People who haven't really prepped, explain your reasoning.
People who haven't really prepped, explain your reasoning
I'm not too concerned. I work supply chain in the country, everything is fine.
if they could reason, they would have at least bought some food since so much of the world is getting locked down
Just go to the supermarket bro.
If I die, I die.
There is no scarcity. Stores will be resupplied the next day. People are fucking stupid.
Very low responsibility characteristics. Now it's too late
Ok, but do you really want to be among infected coofing people, before we even know what the shit this really is and howto cure it?
It's fake and gay
this. I just get one of my friends to hold some items in stock for me so i dont have to "prep"
I live in a city that hasn't had a positive yet, so there's no reason to panic. Just go about your life using a little common sense: avoid large groups where possible, practice sensible hygiene and don't hoard products that are made in the US, like fucking toilet paper.
Hoarders are just as stupid as deniers are.
Prep for what exactly? Massively discounted rates on toliet paper and canned goods in a month?
There's no issue with the production of any of these goods right now, people are just panic buying.
He'll if it gets bad and I get infected, I can just ride public transport all day and do my part as a certified boomer remover
I got family which I unfortunately have to interact with.
It's a nothingburger
I will not prep.
I want the adventure of raiding.
Do you really think anyone on Yas Forums is afraid of coronavirus?
If I catch it and live, I get to go online and brag about it.
If I catch it and die, the pain will finally stop.
why would i want to survive?
i've played the division and it seems like a shitty future
>Supplies are getting wiped out currently.
>Production ramps up to fill the shelves again.
>Virus goes away.
>Excess supply results in lowest prices ever.
>I still have money since I didn't prep, so I prepare for the REAL happening which is coming closer to election time.
>Everyone else broke and running out of toilet paper by then.
This the only thing I've stocked is ammo
My nigga.
Also this, I really don't care if I die. And being a healthy young adult I won't die from this faggy flu. I will just live my life as always as long stuff is open here. Gym, Supermarket and going out.
Stop me
Don't need to prep, if shit hits the fan to the point of collapse then everything I need is already in your homes and I'll just take it.
>I live in a city that hasn't had a positive yet, so there's no reason to panic.
Because they aren't testing.
And why would you want to wait for cases to go shopping, when it's kind risky?
I've seen nothing to suggest this is more than a bad flu.
I'm just going to take everything your pussy ass owns anyway. Thanks for going out like a retard and getting me shit.
Ill take what I want if it comes down to it
>like lol life is a videogame ill just raid
>shot immediately, strung up as a warning to other gamer raiding faggots
Because I have faith in YHWH and because Im stronger than 91% of the population
The shelves get restocked literally every day mong kek
>Prep for what exactly? Massively discounted rates on toliet paper and canned goods in a month?
You'll laugh but there were discounts here and there for months now, even gloves and hand sanitizers and yes, TP too.
Because Corona is not real.
Im 30 and immune
I have so much ammo its insane lol. Every happebing and i mean everyone of them i buy about 500 rds of .22 and 250 5.56 and 250 9mm
I have over 100k rounds of ammo now. So i stopped finally
I'm a 31 year old virgin.
Never experienced any kind of love or intimacy.
I don't really care if I live or die.
In fact, prepping in order to ensure that I stay alive seems positively absurd to me.
I was too busy cooming
Corona is fake and gay and if I need anything I'll just kill you and your family and take your shit.
0.001% chance of getting it, 0.01% chance of drying if I get it. You're more likely to die in a car accident any time you leave your house.
There is in-between when you lose 80% of your lungs, your balls and various other organs get damaged.
I'd been meaning to have a general prep for awhile and kept putting it off, stocked up a month ago because I thought panic buyers would clear the shelves. My gf thought I was nuts until last week when we went to the store.
There is no reason to believe the food supply will be disrupted, but you should always have supplies on hand for a disaster.
rip, may you find peace and love in the afterlife
You could have prepped and used your supplies to score you some pussy. Chicks are already opening up their holes for toilet paper.
Prepping is alt-right and adjacent to naziasm. it's like saying and sending out karmas like our open muticultural societe will collapse which is racist and harmful. Sorry about eng I am french.
Self isolation is only for two weeks. I already do like a week and a half worth of shopping before I have to get more. Who gives a fuck. The economy isn't going to crash to the point that people are starving. Corona only kills old bags.
because i will come raid your shit and you can't stop the mobs that will freely roam the street. thanks for stocking up for me, faggot.
>There is in-between that gives you a free pass to kill yourself
I want to see data on how the last strain of flu compares to corona and see if it was any worse or not.
Maybe youll find a waifu in the wasteland
Can't be fucked. I'm happy to die.
