Where are all the smartphone videos

...from inside the Italian hospitals?
I can't find a single video. Not one. Anywhere online.
Let's look at this logically. There are only 3 possible options
1) Not a single person has thought to upload a single video documenting the largest, most important disaster event in modern history. Not a single doctor calling for help. Not a nurse, an orderly, a janitor, a cop, a patient, a relative, a journalist. Nobody. People upload videos of their breakfast, but not this.
2) There are 1000s of videos, but the ENTIRE internet has somehow been scrubbed for no apparent reason. Not a single video made it through, not even to the chans or the dark web or one of the free speech places.
3) There are no videos because there is nothing to film because it isn't real.

Which of those seems the most logical?

Attached: corona.png (1500x854, 597.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I thought it was very odd that almost every video filmed in China was filmed by CCP goons

Nobody on Earth would be so disrespectful to film a pile of bodies.

ilgiornale.it has photos

you see beds and people with the bottom on top that have tubes into their mouths.

if you really want to go into gore, when they are close to die the color turns toward blue.

And that's it. Docs are working, not taking photos for the evil eye of shitposters like you.

>Which of those seems the most logical?
4) OP is a faggot

As a youtuber that's part of the "in" crowd if you mention certain keywords, use certain graphics, or the algorithm detects you in say, a hospital, it hides it from the public.

Attached: corona.png (707x506, 32.76K)

doctors are busy and patients are scared. there is no middle ground.

We need an Italian user to post a webm here directly

What's more believable?
The fact multiple world governments are in on this scam as well as multiple people in the spotlight, and high ranking officials? Or the fact doctors and patients are scared or too busy to take video?

Just show me the bodies and we won't have to make a holohoax about it.

We saw some videos from china, under total dictatorship. No videos from italy, freedom-loving faggotcocksucking country.

nice font

Sound the dread alarm through the primal body
Sound the reveille
To be or not to be

Stay the grand finale
Stay the reading of our
Swan song and epilogue

One drive to stay alive
Elementary. Muster every fiber
Stay alive


Trump declared himself King of Israel publicly
Now declares a national emergency
Takes full control of all systems of government

chinks have no souls and no sense. they will film their own mother agonizing if they feel like it. Italians have common sense.

yea but there is shit
out of millions of people nothing?

China probably also doesnt have strict laws prohibiting the disclosure of private medical records

Yup, fuck the cannuck prophecy. All Goldbergs shit actually came true.

>Now (((Mentana))) live on La7
>Use VLC as described

Attached: (((Mentana))).png (904x559, 160.02K)

They were F-A-K-E

Have any theory on what the fuck is really going on

there is probably something on facebook. facebook is used a lot in italy especially by boomers and gen-xers

post some good ones? can't find them

if they were fake why not faking some for Italy too? try making some sense

link pls

>what's more believable - absolute corruption and lying, i.e., business as usual, or millions of people all over the world spontaneously deciding not to use the devices we use constantly every day and even more when shocking events are occurring
You figure it out hapooner. Hoax.

>The story that only affects the elderly is false. Clearly young people have a better chance of surviving.
live now

Attached: Cattura2.png (1366x768, 557.62K)

>The situation in Lodi is out of control, growing exponentially...
live now...

Attached: Cattura1.png (1366x768, 698.75K)

This is the situation where i live

Attached: IMG-20200313-WA0038~2.jpg (720x1026, 153.58K)

4. Italians don't care to inform you because you are OP aka the faggot

Attached: caronachan4.png (500x504, 158.58K)

I'm watching. It's nothing. Interview from a nurse standing in a corridor. More interviews. People walking casually. Interview from a doctor. Showing some random buildings... Streets... More interviews...
Nope, it's nothing.

Attached: inHospital.jpg (500x436, 77.77K)

no independent videos of busy waiting rooms, no one documenting their own process with the virus...shit is fake and gay

you sure about that?

tell that to the jews who shove photos of piles of bodies from the holocaust

3 I guess

What's with the "welcome favelas"?

All famous


Italian meme page

I'll buy you a plane ticket, I'll pay you a rented Fiat 500, I'll pay you a night in a hotel in Codogno and you go to the hospital to take a pictures with the actors of the intensive care without mask. When you post them here you will become the hero of Yas Forums

>the nothingburger shills prove they were the schizos from the start
I knew it

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nothing like that will ever last on youtube or be reported on MSM. Check liveleak maybe? But mostly it's just these people are in quarantine so the only people to take photo/video would be doctors. And I don't think they would risk their career for internet points.

