Yeah, I'm thinking based

Yeah, I'm thinking based.

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Cringe. That should be a white girl and mulatto baby

she is built for bwc

If only every race had this mentality.

Based and redpilled

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Absolutely based

White birds with white birds
Black birds with black birds

It's a good lucking family, won't lie.

it's so obvious. to end white genocide spin all race mixing as black genocide instead...

I won't be surprised if the day of the rake comes this year and all leafs go where they should.

she will cheat on him with a chinese worker


Nice to see niggers not mixing the blood.


Based. Fuck the dudes saying otherwise.

Hello based department

everyone should be ethno-nationalist including niggers

>wanting strong black families to outbreed us


Based and familypilled.


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That's based and all, but left wing scum would call them based all the same. The moment a white person said this, they'd get screeched at. Including, probably, by the niggers in that pic.

Martin Luther king was a crypto Jew commie


blacks are so disgusting. fucking animals

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Why don't you stupid cucks understand that strong smart non-whites are as or even more dangerous than dumb weak rat-like ones.

Uncle Tom Racist piece of shit

he should be out there breeding dozens of white women. White women were built for BBC

BBM is far superior to BWC.

Kang and kween

hi Joe, how's Österreich?

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lol what is an African population growth problem? Just stop sending them food and medicine.

based, black women are whores for the BCC (big chink cock)

What's wrong with racial mixing? I, for one, will never marry a white girl. I like Asian girls and even if my son will have narrow eyes then let it be so.

>likes asian girls
Nigga that’s because you ARE asiatic

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Is this an insult? Asians are better than whites in terms of intelligence

is it wrong to crave chocolate?

Personally I'm glad prince Harry addressed the royal bloodline. Narrow, limited, and often interbreeding genetic fields are rather dangerous. Lack of melatonin is great for colder areas. But climate is not stable if we head toward a warmer climate being white will be disadvantageous.

I'm allergic to the sun start to sneeze and tan rather quickly. Cant be out too long in the sun.

>black genocide
Isn't africa's population expected to reach 4 billion by the end of the century?

Even though whites are responsible for 99% of all modern technology, medicine and science?

Oh wait..

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Ooga booga

cool. now post it from africa

I wholeheartedly support black ethnostates outside of Europe and North America.

I had a dream last night I was the only guy on a island and it had roughly 10 women. All were white and my job was to look after them and breed. It was great.
These niggers were not what I had in mind but, ill take it if its going.


Very nice, bleaching is the future for all Blacks if we are to eliminate their race from the gene pool.

White genocide will stop whites from feeding Africans, so white genocide => black genocide.

>medicine and science

At the time of the Crusades, the Arab civilization was much more developed than the European one. The Arabs had science, medicine, and civilization. The Europeans stole all this from the Arabs .

black bitches are ugly as fuck

based af. I have nothing but support for this dude

Well this is seen as normal or it goes under the radar for blacks. If whites did this same image it would be seen and cringe or too racist.

Based and redpilled. White women were built for BBC

>she will cheat on him with a chinese worker

how is going in shitalia

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Based black man.

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>stuck on an island with 10 white roasties
Sounds like a nightmare

ok boomer

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>hitler quote

Based. Now someone post the same with white ppl and lets laugh at the double standard.

based? based on what?

>This white cope in thread.
Africans will be under 3 billion by 2050 and white people want more of them . The best scenario is Brazil. Let white people mix with black people in the United States.

And it would be better for the entire United States to be populated by people like this than for millions of blacks to be there

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he should be breeding white sluts only

Racemixing is jewish. Therefore this is based.

He be based.

this. diversity is best preserved in genetic isolation.

Retard or newfag?

shouldn't you be busy doing your part to get herd immunity?

>Racemixing is jewish

None of the white people think so.