Why toilet paper? Why not something that would be valuable in the apocalypse like cigarettes or contraceptives?
I live paycheck-to-paycheck, don't have money to prep.
I'm not that kind of guy.
I would never be able to hold resources ransom in exchange for sex. That has no appeal to me at all.
Maybe in the next life I'll find the kind of world where I belong.
This, bring it on. I'm willing to die if it removes all property-hoarding boomer kikes from the world as well.
I'm not a fucking retard.
Why prep when I could just steal?
simple, i want an excuse to raid all the foreigners in my vicinity with mustard-gas through the letter box. I've stocked up... on drain cleaner and bleach
There will be no apocalypse, just death and danger outside from the killer virus and its various deadlier mutations.
no other way to leave this place
I havent even got the flu in like 10 years, i have a bunch of freeze dried prep food though
makes sense
I work from home and I have everything delivered. I wipe down everything before it comes into the house
Mob my house and I'll make Paddock look like a care bear. Raiding is a fantasy in non gun-controlled areas.
Stores will be mostly empty for the next 2 to 3 weeks because of all the panic buying idiots. So no worries here.
My girlfriend is a nothingburger believer and she makes most of our money. Since SHTF this week I have seized the means prepping however, by this time Monday my apartment will be full of 3M masks and MREs.
remember, denialniggers are always the first to die
Death rates might be dropped a little farther by temp-hiring hazard-suited town criers in affected areas. It's a primitive take, but it does work.
I think the disruption factor is perhaps being overestimated, or perhaps being underimplemented, so I'm not worried about supply shortage hazards.
The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
i want to be a raiderchad instead, your mountain of supplies mean nothing when i can get an angry pack of niggers to bumrush your house.
Stores around me are predicting no toliet paper for a month. I bought two cases last month and a bunch of canned food. Got a n99 mask from working construction already. Its not disposable and has carbon filters I swap out.
same bro, never had any kind of illness except occasional hangover, since childhood. If I fall ill I'll know it's foreign chinese coronavirus of wuhan rip to the max.
12-30k people died from the flu in the US from Oct 1 2019 to Feb 1 2020.
Memento mori
I don't care if i live or die. I don't have money anyway.
Live with other people so can't prep properly without being called schizo, bought some canned shit and pasta today and hid it away in my room if SHTF
>explain your reasoning.
Okay well the virus is supposed to infect repeatedly. It's supposed to last out in the environment for weeks.
You're gonna catch it if it gets bad. Prepping isn't going to help shit.
You think you can stay inside what? 2 weeks and it'll pass by? A month? 2 months? No it won't pass by in that time.
May as well get the thing, see how well you do with it, and hope for the best.
I mean I got H1N1 and really we should have been prepping for that because I couldn't breath with that. Anyways this is either a mild cold or it kills you. Just suck it down.
It's going to be everywhere. There's no point in trying to hide. Gotta go outside sometime.
I'm military. Daddy government will take care of me while the unprepared are left to starve.
i don't plan on dying. i haven't stocked up on anything because if it gets THAT bad the best option is to kill and steal since it will all be lawless
Man where was the panic and hysteria then?
Govenment only give two mask in one day today and tomorow
Based Slavic Negromancer.
I'm broke, young, and healthy. The only risk coronavirus poses to me is the economic damage, and I can't afford any gold atm.
My cunt is safe
In a real crisis I am the strongest man around.
Don’t have the money
>there is between
Name. One. Source.
This is unironically a nothingburger, I’m sorry this conspiratard board has addled your brain
Based and voidpilled
I dont have a car to take enough shit home with me
flu infects 10% of the population each year.
Wu-Chan has only infected 0.001% of the population, and is expected to infect 50% of the population
>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
Wtf uses a roll of toilet paper a day? I literally shit like once a day and use very little.
It's LITERALLY nothing. Preppers and gay and retarded. I'm sure they'd be first in line for a Israeli coronavirus vaccine.
I'm a student so there's absolutely nothing I can do
>go to supermarket
>shelves empty
>go next morning
>stocked to the gills again
>empty by late afternoon
>rinse and repeat
Doesn't seem to be a supply problem just a panic problem.
Ok boomer
1. I've actually fasted before
2. It's a flu kek
guns run out of bullets, retard.
Because im not 80 years old
1 weekend is more hazardous to my health than corona no doubt
be careful and if im unlucky and get it rest for a week or two because im 24 and healthy so my odds of dying from this virus are about the same as getting in a car accident on the way to/from the grocery store
guns run out of bullets, retard
But this is each year, 10% each year and the flu has been around for like what? more than 50 years at least that is already more than 50% assuming its the same amount each year. No one gives a shit about that though.
