Happening now fuckers! Get in here!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Hopefully kikes start getting arrested
When does CEDA get activated
Looks like Q was right all along.
stfu retard
DOW starting to tank
Holy Checked! Seems so'.
How many retarded Americans are going to take it as a violation of their rights and start marching against them with their guns and they will all end up killing each other.
Trying to silence people won’t work now shill. Day of the rope has come
those digits. praying for you from over here, by Jvpiter
Wow, 1000 troops in 50 states, what exactly will that accomplish
1000 per state or 1000 spread out amongst the various states?
mass arrests incoming screencap this post
Check out them digits
Based and correct
Holy shit it's real
1000 troops in each state
50,000 troops spread out
Great source faggot. This is totally Martian Law.
Think they'll be able to shoot down corona-chan without tanks?
Based l4d og player
Does this mean every day troops will be walking down my street? I have an original point of view and I think that's retarded.
Obviously no
But they are sending the troops out to make sure that we stay indoors
Senpai Louis best l4d player of all time
>trustin some retard like yourself
No need to silence you, you are being retarded by yourself.
What the dickens?
Yes they are most likely going to patrol every street
Smallish death squads.
OP digits 1776
It’s Happening...
Pic related is now real
checked, it's all true
Q is real
>Federal government does nothing because of Trump
>State goverments start acting and blocking domestic borders
>National guards open fire to stop refugees from infected states entering safe states
>US enters civil war and Balkanizes, not even over ideology or race
Why no video or photos coming from New Rochelle?
Q predicted these quads
There's not enough to keep a whole state under control
Q uads of truth
Gigantic if veridical.
>a bunch of shitbag nasty girls are going to enforce martial law in killadelphia
good luck
Sorry did I say 50,000
More like 500,000
50k troops in 50 states
I know no one will believe me, but go get shit NOW if you haven’t. 3 o’clock (central) is going to have a big announcement
Atleast we still have rights that can be violated bongman
I didnt get that meaning. Where do they specifically say theyre stationing 50k troops? Are there even that many ?
Will they kill us if we try to leave thr state.
Double checked
Alright I will.
Kind of needed to lose weight anyway.
I want to believe.
Ok but what does that have to do with 1k in 5 states
Do the math.
They can’t send out 1000 troops to 50 states
weed ID and quads. only if your post wasnt stupid
QQQQuads confirmed
> how fked are we Q
It will increase soon
Horeee shit
looks like it's 2nd amendment time
Bros here in cAli it’s fucking crazy. Everyone’s at the stores right now. No water. Some paper tho. Was able to scoop 2 gallons from a liquor store. Pics from the store
blue beans
Not that many left in CONUS.
Aaaand now begins the dance macabre.
at least we can march and kill eachother. the UK will treat you as well as the chinks treat their citizens.
>National Guard
they dont need to "send" them, every state has NG troops
Just you wait until a massive increase comes
Army reserve.
1,000 amongst some states.
2020 is official an acceded year
It's finally happening.
My baby is literally being born today
I know
But the NG might get aid from the Army
This would be a good reason for the quarantine.
quadposter, does Q think i should stay home and smoke weed while everything happens?
So im suggesting theyre not sending 1,000 troops per state to every state. Instead they are distributing 1000 troops among a few states.
Q doesn't real.
Please, the boomer preppers will be saluting the guys who come to round them up and thank them for their service as they are shoved into the camps.
>Enemy killables
And now the game is complete!
Soon we will dance and die and dance and die!
>National Guard
Which state?
Let them come
ʕ ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°ʔ
jesus christ will you braindead boomers get wuhan flu and die already.
Fake news
That's literally 20 per state, less for places like alaska and more for cali, even so that's not enough to make a difference. Unless they keep adding like 1000 per day
the tweet says all states are activated
Checks out.