It's happening. The borders are closing tomorrow at 12 PM.

Gud bevare Danmark

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Other urls found in this thread:ænserne-i-morgen-middag

>The 2nd Worst Nordic
Not like anyone was going there anyways.

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Who cares, I'm too poor to travel anyway

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good luck with the covid-19, bro. the us has everything under control, i'm sure. :^)

Denmark is and always has been the closest Nordic country to being based.

yeah but who really cares bout you nordic faggots?

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Real lockdown or faggot lockdown with goods still passing through?

Are you kiddings me? I'm hoping I'm dead in a week or so.


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goods still passing through I think hence the announcement that we shouldnt hoard since things will still function normally
refugees will get told to fuck off though

God speed danebro!
At least you're not going the Swedish route and keeping the schools open and stopping the testing, Kek

russian ship "quarantined" in klaksvik the faroe islands. they are just asked to not leave ship unless necessary. 100 people are quarantined because of the disease on land. So it's rather to protect the fishermen, there are 80 on board.

Greenland has still not completely shut down, anyone that enters will however be put in quarantine for 14 days

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He tried for so long and the chinese beat him to it

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Er det muligt at koere lige over til gransehandel eller er det forbudt?

Well done

tror det er muligt, men du bliver nok stoppet og skal vise ID osv

Coronakord til danskerne! (Nordmænd og svenskere er også velkomne men INGEN ENGELSK) FJK6RFb


ikke gyldige indrejser er forbudt
familiebesøg er ikke gyldige, men hvis et familiemedlem er kritisk indlagt, så er det gyldigt for eksempelænserne-i-morgen-middag

Dem stenger i morgen, men man skal jo bare be folk dra om de ikke har en god grund til å være i danmark. så lol?

Godspeed, Astralis

They should have been closed in 2015.


Jeg arbejder i Tyskland og er Tysker, bare hoerer om jeg faar ferie

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Holy fucking shit

Hvad så bøgser. Har i fået hamstret nok gær?

Forbudet var til 13 april, får håpe det blir bra igjen etter det

hvis du er tysk men dansk statsborger og bor i danmark men arbejder i tyskland så har du fri adgang

Good luck from italy user
Listening Mercyful fate this morning, fuck yeah

Jeg har to ugers "ferie" lige nu, udover det har jeg arbejdet hjemmefra siden starten af Februar og regner ikke med at blive syg.
Jeg forstår virkeligt ikke hvorfor folk gik amok over toiletpapir og gær.

We already closed our borders yesrerday

Can't your citizens just move to Greenland?

No cases there

Jeg bor i Tyskland og arbejder i graensehandel. Saa Danskerne maa staedighvaeg kom og koebe ind? Mit Dansk er ikke 100%

Hoppas ni håller stängt till Malmö även i framtiden.

Ja undskyld misforståelsen. Danskere må stadig gerne handle i Tyskland, da de frit kan krydse grænsen.

Gud bevare Danmark desu
Denmark is the best country in northern Europe except for maybe Iceland and the Faraoe Islands (which are part of the Kingdom of Denmark). We have few shitskins and tight immigration (relatively speaking), high GDP per capita, low crime, clean beautiful cities, we work reasonable hours, Danes aren't cucked and PC like the Swedes etc.

Greenland allegedly has super aids.

God damnit

Attached: Patrick_&_Squidward.jpg (1152x864, 94.92K)

Yep we can run off to Greenland or the Faraoe Islands if shtf. We also have a lot of tiny isolated islands in Denmark.

Sure, there are no restrictions between the mainland and Greenland.

Samme her. Jeg holder mig bare indenfor næsten hele dagen og får leveret madvarer til døren. Smitterisikoen er lille, hvis man holder sig væk fra menneskemængder. Jeg har en bekendt der arbejder i ledelsen i fødevareindustrien. Han siger der på ingen måde vil være mangel på fødevarer i den nære fremtid.
Køb jer nogle masker og disinficerende og så tag ellers en slapper med alt det andet panik-indkøb.

The only border you have is with germs

Fucking american education

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They prefer to be called GermANS

How will you survive? You don't even understand your own language!

Min broder. Hil Danmark.

Is it too much to ask for you to post a source?

>Doesn't know how to look things up on the internet

Nevermind I found it myself.

Attached: denmark.png (574x862, 393.9K)

>Gud bevare Danmark
Please write something nice on the plaque when you are done burning all the remains and annexing empty Sweden.

Jær dågt svaremir

Shut the fuck up nigger, posting a source with your thread should be rule number one here and a bannable offence if neglected.
There is so much fake new being thrown around now its crazy, cant trust anything.



Attached: 12-122281_angry-pepe.png.jpg (300x286, 51.97K)

.... what?

When pee poops poo

Whiter than you Jamal

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At this rate, we'll have the military round up sick people and execute them on monday

Denmark may make it


>Whiter than you Jamal
Lmao you are a black Afro-Swede


And you are a full on black whole nigger

Chinese detected
Sino-Spaniard detected Chinatown Madrid

Sig mig hvad fanden er det i står og siger?

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You are a pure Somali but one without any Yemenite Arab admixture from the Bronze Age

I'll be watching the show from my apartment window

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Ja, på svenskar an jågoskar!


when taking domestic ferries you have to stay inside your car the entire ride.

Fucking Normandy Gastronomy

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holy shit why is every fucking country more based than Spain on this issue

Påvirker Corona virus ens evne til at tale? Han er vist ikke helt rask.

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Finns are Nordic. You're mixing up Nordic with Norse.

You are such a fucking Jew

If Normands had good gastronomy, they would have brought it to UK, and you would not be so fat.

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What the fuck is wrong y u do dis?

can anybody leave the country?=

finns are more nordic than sweeden at least

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Han sitter säkert bara och google translator sig fram, amerikaner är inte språkkunniga.
Knappt så att de kan sitt eget språk, verkar ju ha så jävla svårt att skilja på your och you're.

Żyd is polish for Jew, you Żyd

Now that i checked may be, Nordic location and Norse people are the same word in french.

>Pissland is more Pissy than Pissden