Why are y'all concerned about the environment all of a sudden?

You deny climate change but when it comes to the corona now all of a sudden you flock to buy hand sanitizers. Makes me think

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>scientists warning

I remember all too well how often every single "lmao i'm a scientist" type was explicitly going out of their way to shame and mock anyone who was prepping months ago. So the only thing I get from this is ignore the twitter scientists.


>explicitly going out of their way to shame and mock anyone who was prepping months ago
Why are you lying?

they are actually pretending that never happened now. just completely lying

You can't gaslight us into forgetting that we were all accused of believing fake news 2 months ago

I don't need leftists in white coats to tell me deadly virus = bad

Climate denialists are the ones lying. Hbomberguy destroyed you pathetic morons.

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I need to make a twitter so I can tell faggots like this faggot to shut the fuck up and btfo their pseudo-psychology.

Muh utopia

Who gives a shit. Kys faggot

People are concerned about the planet, like myself, do.

The same scientists who believe evolution in humans stopped 50k years ago and we're all equal and the past century of IQ tests are just nazi pseudoscience?

I always do the opposite of what uptalk science fags say. Two months ago these pricks were too busy calling people racist for not letting a chinamen spit in their mouth.

Science is, unfortunately, political. It no longer deserves respect as a field of objectivity.

>Thinks scientists know everything

The sure know more than the average basement dwelling loser who has no degrees in anything.

I don't deny climate change, it's just an intractable problem in the absence of one world government, and while it is nice and morally correct to take conservation measures, we could make everything out of cardboard and ban plastic bags and toilet paper in the U.S. and it would be like pissing into the wind given what goes on in India and China. Given that nobody who proposes solutions to it ever seems to acknowledge this blatant reality, makes these measures seem more like pointless platitudes that only make our companies less able to compete than they already are.

What fucking scientists? WHO, CDC??? These niggers told us its basically a nothingburger.
> Scientists caught lying again just like global warming

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no it's not

climate change is a disputed fairy tale
corona virus is an undisputed empirical fact

I mean that's white belt logic right there.

You fell for it 2 months ago and you're falling for it now. You fucking traitors are selling us out to the nanny state right this moment. Fucking ZOGbots.

>climate change is a disputed fairy tale
Imagine being this stupid

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looks ok to me, not humans problem. the earth goes through warm and cold cycles all the time, deal with it.

>You deny climate change
> It's about what doesn't directly affect them and what does
Yea because climate change is fucking fake. Yea it changes but it's not man made. Also it's getting colder. Not warmer. But they'll just keep lying to you with their phony ass charts anyways.

One has absolutely nothing to do with the other faggot nigger.

Fun fact: They told us all the glaciers in Montana would be totally melted by 2020 due to Global Warming.

Fun Fact 2: The Glaciers have been increasing in size and the scientists have no idea why.

Glaciers move and melt - especially over a 100 year period. WWOOOWWWWW! We’re all gonna die!

We know that if our power bill goes from 150$ per month to 200$ per month and the extra 50$ goes to carbon credits all thats going to happen is a few dozen more jews at the carbon street exchange will be able to afford private jets and raise pollution.

>the earth goes through warm and cold cycles
Which is accelerated by humans burning CO2 in unprecedented levels. Shame on you for being a denier

imagine believing everything you're told by authority without questioning it or considering the motivations of others because you lack common sense, cynicism, and curiosity

oh lord the idiot cycles through the phases

I dont get what the relation between the two is

>People are selfish

What if you don't believe in either of them?

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op is just a faggot trying to be an intellect

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Only a complete imbecile believes in human causes for climate change.

The average joe dont have falt or control over emissions and the climate change is not mankinds faut, this divulgation of climate change is part of the globalist agenda. Is a scape goat to blame or shift responsability from lesser environment problems into something bigger that they need new industrial complex Z to solve.

Remember 12 years ago when scientists the world won't be habitable in five years?

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I saw this. Fucking Freemasons

Climate change is real in the sense that we have no control over it. Viruses and bacteria can be controlled and killed.

WHO? I didn't buy a single bottle.

It's a fucking SUPER FLU! Who gives a shit?

You got like a 1 in 50000 chance of catching it.

