I see some chinks, based
absolutely the former
it goes to show how easily people can be led by the media, and more specifically the people who run the media. it's embarrassing
Cringe but no other choice at this point because everyone is doing it
holy shit thats so fucking pathetic. imagine living in those digusting areas with all those middle income/poor people desperately clamoring for goods at big box stores EW EW EW EWWWW god damn
Dude which Costco is that?
Cringe for anyone living in California who should already have emergency earthquake supplies.
Extreme cringe.
At least they'll all get exposed and sick.
>worried about getting sick and quarantined
>stand around 100 people
I hope they all die
Bullshit. I can shop at 3 am and see almost nobody.
Mmmm retarded zogbots.
On your mark
Get set
Its bssed but they should h𝔞ve preped months 𝔞go.
normies BTFO!!!
where are the white people? americans keep calling my country not white so where are your white people? which african city is this?
>Oh no everyone is getting sick I better go to the store when everyone else is going!
Why do people do this, do they not care about getting sick or do they only buy because they see everyone else buying.
Everyone stocking up on their state food?
I bought enough food for a month because the stores are running out of stock and my usual routine of picking up 7 days worth of food on Sunday may not work this week. Whether panic buying is retarded or not, stocking up at the moment is actually essential. Just try not to get infected.
look how many fucking boomer tards are in that crowd, I hope this thins the herd
are we sure this isn't taken right as the doors are about to open?
Don’t stockpile resources goyim. Don’t increase your self-reliance. Don’t stave off desperation. It’s dangerous and immoral, goy.
The only response capitalists have to a crisis is CONSOOOOOOMING harder and hoping it goes away.
Trump confirmed Russian
Socialist shelves all over
Wonder if these people take the time to consider that maybe the stranger they're standing next to is infected.
Why is Arkansas the only one without a legitimate food?
You guys making sure to get quality cutlery for the happening?
by merely going to the grocery store on tuesday, you could have been ahead of the panic
There's going to be so. much. fucking tp tomorrow. It's retarded. The over-ordering will pull ma & pops shops under good. Likely what the president will address, the panic buy.
Definitely cringe. Not only do you look like a complete dumbass with herd mentality doing it, but you're preventing people who may ACTUALLY need the supplies, like the elderly or people with compromised immune systems, from getting it
Hahah they are all panicked and trying to just crowd in. They cant form a queue!
What a bunch of sub humans.
I'm ready for weeks now.
>10,000 soulless Amerimutts
>rushing like lemmings through the same storefront
>all over the country
>for the last 2-3 weeks
>they want us to believe Amerimuttland has only a handful of deaths yet
This just come back later you can survive without food for a day or two.
mutt mentality
Imagine not having your scullery maid arrange the delivery of toilet paper from Nordstrom's
Cringe indeed
Should of prepped weeks ago
I hate my fucking girlfriend. She makes most of the money but absolutely refuses to prepare for shit until its staring her in the face. I've been getting emergency shit together on my own for a month now but I don't have enough for the both of us. Since half of our city has been shut down she's starting to take shit seriously now thank god. Bout to order a metric fuck ton of 3M mask p100 filters and go innahouse until this shit all blows over.
>How to get infected 101
The best plan is to go into a crush of people to escape the coronavirus
Respect for the guy in gloves!
They all have it now
I don't want to have sex with any of these people. Well OK maybe ponytail, but the others, no.
Based nh and Idaho being healthy pilled
>wait a week for panic to die down and shop at an off hour
>go during the panic and wait in a huge fucking line crammed full of people
These are the retards lining up or going into a packed store during a pandemic.
This can’t be real. No one in masks but a mass rush to consoooooooom? I don’t think so.
went to samsclub toilet paper....people cleaning their carts with wipes.....then throwing the wipes on the ground........fucking midwest
Niggardly and selfish
fuckin a
lol look at the npcs and laugh. they don't panic until the faggot government tells them to and then they stab each other over shitty dasani water.
it is basic economics. my mother is older than fuck and she called me to say how her local grocery had run out of toilet paper. and this is connecticut where there are 6 confirmed cases. i know the testing is lax but it doesn't fucking matter
boomers were raised by great depression parents and it is in their mind to hoard and to trust jews
there is a reason you don't see 30 year old hoarders
but economics 101 is you use a roll of toilet paper and you've created a roll of toilet paper
scarcity simply will never happen here. not ever
What are you going to do if your supermarkets are sold out???