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Okay, sounds like a plan! What's your email address?

>the only people to take photo/video would be doctors
Exactly, only they are posting photos on social networks or can be interviewed by media
>the nurse sleeps exhausted at the end of her shift and the doctor posts the picture: "Thank you for what you do."

Attached: 160943688-2ad28a4a-596f-4b0e-982f-c58a9b08b76a.jpg (560x315, 34.97K)

maybe because in icu's and other heavy duty sections of hospitals IT IS NOW ALLOWED TO HAVE CELLPHONE ON

I open one on protonmail
alone or with a girlfriend?

Its possible irs fake, but if its real then we will have to see organic videos when the death count rises above 10 000. Even normies will start disbelieving if they dont see or know anyone whose dead when the death toll has risen sufficently

This means that IF its fake the jews only have a few more weeks to keep up the charade. At that point theyll announce a vaccine, if this is the correct scenario.

If its a legit pandemic we can only hope that it will have positive after effects (closed borders etc)

Be italian. Go vosit a hospital filming. Interview people or relatives to people who are ill. It really isn't mission impossible

ok but how about busy waiting rooms filled with coofers?

well, THEY aren't real, obviously.

this could be fine, in the heart of the action

Attached: Senzanome.jpg (597x441, 97.55K)

fuck off pasta nigger there is no evidence any of this is real you people are drama queens!

There were only a few dozen videos from China and they had a much larger number of infected than Italy does now. The vast majority of people don't upload stuff onto public channels, especially not upsetting shit like that. 99.9% of internet users share photos of their holidays on facebook and nothing else. Most don't even post to forums, or leave comments on articles and videos. Only a tiny fraction even bother to vote on content. If something isn't being seen by thousands and thousands of people, then there's a good chance it actually won't be uploaded where you can view it.
It seems like everyone is constantly filming and sharing everything simply because we are connected to such a mind-boggling large number of people. The minuscule fraction of humans who actually contribute content to the internet are still enough that a typical human mind is totally overwhelmed by them all. Our instincts tell us that a few thousand people we can see is basically the entire species, because we evolved in an environment were we probably wouldn't ever meet that many.

Alone of course. I'm not a stupid shit.

Bullshit, normies do anything for likes. Theyll post a picture next to a dead relative if it gives them attention.

post info about this pls

>out of millions of people nothing?
There are not millions of infected in Italy. There are just over a thousand dead, a couple of thousand in intensive care. The average Italian's experience of this is just the streets being a bit empty. Most of the people who are sick just have a cough. Nothing dramatic.
Most of the Chinese videos only really look scary because everyone is dressed up in plastic suits and because we aren't used to the callous way the Chinese treat each other or the general chaos of life in an overcrowded communist shithole. Without those, most of the scary videos would be stuff like 'some guy falls over in the street', 'here's a hospital, some people in it are ill', and 'someone died, so the body is taken away'.

4) its just the flu. forced into a meme disease

>Interview from a nurse standing in a corridor. More interviews. People walking casually. Interview from a doctor. Showing some random buildings... Streets... More interviews...
What do you expect an epidemic to look like? The virus tearing the city apart? People exploding? Sorry, but disease mostly isn't exciting.

Italy doesn't exist
Just like santa and queen of england it's all make believe

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Just one video of a hospital full of diseased people. Liveleak, bestgore, kaotic... anything.

best i could do.
try twitter?

>What do you expect an epidemic to look like?
We're being told exactly what it is supposed to look like
so where are the videos?

seems pretty calm

The point is probably to control panic then.

4) italians arent complete subhumans and dont film suffering people

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Don't know what the pizza fag is saying, he is coughing so therefore there's a pandemic and we should freak out


In the US we call it HIPPA. It is very strict laws protecting people's privacy vis-a-vis healthcare. Designed by jews to prevent accurate info being reported from (((hospitals))). Frankly they are the first thing that should have been suspended during a pandemic. Fuck your privacy.

And not a single webm escaped to appear on the chans, the deep web, the free speech sites etc?
Are we really expected to believe that?