So when every brainlet stops shitting their pants, what will be the appropriate punishment for China?

So when every brainlet stops shitting their pants, what will be the appropriate punishment for China?

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Hold 'em all down and suck their dicks.

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About what?

More like they'll hold you accountable.

Yeah that's not deflection or anything.

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We don't know this was an act of war. Seems to me one of their bio-weapons scientists got sloppy and infected their own country.
China did get fucked themselves.Should their be a punishment?

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Hydrogen bomb it

No more trade or nuked.

humiliation and economic failure lol. suck a dick, ccp.

It would be stupid to have made a self inflicted wound like this. My belief has always been it was China's traditional disregard for safety standards which ended up causing this mess. But yes, there needs to be punishment even if this was an accident. Something to the effect of repatriation of manufacturing (or at least a non China country), and significant sanctions. No bombs, but strangle them economically.

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Everyone resubscribes to World of Warcraft and ruthlessly games every Chinese player in both retail and classic WoW.


We must nuke Han China. Every western nation on Earth, at the same time. 1000m above ground detonations for minimal fallout, maximum cleansing.

That's assuming this outbreak isn't the first step in their plan to take over the West, inject all white men with HRT, and keep them as personal cumsluts.
Let's just hope they are as inept at enacting it as they are inept at handling their own bioweapons

>virus starts in China
>they actually get a handle on it
>it spreads everywhere cause of globalism and other countries don't give a shit to actually deal with it so it gets worse
>omg lets nuke china

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>they actually get a handle on it
Going full Baghdad Bob is NOT a "handle on it." And no, I specifically said no bombs.

>hypercentralized polity run by sociopaths who get butthurt over when confronted
One Word: C/i/A

>they actually get a handle on it

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not a bad plan you got there too.

They are forced to take subsaharan migrants to help repopulate. Full EU model. Rape no longer a crime.

If not using VPN, This user is probably safest of all of us.

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I have already decided to never go to a Chinese restaurant, order Chinese food, buy from their convenience stores and buy from Aliexpress.
They have lost all the respect and little trust I had in them.
It will do little, but that at least it's something.

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we should plant a deadly virus in those morherfuckers.

Exterminate their entire disgusting species

Yakissoba No More!

This is the only reasonable, responsible, and fair way forward.

That's just so crazy, it might work.

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let's see how they deal with ebola.

Good thing that that is Japanese

Fucking retard. The virus is YOUR punishment for disrespecting your overlords, the Chinese.

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It's mothernature punishment for killing innocent creatures and eating them, you fucking nigger mutt

Executing every Western retard who orders shit from places like Wish and AliExpress would be a good start.

So let's ban sushi.

None! Solve the problem, let it be! Save every life!

America should be punished worse. At least the chinks got it under control. America tested like 70 people in the last week lol and spread it all over too

>put crop duster on commercial airliner going to bejing
>fill it with anthrax spores
>start it as its going over the city
>no one will know

No one is falling for your bullshit you fucking idiot
Was it a black ops secret mission carried out by jason Statham or was it the fact you bug people eat shit like pic related

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We should do what was done to germany, Throw a huge debt on them to pay for the shit storm they have caused.

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>MFW I'm a cycling/photography/computerfag and everyone says "just order it from aliexpress bro"

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>Oh looks like your outbreak is starting kick off right as we are cleaning up
>Admit you started it or we ban medicine export

Automate everything they supply us with.
Heavily vet Chinese students working on US IP
Do not allow Chinese scientists on high status projects like viruses or cybersecurity
Bring "peace" to Africa and control the coltan reserves outside of china, price them out of the mobile phone market
Stop china controlling Africa's minerals
Give South Korea F-35s and Aircraft carriers
Make them make phones in America and start iPhone production
Stop Intel from making CPUs in China, move all machinery to Taiwan.

Yeah, but Chinese don't have any morals or sense of shame; so they can't be browbeaten for 75 years like the krauts.

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And who will force them to pay?


China should be fucking nuked into extinction.

Death sentence for anyone complicit in aiding in the creation of the VIRUS. Their entire communist government.

peg the dollar back to the yuan

Nuke them.
Fuck off Chink rat. You'll be nuked first.

Have sex

Kick every single one of them out of our countries and ban buying any goods, medicines, etc from them also ban travelling there.

throw away your phone and computers while youre at it, retard. theyre all made in china

Literal jackshit. 90% of the things you got in your house were made in china. boycotting china is like boycotting air. youll die without it

Post a picture of your eyes with a timestamp Chang

Why is it the memeflags that say things like this?

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They'll get about as much punishment as Iran got for shooting down a commercial airliner

I'm really tired of US and americans, you're too annoying and arrogant, I stay with China.

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Microdick bat eaters need to be punished. Memeflaggot shills get the rope.

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thorough investigation of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Investigating WHO for corruption Human Rights Investigation of the CCPs response in Wuhan, banning Gain of Function Research,

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yeah memeflags tend to tell the truth.
you think boycotting chinese food does shit to big china?
your retarded fucking brain mustve think all chinese restaurants compromise of chinas main gdp or something.

>muh weird foods
rofl fucking retarded mutt

A few thousand airburst nukes should do the trick.

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Yeah, but that was full of Canadians.

Nigger please stfu and gtfo. No one needs anything made in that shit hole. Now kys

youre posting from something that was made in china retard
kill yourself and your shitty boycott

Replace USA with Israel and you have something there.

Let sleeping dogs lies, americans will think they are being great by having no real economy, instead importing all from China, and this is better for our world.

Every communist will be wiped off the face of this earth

YOUR country created this shit

Glass over that bat eating cunts.