I have everything I need for months.
Shopped and stockpiled over many trips during calm in January early feb
No trips to anywhere packed now.
Hope all these faggots realize what an ICU trip for coronavirus will cost in Merica while the pack in like sardines to a store.
all I see is a bunch of sitting ducks
If you're buying useful stuff like food and medicine and cleaning supplies it's based. If you're a retarded jackass buying up a 3 year supply of toilet paper and a shit load if everclear to make hand sanitizer then you're a fucking dumbass.
God I couldnt imagine joining that
I have this huge aversion to joining large queues. Not just the inconveniance of a lengthy wait, but knowing I'd feel like trash to be a part of it...or something. Hard to explain
It's nonwhite bug mentality. All the pics from panic buying in the UK show nigs and Muslims. They are very selfish and short sighted people.
The time for stocking up is over. There isn't going to shit on shelves for a several days at least. This weekend every store is going to empty out. It has already happened many places near me. I wish I had better stocks.
everyone red pilled already stockpiled you stupid fuck
I'm literally looking at a huge pile of shit I bought a month ago.
these are braindead NPCs fucks who are spreading it like crazy at these same "panic buy!!!" stores
i started prepping when i saw the traffic jams in china. that was enough for me to know this was not a nothingburger.
hands-free feeding device to combat spread of virus
Because Diane Rodham commands so
It's not based you dumbass
Going into a crowded store to "help deal with" a pandemic is like running into a burning building.
Aren't your big cities fucked, too? Most all of our big/bigger cities are enemy territory, literally.
USA captured in one picture. Third worlders moved to our glorious soil and magically their flip flop brains remained the same.
Like what... two huwhiteys in that pic. That Hart-Cellar Act filled us with so much talent.
I really dont think this virus by itself will transform the world in a walkin dead scenario BUT its really simple, the virus kills boomers, boomers control the economy, so the economy is going to shit, great depression tier + the feds wasted 1.5 trilion dollars on the market, mind you in 2008 they ''only'' injected 700 billion dollars.
So basically, yeah i think the panic buying is justified but not because of the virus, its because of the massive inflation that its going to destroy usa the next months
Yep. Gonna have to survive on rice and noodles and about 10 frozen meals.
That's crazy
does it work with burger??
Fauci said lockdown can last two months.
We are not prepared.
you're in for a big surprise when you realize the media is still downplazing just how fucked up this virus is.
Cringe. Good thing none of them are wearing masks hahahaha
>retards ITT have no stockpiles
>retards ITT not realizing how stupid it is to go shopping when the stores are packed during a pandemic
Fucking 90 IQ poltards everywhere. Fuck off idiots. If you didn't stockpile a month ago you are not pol. If you didn't double your net worth shorting the market you are not pol.
I own a greengrocers, I welcome the panic buying
Why haven't there been any mass shootings lately? Just asking out of curiousity
>does it work with burger??
Americans are trained to consume. It is our only option, self reliance has been frowned upon for years. In times of crisis you are seeing Americans seek shelter in what they know, buying things.
Cringe. They should have stocked up LONG ago. The writing was on the wall. Now not only must they wait in line like plebs, some of them will actually catch the virus in there
The fear of dying in a stampede would be enough for me to stay the fuck away from something like that.
The point is that our country was never white, yours was, for thousands of years. The USA was 20% black when it became a country in 1797.
im sure this is asked in every thread, but do we actually have a working theory as for why normalfags keep hoarding toilet paper?
ive been wondering all day long and really cant think of any fucking remotely sane reason.
>omg muh pandemic
Fuck off fag. Stop touching your face after swabbing your hands all over the shit at wall mart. Learn how to use soap. Buying food and supplies has nothing to do with stopping anything geniuse.
>a bad chest cold is circulating
>declared a state of emergen-
If these fuckers want a siege they're gonna get it. I am getting my fucking DEENZ n BEENZ somewhere and if it's stockpiled in your basement, so be it.
Absolutely, totally cringe. You stock up before a catastrophe, not during.
it's like a whole african country's food supply in one meal. wonderful.