of Italy's population is over the age of 55.
reddit will never learn anything but what they can say that will give them upvoats
suck my dick redditor
are redditors literally this stupid? that link has nothing new that we don't already know about
why are people giving him gold and silver medals for that?
you faggots really deserve to die
>source: dude trust me
That's exactly what happened, step by step.
If people are scared by facts that's their problem.
They can't find 1300 heaving opera starlets to assist?
>sing toreador in my mouth
1300 patients needing intensive care in only a few weeks is a lot to take on for a hospital system
> the actual Coronavirus sub didn’t allow my fear mongering no proof bullshit
What a shock
>no useful information
>no regrets, no foresight or hindsight, no opinions on what he'd do differently or how to prepare
From some moron called "goddessofthebitches". Sure.
COVID is a jewish scam.
I won't lie, Japs are niggers for the way they've handled this, but having read OP's reddit faggotpasta, Italy are QUADRUPLEMEGANIGGERS and I'm ashamed of what little Italian genes inhabit my DNA now (as if I wasn't before)
Fucking communism man not even once
NEVER surrender the 2nd amendment under any goddamn circumstances
This virus is looking less and less serious as time goes on. There are a few localized hotspots where hospitals are struggling. most places will be fine
>i sell bp uh
>msg me fst
And what's exactly so shocking and surprising about those claims? This is nothing we haven't known.
There it is again
Forced meme smells forced
Wouldnt be surprised if pro trump shills are trying to keep everything calm
It's over bros... now in Ticino too all businesses except strictly necessary ones are shutdown now.
yeah ok schizo
Try enforce this on me, just try
Literally the only difference I've noticed so far is that my coworkers have suddenly picked up on the novel idea of washing your hands after you take a shit so far
But not to worry, they'll be back to handing cum & shit-stained 円 over at the register in just a matter of weeks
italians are working with the chinese to create hysteria anyway. italy has been sucking chinese dick for awhile and will betray yurop, siding with russia and china
No mass gatherings from Monday
Schools and unis still open
Lol...5 pages of opinionposting
>I heard
>people are saying
>ask anyone
>I just want people to know
Fuccking redditors are the real virus
such a trustworthy account!
How many hospital beds do you think they have? 1300 additional serious patients is a lot.
the moron is a literal schizo, I am just so fucking surprised
South Korea is doing relatively fine, though. Maybe the problem it's in Italy.
Nice but we closed travel from hot spots months ago and now from Europe. We took it seriously unlike Italy and the rest of Europe.
Dude, havinga a gun won't save you from the government taking you away, if you oppose resistance you'll get destroyed in sight.
>pleddit LARP
As usual the Yas Forumstards are panicking over nothing. Corona doesn't exist. Nobody of you knows nobody who knows somebody who died of corona-chan. At the end it will be the usual, the Jews making profit by destabilizing the world economy and eating up the smaller goyim corps who'll go bankrupt.