Do you Qtards ACTUALLY believe this?

Do you Qtards ACTUALLY believe this?

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This Tweet has over 16k likes what in the actual fuck

heh Q flipped it

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The evidence is undeniable at this point but of course Yas Forums is in denial as usual

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Show us the undeniable evidence, then, please.

What is it like to be schizophrenic?

Give me a quick rundown

Q predicted this!

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What is it like watching your world order collapse? Instead of crashing the Chinese economy you retards are setting up the perfect situation to end the fed.

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left/right is an artificial jew paradigm, people are universally fucking retarded across the board
of course they believe that retarded shit. they believe anything as long as an 'R' says it


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>What is it like to be schizophrenic?

You tell me, jew.

Me? I’m happy to see the Fed ended... the powers that be are crashing the world so that they can rise from the ashes like Phoenix with a NWO

pic related

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>hehe muh based freemasons
the qtard shows his final form

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Trust The Plan Boys!
>10 days of darkness

bibi is a freemason

The “Jews” are the ones behind the Q psy-op you gullible dickhead. Their only opposition has been Christians and now they have the Christian and truther movement right in the palm of their hands.

You fell for their tricks again, silly goy.

Jewish 74 29 88 34
Trump 88 25 47 29
Donald John Trump 185 68 220 76
Donald J Trump 148 49 176 68
Donald 50 23 112 31
Judaism 77 23 112 49
Q predicted this 157 76 221 77

I didn't mention Q. You did because you're a kike. Couldn't even stop yourself from using "goy". It's really hilarious that Zionism is a failed system and 2020 is the year it ends.


>Trust The Plan Boys!

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>God Yas Forums why won't you listen you're in denial but you know god!!!!
Is this your version of "you're voting against your own interests?"

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>The “Jews” are the ones behind the Q psy-op you gullible dickhead

I'm sure that's why Q has repeatedly and explicitly called out mossad and international zionism as the enemy of the people. That must also be why Q has explicitly identified mossad and zionism as the handlers behind fake conservatism and ziocon limited hang out alt media.

I'm sure Q does that because he doesn't want his followers to know about zionism, right? I'm sure Q has said they are "saving Israel for last" because Q doesn't want to put a giant spotlight on Israel and ZOG.

NOBODY believes you except the other shills smelling their own farts.


Those FEMA guillotines you ziofaggots have ready for the goyim will be turned on you. You will feel the arterial spray from your own severed neck hit you in the face as your head hits the pavement and goes in the pile with all the other literal traitors and 5th column seditious operatives.

Anyone with a neck that wide is fucking retarded.

t. Qfag

Nazi's were zionists btw.

>The Coronavirus was a premeditated attack by the Deep State designed to generate mass hysteria, crash the economy, quarantine the masses, & push mandated vaccines.
>But Q flipped it into a white hat operation & is tactically using it to destroy them.

I don't care, as long as Jesus is onboard!

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I like Gematria and I like Q. Tough choice. Q has the tits though....

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Trump flipped it to enforce ICE in major cities. There are over 500,000 illegals in NYC. If it becomes quarantined there will be ZERO

KEK give me a break

He's gonna lock down the borders and implement national socialism too. No joke. This is the Reichstag fire. I'm fuckin pumped LET'S GET THESE FUCKING KIKES TRUMP

He wanted to deport them to Madagascar, and when not able to due to it's proximity to allied territory he decided Palestine. He never wanted to create Israel, and all he did was kick them out and give them some money by liquidating their assets and wealth (stolen from Germans). National Socialism goes against Judaism completely and you're a retard. I know he should've killed them all, imagine a world with 6 million (or more) less Jews? Goebbels should've let Kristalnacht go on if anything really

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Found a better one

Attached: HitlerOnZionism.jpg (1680x1050, 273.68K)

>Remove all jews from Europe
>to send them to palestine
>to create Israel
>to create an exploitable grievance as a basis for new jewish racket
>to reorganize the geopolitical chess board to set up the pre-planned 3rd world war as described by Albert Pike in which the abrahamic religions would mutually destroy and discredit each other to usher in the new crypto-judaic one-world mystery school religion of the anti-christ

Yes. Hitler was more of a prostrate zionist stooge than you accuse even Trump of being.

>Remove all jews from Europe
>to send them to palestine
You mean Madagascar?