I am far below the age range of the typical death of the chink stink, but I like to watch panicked boomers scuttle about, plus it means that public spaces are now empty. Nice and quiet.
I'm not retarded. This is just another fucking new flu that in some months people will forget about it. What has made this virus different is that the media panic has been the biggest that I remember.
>guns run out of bullets, retard
Pop one shot and the niggers run retard.
i honestly just don't care anymore.
I live in an apartment.
I buy in bulk anyway & I have about 30 days of food at least and other supplies that'll last a year or more depending on the product. As long as I have water & electricity I'm good. I filter the tap water with a reverse osmosis filter on the countertop. The stove is electric here so if that goes out, I'm fucked.
>I work supply chain
>everything is fine
I work for a port and I've done nothing in two weeks
dude if shit hits the fan my dumbass brothers who havent bought shit after intold them to wont recieve a single bottle water from me best get yourself in order
the virus is hardly lethal. Nothing is happening except a lot of infections. Yes that is cause for concern but why the fuck stack toilet paper jesus
i don't care enough about my wellbeing to bother with that
I survived the war and 4 year long siege of Sarajevo. Virus is a piece of cake
I need an excuse to break into and loot my annoying of a bitch neighbor, so I'm gonna hold off on prepping. What the bitch gets for getting pissy with me for "blocking" her driveway when I was nowhere near it. Sorry if you cant back out correctly, you bitch. I dont complain when your hick family comes to visit and clogs our fucking road since I can actually drive, but you threaten to call the cops on me.
Hope she's ready to see me in a few weeks when it all goes down. I wont even rape her, just piss on her face after I tie her up, steal water, some food and her tampons. Stupid bitch.
Don't want to look like an idiot if things blow over.
>haha moron, you spent how much on toilet paper?
If it turns out to be something serious here then I will get by with what I can get. Not an unhealthy fat ass or an old boomer, so not worried about this flu.
because if you do the math, that means Wu-Chan will kill 5,000*20,000 = 250,000,000 when it infects everyone.
yes young people will survive, but still many of them will get severe symptoms for 2-6 weeks.
Whats the point in bulking when I will have to do my duty as a healthcare worker, forced by the government to work?
>and her tampons
Why....why you take the old lady's tampons?
if shit hit the fan i wont have to worry about food
i bought a pack of toilet paper just yesterday just fine with little to no effort. a 12 pack lasts me months since i'm not retarded and know how to properly wipe my ass. not having a live-in roastie helps a lot too since they go through 1 roll of tp in 12 hours somehow.
>break into someone's home
>get shot up
>bleed out and die
Yeah, sounds fun
I really like violence, I am hoping to use some to take all your shit nigger
i look forward to burning looters bodies while their head sit atop my spiked poles
It's literally just a flew bro.
Everyone who thinks otherwise is an actual NPC.
There exceptions to this NPC status however. The people who've been prepping since January are definitely not NPCs, but they are flighty due to how much change they sense in the world right now. Also, the people who've been prepping for DA HABBENING :D since long ago are rightfully enjoying this situation, are definitely not NPCs, and should milk the smugness of this baseless panic to its full capacity.
The rest of you are slaves in your soul.
>but still many of them will get severe symptoms for 2-6 weeks
6 WEEKS!? I haven't heard that shit. You can have severe symptoms for 6 WEEKS? 2 weeks yea that makes sense to me. SIX?
Shes like 30 and divorced. Looks nice too, but it's a shame that shes such a gigantic cunt.
In California they're scooping up all the wipes and toilet paper. But there are still plenty of paper towels and spray on surface cleaners that work better than wipes. Guess they can't puzzle out that combination.
Answers I got so far:
>I don't want to talk about it, it make me nervous
>*forced, uncomfortable laugh that last as long as he see me*
>All important things are gone already.
Denialniggers are infused with super powerful white blood cells that allow them to deny everything.
Because the supply lines are not going to be cut off.
Any of you fuckers stocking up on Toilet Paper are retarded, just wash yourself in the shower or get a bidet. If you really think its going to be a survival scenerio then use that money to buy more food instead of 6 months of TP
>must consoom now
I actually just moved out of there, talk about bad timing.
me ready to perish
I got a few gallons of water and a 12 pack of bowl noodle
Just went to the store this morning . Water wiped out clean. Most of meat is gone. Beans rice and pasta almost out. Some cleaners left but not sure for how long Pics from 2 hours ago
I'm an actual hermit and have not left the house in over a month. I don't plan on doing so within the next few months either (foreign Chinese coronavirus or no foreign Chinese coronavirus).