Italy is supposed to be the most equipped in Europe

Italy is supposed to be the most equipped in Europe...

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-13-18-11-51-26.png (1060x1052, 434.81K)

Germany is not in europe.
>The absolute state of mutt education

So this is the power of universal healthcare...

Why does the US have so many critical care beds?

Why is the US so high? Must be for the gunshot wound trauma over there.

>Italy is supposed to be
Can be used to describe literally anything in any field
Italy SUCKS. First to reply gets to fuck my asshole right now

Canada nowhere to be seen..

That is socialized medicine for you.

so are limeys mutts now too, mohammad?

>Britain is not in Europe
Absolute state of French education

>Why is the US so high?
It's a business here.
We don't have your socialized health care.

Socialized medicine BTFO

Superior health system

Because you can charge more for them.

They're a cost center for socialized systems, but a profit center for private systems.

>almost 30 years since Mastrict
>more than 20 years after ECB and Euro
Dudw, what do you expect?

top fucking kek, way to go you subhuman baguette eating faggot.

34 per 100k

youre all retarded

because we have 330 million some math.

Because when you make a profit out of things, people actually want to make profits?
Universal health care gives you the bare minimum, often quadruple booked, at bloated cost. Having patients in the fucking corridors in hospitals in Norway is not an uncommon sight.

This shit is going to look medieval soon enough here.

>america has shitty healthcare!
>sees beds per capita
>america has too much healthcare!
eat shit you fucking mexican.

>because we have 330 million some math.
It's PER 100,000 INHABITANTS, amerimutt education I swear

It's per capita

Well, we're fucked.

mutt education strikes again.

fuck off we're full

He isn't wrong desu

I'm guessing Sweden only have beds and assets available to brown people.

34.7 per 100 000
10% of corona cases need critical beds
if USA has more than 347 infected per 100 000 they'll lack critical beds.

Let's see. The wonderful universal health care system of Norway, land of plenty, right?

"Corridor Patients - Korridorpasienter" is a common enough term here. Every year, 50k patients going through the hospital system don't get to stay in a fucking room, they get put in a bed in a fucking corridor in the hospital. That's numbers for 2019. It's not like we cut corners on it, we spend SHITLOADS on health care.

If we're anything to go by, buckle the fuck up.

you own pic say it's Germany

according to you own President "European travel ban" he's not wrong.

The US beds are most likely filled with gunshot victims

Attached: ok.gif (245x285, 918.16K)

You guys can still come to Denmark, all others will be turned away, Police/Army will enforce this

thanks obama

Honestly, I think it's better that we stay the fuck away. Maybe at least one of us will make it out of this mess.

I think we're even worse off.
Swedish politicians have pretty much admitted they can't handle the situation in the slightest.

why don't they just make more beds? are they retarded?


Our health care system is not going to handle this at all. It's going to completely fucking collapse long before May, which is when they calculate the peak will hit.

Based. Universal health care is a fucking scam and a shitshow.

Need medical staff to attend to them

I hope this is bait

As an entry level offering, it's nice to have. But if it's all you have, you're fucked.
Unfortunately, it's all most of us have. I don't have a job that gives me coverage with a private provider nor do I have the money to pay for it.

And remember "muh China bad", while your country cannot quarantine like they.

>American education
Because critical beds need machinery that's expensive and only produced on China.

Of course you need critical care beds when 59% of your population are +300 lbs diabetic land whales who’ll get respiratory distress from a mere walk around the block. Looking at you America.

Americans require two beds

And most of the staff that are there now will get sick, most of the beds you have now will be empty and useless

It's quite retarded to try to put everyone infected in hospitals.
It's just asking for having a shitton more people infected.
Isolate non-criticals, treat criticals in their own homes if possible to avoid creating a coronadome, where one comes in, all come out.

>American education

Critical literally mean you cannot treat them on home.

We would have to hit 1.1 million infected in the US to fuck our ICU system
If we are going by your numbers


>President "European travel ban"
They haven't been doing proper testing. The virus could be anywhere and everywhere in America by now.
Trump did us a big favor by closing the border to that shithole.

Yes. Which is why free healthcare would be retarded here. It doesn't even work well in healthy euro countries; it would be doomed here

there probably already are


Spain better than Japan or the UK? I didn't expect that.

Taking in account US cannot enforce a harsh quarantine, there'll be soon.

Critical beds are meaningless. Coronavirus only requires the medical ventilators for the bad cases, and quarantine and hygiene for prevention.

So who's paying for people to get coronavirus care in the US though? I assume hospitals will be charging several billions of dollars to use those beds.

1 critical bed = 1 ventilator

The goverment in denmark plans for the case that 10% will get the virus.
10% of them will need intensive care.

Same math on US you will need 15 mill beds

If you have great insurance you can walk into any ER gets immediate service(skips all the niggers and beaners) get a bed with your own room, comfy TV with staff on hand. And pay maybe $25 dollars.

Now if you have typical burger insurance(silver plan) you can do the same thing, skip all the nigs, etc but then you get a $1000 dollar bill, for own bed, some blood test, some x-rays within an hour or two.

I like how Canada isn't even mentioned. Probably because it's a known fact that everyone avoids Healthcare like the plague and goes to USA if they have a real problem. All of these shills demanding "Universal Healthcare" in USA are just going to make USA fall faster.

It's all fine and dandy when you pay less (or nothing) for visiting something that Healthcare provides in "normal" everyday circumstances. Mind you that the system is clogged and almost unusable because of everyone who abuses the system (immigrants, poor, stupid, etc). Combine that with a viral outbreak, especially something like Coronavirus that shows no symptoms for up to 30 days... and you have a fucking catastrophe that might make the Black Plague look like rookie numbers even if you go by false statistics the Chinese claim at 3% mortality rate.

Can you imagine? Americans hospitals with ventilators idle waiting for someone that can pay to use them.
Supposing 150 000 000 americans get infected, could be more or could be less, anything about 1 100 000 will cause shortage, supposing hospitals will allow people that cannot pay use expensive machines.

They seem to do a pretty good job with DUI checkpoints.

Except considering bottles of purell are selling for >$100 in the US the hospitals will also get in on the price gouging and insurance companies will drop coverage

That's not how it works. Hospitals can't turn you away, you just get a fat bill afterwards

It's really lacking, despite being the most string US ever had it's lax
Sound like you'll officially introduce indenture slavery after the pandemic is over.