Let's settle this debate

Who do you got for 2020?

Paper - Press F

Bidet - Press S

Yes this is political debate this is probably the most political debate in the history of politics, like ever. You should know that there's context here before banning this thread.

Let's hear it.

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Why not just take a shower after you shit faggot. You shit once a day, and you should shower once a day.

F and S.

S master race reporting in

Im soooo glad you leaf faggots have so much time to shit and shower off the black face go get fucked tim horton

Just admit you shit like 5 times a day, shartmart, and my solution isn't feasible for your lard ass

F = switch weapon
S = move backward
C = fire | onrelease seitchweapon

I wash it in the shower and then use toilet paper to remove the moisture



just buy it in bulk when it's on sale and live in a decent country or just wait a week for the stores to restock

Just showerhead your ass and wipe off the moisture with a personal towel, then you wash the towel.

I fill like a bidet could never generate the pressure of water I need to clean my hairy Iberian asshole. Like, I feel like anything short of "jet" mode on a garden hose would not be sufficient to get all of the shit off.

He doesn't know how to use the three seashells.

The actual best policy is cleaning via hydro-paper aynthesis.

N - niggers tongue my anus

S then 1 square of F to dry off

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You still need toilet paper with a Bidet. Checkmate buttsquirters.

Bidets are for sandniggers and countries that are too much of a shithole to allow toilet paper flushing

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forgot this option

Bidet is for people who like to take it up the ass, since every time you use it reminds you of the 15 incher going up your ass

S and then to wipe off the water with P

Are you rarted?

so cleaning your ass is gay? then why gay niggas in india smell like poo?

>not having a slave waifu to lick your asshole after defecting

Oh user I’m sorry

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15 inches??? Don’t toy with me user, why do you think we legalized fucking farm animals?

Not true. Unless your homes water pressure is really low, a normal bidet usually cleans my substantially hairy asshole. Best decision of my life.

F, then I just moisten the paper with water from the sink, making a bidet obsolete and useless.

Hairy Middle East asshole here... I have pic related. The pressure is so high it shaves a layer of skin off my rectum. Tried the toilet seat ones too and they’re pretty strong.

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you just like tickling your asshole with a moisty boi user

The paper breaks down with water and even if it somehow holds up enough for you to wipe strong enough you’re just liquefying your shit and it travels through the paper to your finger nails.


Unless I go vegan and eat nothing but fucking fiber for the rest of my life, I constantly suffer from Wiper's Nightmare Tier shits. Predictably, this made wiping my ass the least pleasant part of my life. Then I went to Japan where every toilet, even the public ones, comes with a bidet. Leave it to the Nips to take the stress out of shitting.

bidet is the choice of the civilized man
thats why germanic barbarians are so angry all the time
imagine having dried shit in your arsewhole itching like a bitch

but a bit of both gives best results

Why do finns have bidés and yet they don't have dish washers?

so the bidet sprays into your butt and you take some soap and clean your asshole followed by washing your hands?

You can't be considered human if you not use both of them.


Water doesn't take 30 years to re-grow.

>Opinions as to the necessity of the bidet vary widely over different nationalities and cultures, with the Anglo-Saxon world traditionally shunning it and finding its mere existence a notorious and proverbial source of personal embarrassment and bewilderment.

>Anglo-Saxon world traditionally shunning it and finding its mere existence a notorious and proverbial source of personal embarrassment and bewilderment.

Why do you suppose that is?

It's Fr*nch

This, wash and dry.

yeah. and also it's "sissy" related to being french

I have a toto washlet and I love it desu

Bongs, Frogs and Pajeets are the dirtiest people On the planet...honorable mention to the Mexicans


what? we do have both.

Fuck off back to mexico then, you're living in an Anglo-Saxon country

Oh is that all? I figured there was some pretentious psychological shit going on.

S for "no Skid marks"

I like a clean asshole.

What is wrong with you that you need to take a shower after you shit? Go to the doctor, eat fiber and take a fucking probiotic.

There are just as many Germans/Scandinavians as Anglos here, faggot. We’d be an even bigger shithole if it was all your cursed phenotype.

>The pressure is so high it shaves a layer of skin off my rectum.
This thread is awful.

They didn't build the country
Germans/Scandinavians also shun the bidet anyway

So you want a dirty asshole because you hate the French so much? Dude, the French aren't even worth it.

I use both.

Why toilet paper
Why not stockpile food or water, why you're stockpiling fucking toilet paper?

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Imagine their despair when they are starting and they have no shit to wipe up. They will starve and be left among their toilet paper hoard, mummified.

Bidet shills are just shills trying to get more TP for themselves.This is the exact thing that happens before gangs and cartels form.

Wipe better nigger
Bidets are popular among sandniggers, poos and jungle gooks
Nordic men don't blow water up their arse

Or just buy baby wipes, I hope you have a tough toliet

>eat fiber
t. low test basedtit faggot

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I usr both, wipe before and after bidet, vegan environmentalist cucks can go kill themselves


F is for primitive cavemen