Poland to declare martial law on Monday

Post pics of military vehicles arriving now in Poland

Attached: 1584125730779.jpg (712x949, 65.29K)

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isn't this the norm for Poland?

It's been 30 years but communism is finally back!!! Poland is gonna be an ethnostate again.

Attached: East German military parade.png (1000x705, 1.32M)

so will Austria

I have to go to fucking work on monday. Fuck this

Ummm that's a hospital truck it says so on the emblem

we're not using live rounds to contain the spread of the virus

Lol what is this communist russia

Attached: 40dad0b1c252226c19dadb88fbc107be.jpg (800x573, 75.09K)

LOL shut up you cuck.

What happened!? Poland had like no cases a week or so ago!

no wants communism in poland they already suffered under it for 40cyears post ww2

The eternal Kraut

>bullets of healing

Attached: 1562690009362.jpg (700x455, 48.68K)

>No Niggers allowed
>Prussian military tradition
>strong community
>German traditions kept alive and integrated into a comunist dress
>Beautiful parades
>many children, families, married people
>No faggots
>No Jews
>muh SKS and Avtomata Kalashnikova
>People learn beautiful and comple Russian

Amerimutt occupation zone ("BRD"):
>gay looking army that is forbbiden by law from continiung their traditions
>People are fags, degenerates or socially isolated
>Shitskins are sucked off publically
>Military has shit optics, shit training and Broomsticks
>People learn retarded muttbabble in school , most simple and stunded language in the world, barely more than Negroid grunting
>Rich Jews are worshipped
>Weimar tier degeneracy

Im almost thankful for our Stasi Aunt Merkel for crashing this shitplane with no survivors

some people returned from pastaland
some got infected in germany

>liking any Germany after the Third Reich

Attached: 1581209424204.jpg (290x300, 13.03K)

Attached: sickle.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

>Post pics of military vehicles arriving now in Poland
>arriving now in Poland
Arriving from where? Brussels or Moscow?

>Communism was Hell!!! They told us what to wear, we weren't allowed to own more than 5 homes, and they made us work for a living.

Attached: soyjack10.jpg (600x800, 82.92K)

You forgot about how inefficient the whole thing was and about Soviets stealing our resources.


You’re a expendable kraut just like your forefathers. Work to death mate


That's because it's a retarded Amerimutt who hasn't experienced anything besides being a queef on welfare.

Goberment said it won't happen.
Well, it would probably destroy all their credibility if they were to break the promise just few days later.

found a butthurt EUcuck

Attached: napada.jpg (815x544, 80.95K)

>commie faggot cant uses memes correctly
Get in the helicopter commie, lets go for a ride.

Checking in from Wrocław. No military vehicles patrolling the streets as of yet. However, the city is noticeably deader. The streets are emptier, the trams/buses are emptier, and the toilet paper shelves are emptier.

Attached: plague dr.jpg (1000x866, 141.18K)


discord gg axfQueP
Join, we are currently talking about the economy shitting itself and the coronavirus

>mutt with literally 0 knowledge on subject tries to pose his feefee's as experience
color me suprised

was alot worse then that shit. iv still got the government issued stamps for products. empty shelves and full curruption. just a typical communist state. we would of been better off under the germans. jewish communism is cancer

so this seems to be Polish meme which I dont know about

Why is that ? Is Poland gonna disappear from the map, AGAIN ?
I dindu nothing wrong, KURVA !

it's a song

it's okay nepalbro

Where did it stop being one?

Why don't countries airdrop Coronavirus sufferers into shitholes like Australia and the UK for shits and giggles?

checked and thank you
I googled this image and found this link muzyka.interia.pl/wiadomosci/news-osmiu-politykow-z-utworow-kazika-staszewskiego,nId,2555988

>People learn retarded muttbabble in school , most simple and stunded language in the world, barely more than Negroid grunting

Agreed, Portuguese is pretty damn complex compared to Portuguese since most words are gendered and may change it's "gender" depending from the context. English is just, anything goes.

Gommunism was forced on the poles you nigger

I have to work on monday too ;_;

Challenger 2 Streetfighter in action with British Army Royal Tank Regiment

Attached: New_Challenger_2_Streetfighter_Main_Battle_Tank_MBT_of_British_Army_925_001.jpg (925x576, 106.49K)

Attached: tyrwthrtehh.jpg (1103x631, 491K)

Just get sick and build up that herd immunity, goy.

>don't talk to me or my son ever again

wtf kind of paint job is that?

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Gdańsk reporting in. There seems to be somewhat less panic here compared to other cities. I went for a bike ride earlier today, the streets seem normal if a little less busy. Haven't seen any military vehicles either.
Buying stuff like pasta, canned meals, meat or toilet paper is getting difficult though. Stores in general are noticeably emptier than usual. People seem to be preparing.

Digital winter

Where else have I seen those...

who will screw in light bulbs if pollocks on lockdown????? ÀAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

do you know something I don't, Schockibeisser?

god i fucking love poland. stay stronk you glorious fuckers

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This guy was red-pilling masses way before that was fassionable.


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Remove kebab while you're at it


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but what about cyberpunk 2077?

our gov is debunking this

release date moved to 2077


There were Vietnamese and Angolan immigrants in the GDR, IIRC