>Degree from"accredited" institution run by commies and Jews
>Tout socialism as the only way to solve climate change
Really rustles my synapses

You are the imbecile here

>uk flag
Yeah go fuck your own face faggot

>certain words
Seems like you are an NPC

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''Scientist'' like who, because with the data that we have acess i know that, we make less than 10% of the emissions and the emissions itself dont have a changing power in the sistem.

Here's some science for you that the left loves to deny.

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>You deny climate change
99% of the people doesn't deny the climate change. It's just an overly simplistic misrepresentation of the whole climate change debate.

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What is this? A case study on not understanding scientific papers?

>muh overrated puzzle sudoku points
Debunked here by Shaun, nice try

Did you just unironically y’all on this board niggerfaggot? Kys you mentally ill trany.

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It wasn't the scientists that warned people. It was us. We've known about this since new year's

Nobody denies climate change! They just know that you retards are powerless to stop it and you just want to separate them from their money.

>herpaderp baseless assumption

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>speech policing
I thought y'all were all about muh free speech. The right wing are the real snowflakes

So he's admitting climate change doesn't directly affect people.

Look, there's trees growing there now. Stop being a retard and be hap---
Oooooook, ok. So your stupid little island of paki hoards and inbreeds is gonna be under the ocean. GOOD. It's what you fucking deserve, and no one will give a damn. In fact the world will cheer your demise along. All the smart people left Britain centuries ago.
Drink salt, fucker.

>You deny climate change
I was supposed to be eighty feet under water fifteen years ago.

Global warming is as much of a fairy tale as the Holocaust is. You've literally had to change it's name three times just to avoid having to face up to how wrong you are about it. It's the secular Jew version of the cucked Protestant Boomer who uses math and the numbers in the books of the bible to try and predict the date of the end of the world.

>inb4 t. Francois
Should I start making a list of all the nationalities that the Brits have wronged?

>muh freeze peach
No right wing here, only third position. Summer camp soon fag.

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Can't imagine a person who thinks climate science is up to snuff with micro biology.

The best part about Coronavirus is 90% of people will forget about faggy ass climate change.

Wrong. Reproducibility crisis = less accurate than guessing.

Your attempts to demoralize and gaslight are not working OP, kill yourself please

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>one proven by scientific fact and video evidence to exist.
>one only proven by specific data entered into a custom made computer program that is only as good as the data and calculations entered into said program
whY yOu nO bElEeB uS user? onLy 15 yEArS lEFt user!

its about what is and isnt real
corona is real
warming is not

It's almost like... people only like facts that are convenient to them... and deny facts that are inconvenient to them... wow dude...

The strong response to the Wu-Flu is about SANE RISK MANAGEMENT.
We can see the Wu-Flu moving in real-time through humans and judge that it could cause some problems and overwhelm health systems. It makes sense to put significant societal effort into reducing the potential problem from that as quickly as possible.
Whatever you think about climate change, it's a far different class of problem that doesn't make sense putting your entire society's economic output into fixing instantly. Killing your economy to fix climate change means you have much less ability to handle other problems (like new diseases) that might crop up.

Not going to watch your faggy e-celeb, but I know he's going to fall back on the typical "it's socioeconomic factors". That has already been debunked in the studies posted.

I'm sorry you can't understand plain English, user.

Y’all folks finna thinking we gettin sick n shit but fuck y’all this shit is pollution because China and India y’all

fuck off with your tax hoax bullshit dumbass bong

>tax hoax bullshit

>It's also a case study on how retards try defend their egos

>climate fucktards finally get it through their heads that their retarded initiatives will never be implemented
Congrats on this. Seriously.

>carbon dioxide conjecture hoax for tax dollars
you heard me, bong. you have to be fuckin retarded to believe a trace gas is moar important than the sun & plasma physics

Bing bong, into the bog

>We need more money to dem programs to fight climate change
>we need dem carbon taxes to stop pollution

Fucking retarded Brit, i hope you die painfully

>We need more money to dem wars in the middle east and fight muh muslims in caves
Can say the same about everything mong

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>one is boy crying wolf
>other case there might actually be a wolf

Fuck the middle east, I have wanted us to pull out of there since fucking Isreal was formed.