It is a cult

Devil you know user

>he decided Palestine
You mean his Rothschild handlers decided.

when you're not smart enough to figure things out in terms of actors and their interests, you have to rely on others to explain it for you. with enough skill, these people who are relied on for understanding can have basically complete control over the people who listen to them and with enough effort can twist anything to mean any other thing, they can make black look white and white look black, malice look like empathy and sanity like insanity
to the q believer, literally anything is possible because every single thing can be explained in terms of either malicious action on the part of their boogieman (deep state, liberals, the media, etc), or as all part of some grand plan whose individual parts are incomprehensible on their own. everything in the q universe is one of those two things - when something bad happens, trump looks bad, he fails in some way, it's only because he's been temporarily thwarted by the all-powerful deep state, when he looks stupid or does something nonsensical it's all part of "the plan". the possibility of him making a mistake is impossible, he is absolutely infallible to the q believer
the faith in q itself is also impossible to shake, because of course it's all vague semi-mystical renditions of standard predictions ("the bear will leave its cave forever" can be applied to anything involving russia or bear markets, "the belly of the dragon will bleed water" can apply to anything involving china, etc), but also because conservatives (and by extension, q and trump) have never actually believed in anything, so there's nothing concrete to spoil the illusion that he's been on your side the whole time. sure, most of the q predictions can literally be applied to anything if you draw enough arrows, but at some point you have to get down to fundamentals, and because boomer alt-lite conservatives don't actually have any other than "maybe all this social justice stuff can wait for another decade until i kick the bucket", this is impossible

for example, if you were a white nationalist who backed trump, you'd probably be pretty disappointed in him by now given that he's done nothing to reduce the literally tens of millions of hispanics in the US, but to the typical civnat there's nothing so specific to let you know he's following his own agenda and not yours. thus, people like q have infinite leeway to twist anything he does as being part of some grand scheme that's totally gonna own the libs, any day now, as long as you keep giving him your undying support and definitely don't forget to give him another four years this november
i'm not even being edgy when i say these people are actual sheep, because all of the conditions have been set up to lead these people to believe literally anything that you could possibly imagine. you could have paraguayan-style forced miscegenation laws and q could make these civnat boomers believe it was all "part of the plan", it's fucking laughable how much hope these people have in him compared to what he's actually done

>strawmen and projection -- the post

Dude we've seen this same argument over and over it's a complete brainlet understanding of history. Give it a fucking break all he did was send them there with some money, he didn't create a state, he didn't give them a military. The few who served were that, a few. Myopic? Sure. Deliberate and in service of the Jew? No

Yeah his Rothschild handler who made him get off the gold and establish his own nations central bank free of international ones and begin recirculating the economy and making it work again. Or are you also going to pin the Balfour declaration on him too you fucking brainlet?

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>nazis were Zionists!
Please tell me more rabbi Goldman Silverman.

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mate, these are the same dudes who believe the earth is flat, these dumbasses will believe anything! They're all old fucking boomers that have been abandoned by their families so they turn to conspiracy theories as a way to find things to blame their sad lives on. This has been going on for years, the best thing is to just ignore them.

Dude the conspiracy Q user community went from wanting to burn down the whole system and freeing whistleblowers like Assange and Snowden to hating them and worshipping the NSA against the CIA. I mean that is basic interrogation technique of making the perp side with one over the other when both are from the same place. Q user is for guillible boomers and NPCs who want to feel the special feeling of having an in that this place provides (to an extent). I've seen good people get lost in that shit, it's ridiculous

quit posting your faggot shit here.

trump's gonna fix this any day now, right?

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This makes the most sense.

>because conservatives (and by extension, q and trump) have never actually believed in anything
Neither do Democrats. If you honestly think everything you just said didn't apply to Obama too, you're delusional.

Cope harder.

Except the white hat part. It's a stupid way of inserting Q into it.

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>if you don't like trump, you must be a democrat
you fucking retard

Twitter is full of neocon magapedes who actually believe Q.

AHHHHHH, this is hard to read, TL:DR?

This dude got tons of followers during the election posting the most milquetoast MAGA takes of "owning libs". He wasn't really posting Q stuff at the time though so I'm not sure what changed.


>he didn't create a state, he didn't give them a military
That wasn't his role.

He had abundant chance to kill/prosecute the Rothschilds but instead he sends them on there merry way. He was backed early on by zionist puppet churchill and the ultrazionist lizard windsors.
The SS were into crypto-judaic bavarian occultism, seances, and cross-dressing and all the degeneracy of weimar (just in secret, in their little club) -- like any good christians, right?

Fuck outta here.

google "coronavirus 45" and you will get similar results.

tl;dr q can make civnats believe literally anything because they're retards and because they don't fundamentally believe in anything so anything that happens can be explained away as either boogieman's fault or all part of the plan, no exceptions

95% of people who post anti-Q shit have absolutely no idea what Q is about lmfao.
They usually just bash Trump.

The wrong Netanyahu brother died at Entebbe.

ZOG is behind demographic replacement/white genocide. Until ZOG is removed, any action to end or curb immigration futile.