Actual doctor here

From what I've read, particularly from the Lancet article, it appears to be capable of correlated loop chains, long-term dichroitic inhibition and innate caspase structures. Its von-Wille pathophysiological agents sub-units exhibit non-toxic repair dysgenesis utilizing phospholipid functional kinase. This is in line with novel medial dismustase and active catalytic time-course but surprisingly its non-androgenic caspase traffic seems similar to short-term wild-type proliferation though if it's capable of ectopic negative transcriptome and can endure equal unilateral stress, it's not unusual.

If its specific epidemiological expression engineered arrayed kinase coagulates strongly with unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon then engineered non-covalent chains should be applicable for a potential cure issuing generic experimental mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic modifications.

Attached: shutterstock_209618224-doctor-saying-no.jpg (1000x714, 273.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

big if true


“Doctor here”

Just posts a ton of medical sounding bullshit that isn’t clear to the average laymen.

Typical faggot LARP. Fuck off Dr. Nigger

>LARP effort 7/10.

Hey is it easy to illegally work in Macedonia? I just want to have a life without documents or identity.

I'll learn the language.

yeah i concur user

This is an English board

Ergo, concordantly, vis a vis

Attached: architect.jpg (840x348, 81.32K)



I have a degree in microbiology and i have no idea what any of that said.

>actual doctor
>the Lancet article
Yeah okay buddy, stopped reading there.
Fuck right off.

Attached: EE41457E-8E8B-404E-9BBF-27513827944C.jpg (767x1024, 192.91K)

I think thats the joke bro.

imagine being this autistic

>I am a doctor.

Attached: imdoc.jpg (739x272, 53K)

I understood it perfectly. It all does make sense actually. He describes a possible cure too.

Attached: 1501679978469.jpg (657x527, 38.24K)

Ok Labcoat

It's spelled "Dichroic" you retard.
Get the fuck out of here.

Can you translate into human, doc?

will this be on the exam?

referencing the recent developments in niacin-resistant antiglobulants that could potentially dissolve the RNA

Literal gibberish

Translate to us humans pls

I knew it. I told you. That's exactly what I said earlier.

Attached: red_dwarf_uk.arnold_rimmer.jpg (200x200, 7.61K)

He's describing specific proteins in the structure of the virus along with how it copies its DNA, saying how they can be targeted.

>non-covalent chains should be applicable for a potential cure
wow you are dumb
>generic experimental mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic
is exactly what people have been looking into before you even found the internet


I see.

In English doc

Its already known
Chloroquine phosphate plus zink

phospholipid proteomic mods are the key.


You can't

You won't

Fake and gay

Attached: C61126CC-4C00-4753-9141-5367EEC876ED.jpg (700x700, 77.38K)
This guy is real good
He just issued an update

Kek this

shut the FUCK up labcoat

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>Actual doctor here
you're off your schizo meds, ""doctor"".

>Actual doctor

Attached: actual professor.jpg (877x1000, 58.15K)

Actual schizo here. From what I've hallucinated, particularly between 3-7am, it appears to be capable of manifesting as a man in a rabbit suit

that explains why eating herring is a bad idea, thanks doc.

Attached: who is laughing now.png (720x552, 202.06K)

>Macedonian Doctor

Is that like a Mexican Intellectual?

Based Donny Darko burger

Actual retard here. Hello :D

Is that fuck speak for "Just a flu, bro."?

top kek

Attached: 1412312312.jpg (1280x720, 123.93K)

OP is a faggot. suck a nigger and die

"Actual doctor here."

> Ok, just head for the hills, isolate yourself and try not to panic
Come back when it's all over. Good luck. Pack a good tent at least and some long term supplies.

Attached: dr nick.jpg (680x381, 31.73K)

>correlated loop chains
At least you tried.

actual cutter and paster here. real doctors know how to properly explain things to their uneducated patients

fucking brainlet, you should be able to tell this shit is a fake larp just by how and where it is posted, not to mention the lack of a source, you think you are going to find just 1 ONE article when you look for articles about Covid19 in the Lancet?

Also you don't need to be a medical bigwig to see how this is just gibberish, you say yourself it is just medical sounding bullshit. Hell, half the "big words" aren't even medical "big words".

In english doc!

Fellow schizophrenic here. I can confirm that it appears as a man in a rabbit suit but it's usually during afternoon and it's also usually wearing a red shirt. Also it can read out your home address and likes to mock your sexual prowess.

>Actual doctor
>Checks flag

>Pee is stored in balls
>OP is a humungous faggot

Uhhh... this time in English, doc!?

Actual doctor here, I completely agree with said doctor. Only a fool would take this threat lightly which corna is to mankind. I must go off to work so unfortunately I cannot elaborate more than has been said.

Also a faggot

Blriip blorp ding dong

You see, I can make up words too.

I see. That's a long winded way to say it's a hoax.

>not only not a doctor
disappointed in you OP, you should probably go back

Attached: op is a fag.jpg (1500x1500, 129.99K)

based fucking show

What does this mean for the gayman

Kekkis necessitas

Wow, thank you OP. My life is saved!

What's crazy is that OP is a coherent post free of grammatical errors and made-up words.

Your so full of shit someone better give you an NG.

Nice jargonspam bot you have there. The real cure is sage.

Stop it right there with that smarty pants malarky. The thing is, let me tell you, real Americans have God on our side. Big talk won't solve problems as far like praying to invisible dead people will, so cool it before we get tougher on china

Its star trek/CNN type science babble