No Humor Thread?

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Stand down JIDF

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>letting in a shit ton of chinks is bad
You don't sound committed to having happenings happen, user.

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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

Amerifats never fail to take the b8.

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name a contradiction.

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Economy < Cultural victory, faggot

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>Cultural victory
what cultural victory LOL

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that’s a leaf pasta

Funny thing, it is possible to make wooden doors that seal rooms

If you took half the time to make some decent memes maybe you would get some people to
find them funny and help you make more
but you chose to be a massive faggot instead
I would tell you to kys but lets face it your already going to

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>letting multinational corporations keep their tax shekels and/or move manufacturing out of the country despite using gov't regulations to stifle competition to own the libs
The point of the wooden doors meme isn't that "the gas leaves the room", rather the Jews could be able to break it down.

You don't need a room with poison gas to be perfectly hermetically sealed to kill people. Huh, this ain't a leftist meme. Saved.

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I hope liberals kill "christians" (israel first non-REAL CATHOLICS) soon

Without Trump, the jewish deception would have been uncovered now


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cringe, those kidfuckers get the rope first


Not very diverse

He deported a few dozen Mexicans.
I mean, we're still overrun with immigrants and Trump is letting more in, and SJWs still control the media, most corporations, and of course universities that receive federal funding from the Trump administration.
But he built a couple miles of border fence that Americans paid for. Victory!
>just break the door down dude it's easy!
of course the Holocaust denialist is a brainlet. All of you are.

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Nice try Schlomo

/leftypol/ has many good memes, but there certainly aren't any in this thread.

>still using I'M SILLY as the basis of a comic in 2020
Cringe desu


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I'm not a MAGAtard but go on jewboy


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I now understand why leftie memes aren't funny. They don't make people laugh. They need people to laugh at it.

>of course the Holocaust denialist is a brainlet.

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Learn to meme, seriously, too much words

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I like this one.

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One must understand that the left's inability to meme doesn't derive from any political prejudice, but a deeper inherent lack of humor. It's this, among other mental deficiencies, that makes them a leftist in the first place. Their memes aren't unfunny because they're left, they're just unfunny. They literally can't comprehend humor, so they think sassy, sterile propaganda is an adequate substitute.

Trying to explain this to them is like trying to explain color to a blind man.

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Post the roman salute handshake pic

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ackchually black death came from china too, it's origin is well known

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Potentially, but it's not certain.

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