UTAH: Women Forced To See Baby On ULTRASOUND Before They Have Abortion: New Law


>Women will be forced to look at an ultrasound of their unborn baby before they can have an abortion under a new law passed in the US, despite a walkout by female politicians.
The Utah Senate passed the measure - which has been widely condemned - after a vote by male members. Under the legislation, women will also be made to listen to the unborn child's HEARTBEAT if it is possible.

Before the vote was taken six women walked out in a spontaneous demonstration against the "invasive nature of the bill". Those who walked out were both Republican and Democrats.

Doctors could face fines of nearly £80,000 if they do not show the ultrasound to a woman before the procedure.

A picture of the six senators was shared on Twitter, appearing to show them embracing (twitter.com/SenatorLuz/status/1237556911102283777).
>"Love my sisters in the Senate. A spontaneous decision not planned of sisterhood against the invasive nature of HB 364."

Senator Curtis Bramble, who voted in favour, defended the measure.
>"If you are going to take the life of a child, if you are willing to terminate that life through an abortion, it seems appropriate that you get the best information about the development, the stage of development, heart beat – we are talking about a human being."

Republican Steve Christiansen said the step would probably make people choose not to go ahead.
>"When a woman sees live video of the baby that’s within her womb and hears a heartbeat … logic would say that many women are going to choose life."

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This triggers life deniers.

Infanticide is disgusting and a sign of a very sick society

They should be forced to see the ultrasound live during the abortion procedure.

>implying the clinic won't simply show a blurry pic of it for .01 seconds while the mom drinks her starbucks


>teary eyed technician steps into the room
>shakes while pointing to a blurry blob that is easily confused for a Rorschach test or shit modern art
yep, that's the one. kill it.

literally a waste of an ultrasound. if you faggots dont like abortion then stop having sex with dumb whores who you hate


i don't like sacrificing innocents to make some hedonistic monster happy

The world does not need more roastie single mothers.

based. If you want to kill your baby you should look it in it's eye

So Utah desperately needs more niggers, amirite ?


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I dont mind spending an ultrasound on making a whore feel guilty

incel™ the post

it is not correct to condemn a woman just because she has had many different sex partners and therefore gets one or the other pregnancy. My wife's daughter has a very wonderful mother, although according to her own statements she had really wild times in the past. But what are 30-40 sexual partners if you can explore your sexuality with them? I for one will not forbid my daughter to meet boys and to go on her own sexual endeavours (even if these boys have a migration background)

May it haunt them forever. Amen.

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If it's just a clump of cells why would this be any different? Women are the ultimate hypocrites.



If you're gonna murder someone, have the decency to look them in the face before you do it.

pretty ineffective when you do this shit in private with only the doctors around

get a weekly Pamphlet out with everyone who aborted if you want to do the shame game

Nice, I like that idea.

>My wife's daughter
>what are 30-40 sexual partners
>I for one will not forbid my daughter to meet boys and go on her own sexual endeavours

This is bait.

i am pretty sure you are holding hands while she is getting mounted by a mandingo, righto?

Why should this bother them? Just a clump of cells, bro.

what a stupid law

good, show them the baby before they sacrifice it to Moloch, nothing wrong with that

I support this. Its their body. Lets show them their body.

Objectively, a good law. Better still if you can detect a democrat right there and allow it to proceed

Those bitches don"t care.

obviously bait, but why do you have incel trademarked?


Pretty based especially since it will effectively act as racial eugenics, nig roasties won't care but white ones have somewhat more empathy (that the jew weaponizes against us.)

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This. Saw one on TV at 4. Most women never get to watch the arms and legs get ripped off as its struggling to stay alive an opens its mouth to scream. They vaccum up the body and it just get slowly ripped apart ass to neck while it squirms. Finally they smash its head and do the same.

Everyone who has an abortion needs to see that live.

BASED my lovely frog fren

South Carolina has been doing this for 10 years

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Wouldn't this make it more expensive for them too

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Yet antinatalists backed by medical lobby are seething and screeching.

when have you seen a non white trash person ever getting an abortion? no normal girl is getting an abortion or you mean the normalg irls that get raped they should feel empathetic to their rape child? kys dumb cunt

This is fucking stupid and awful. Who wants to look at the thing they're getting removed? It's like forcing someone to look at pictures of their wound or their cancer before having treatment.

>seething and screeching
haha epic xD

Good. I think that abortion should be legal to some degree, but whoever gets it should be forced to have a scan like this and watch a video of an abortion performed to another person at the same stage of fetal development.
Saw in the news the other day that 25% of British pregnancies are aborted. What the fuck!

Implying that women have empathy or compassion. I don't know, hard to say about an unborn child, do women feel a connection to their unborn child? There are mothers who kill their born toddlers, like it is nothing. Mothers who have killer their 5 year olds. If this law was meant to be targetted at female compassion, it is a dumb law. Women don't feel compassion, it is only about power, learn it.

It keeps scummy abortionists from lying to a girl that she's pregnant and charging her for an abortion she doesn't need. You'd think feminists would want to help protect women.

I also realize that scummy abortionist is redundant

Abortion is a weapon against huwhites.
Why do you think lefties hold position like it is the end of the world? Why do they want to kill post-birth BABIES?
Creams for skin, age longevity for these demonic evil fucks.

>white, non-Hispanic: 28,900,000 (14% of current population) >black, non-Hispanic: 18,700,000 (42% of current population)
>Hispanic: 9,200,000 (15% of current population)
>other, non-Hispanic: 3,500,000 (15% of current population)
>total, all races/ethnicities: 60,500,000 (18% of current population)

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>unironic “pro-lifers” on Yas Forums

top kek, this place is a parody of itself

Our society, our choices

lol thots BTFO

Great job Utah

Fucking degenerate pieces of shit, you and your daughter. You are the problem

>white trash
>attempt to derail argument to an edge case

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more like weapon against dumb rednecks
nothing is more parody than nazis that want to genocide people to be against eugenics

Comparing a baby to a cancer, seriously chink?

Just your reaction means that the law will work and make women reconsider.

They are killing their own babies. Someday the truth of their horrific deed will hit them like a ton of bricks

ah yes i see women with queens english aborting charles the 2nd, idiot kike