What are my options as a no guns faggot living in jew york? Are bolt actions legal or have the jews legislated that God given right out of existence?
What are my options as a no guns faggot living in jew york...
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the city or upstate? they have different laws user
But an airsoft gun. That way whenever you see a crook armed, point it at him so he can say it was self-defense. That's pretty much your only option.
As far as nogunz goes, that is.
NYC or upstate?
Unless you already have them its a huge hassle. There is permit bullshit.
regardless of whether you live in the city or upstate, bolt guns and most shotguns for that matter are legal. However, state legislation limits mag capacity to 10 rounds. In NYC it is limited to only 5. There's also a licensing process you must go through which I am not too familiar with.
I'm Too Fucking Stupid To Use A Search Engine: The Post
>Following illegal laws
4 words
pipe gun, matchhead ammunition
cops carry decent shit
I feel bad for you user
Buy a bow
lol you saw that hilarious on twitter too. Tried to find it again now, but don't remember where I saw it
basically a guy makes a tiny pen sized cannon, with matchhead scrape as gun powder and a roll of paper as a cannonball. it fires straight through a full soda can. pretty hilarious
I feel bad for you user...
Make a pipe shotgun.
I feel so bad for you user
barrel gonna jam
I feel sooo sorry for you user
squeeze on dem niggaz, P. youtu.be
Hasn't yet
Shotguns and bolt actions are legal and easily obtained
Unless you are in nyc, in which case suicide is the best option, don't wait
well yes fgt. make slam bang, 2 iron pipes the smaller fitting in the larger one, the larger one with one closed end. Make armstrong mix blast caps as primer, roll paper fittinginside the smaller pipe. Fill paper rolls with scraped matchhead powder (look up blackpowder loading data), wad, shot, wad or crimp to close the shell. Glue the blast cap on the roll. Boom, there you go.
spot 'em, Xr.youtu.be
You absolute nigger faggot, leaving a trifold old glory on the fucking floor.
>expect to flee city
Good luck convincing Tyrone not to shoot you in the back of the head, while the other chimps steal your toilet paper.
you're probably fukt under the state of emergency shit
i'm sure they'll be along any moment now to collect you for the jew-lag, all those commies love the ol concentration camps when others are in them.
Google your fucking gun laws. If you're not smart enough to do research then you deserve to be /nogunz/. Quit shitting up the board with this faggotry.
t. South Carolina
It's on the bottom shelf but yeah user is gay. That should be up high.
Its on the entertainment center shelf you blind degenerate
Why no video or photos coming from New Rochelle?
It's clearly on the bottom shelf not the floor.
Get a gun off the black market you idiot.
Just ambush some fat copper and take his 9 off him
Black powder revolvers can be shipped to your door unless NY has specific laws for it.
fuck "new york". that bullshit does not trump FEDERAL LAW. u can have any weapon u want. dont buy the bullshit.
Upstate and Long Island? Long guns are legal, but you have to jump through some hoops. Technically AR-15s are also legal, but you need to jump through A LOT of hoops. NYC? Nope, gg. Also the time to get a gun was probably years ago, not right before a full lockdown.
1. Go to a real state.
2. Buy a real gun (something in thirty calibre) that is accurate to 200 yards. A Remington 700 or Winchester 70 are great values.
3. Buy 200 rounds. I use a $20 off of $100 coupon at dicks to buy sets of 100 rounds.
4. Return to shithole state and home.
5. Put gun in discrete place and never tell anyone that you have it.
Advanced level: Get a semi-auto
'Hurt me Plenty' level: Get Springfield M1A.
(Don't get a scope. Learn how to use the iron sites. When you've got to shoot three people quick that are 20 yards away, that scope will fuck you. Anything that you have to use a scope to hit - because it's *so* far away - you can probably avoid.)
Fuck off. Cops carry Glocks. A real operator carries a Walther or an H&K.
(Yes. There are plenty of other fine guns. W & HK are mass-produced awesome.)
(That Walther trigger is so, so nice. So nice.)
If you need a weapon to protect yourself, try looking around yourself. Anything sharp and easily concealed in the palm of your hand will do.
Get whatever the fuck you want and shoot anyone who tries to disarm you for any reason.
Go to any Starbucks or McDonalds in midtown Manhattan. Find the bathroom. Look on the floor for a passed out junkie. Ask him where he buys drugs. Go there and tell the lowlifes you need a gun. Wait 5 minutes.
Protip: They don't take personal checks.
I know that store. That's also a great place to get a good deal on speakers.
M1As are verified trash. Imagine telling a new shooter to spend $1500 on a rifle worse than $400 guns - and then advising irons over a scope, and not even mentioning a red dot.
Spread your butthole
stop living in jew york, you're going to die from corona aids before you pass the waiting period anyways
Aren't those required to have orange tips or some shit, or is it just in some states?
Try a sks.
sucks to be you, jew yorker
whats stopping you from driving down to a gun friendly state?
> Designated marksmen in infantry divisions don't know what they're doing.
You make me sad.
Move to NJ and buy a SCAR 17
Oh, and putting a scope on a rifle intended for combat at standoff ranges... No wonder you don't understand the allure of the M14.
Drum mags are jam factories, user. If you actually get into shit better toss a stanag in there instead.
Those .410 shells are useless for anything but snakes and rats in a barrel that short. Use .45's.
yes. it's mainly to stop ppl from getting shot b/c they are carrying a bb gun and not a real gun. Pretty easy to remove. Ppl will sometimes use them to suicide by cop.
12g shot gun w/ buck shot is usually your best bet,
Okay you cocksuckers, recommendations for a woman? I am getting machetes, door stops and baseball bats tonight. I am fucking prepped for everything else. Have plyboard for the windows.
Make a sling. Rocks are plentiful and deadly.
get a crossbow
.410 is good for self defense for kids and woman.
Nothing is going to happen, holy shit, everyone needs to calm down.
This. Even Canadians can get guns LEGALLY without a licence, if you know your laws.
Anyone who doesn't have some sort of gun at this point is just plain retarded.
Shut up, retard.
Tactical asshole lube
>Those .410 shells are useless
you should shoot yourself and report back how useless they are
>living in jew york
Fuck the unconstitutional laws of gun control. Get a gun and shoot any motherfucker that tries to take it. Fuck the law.
how about a Ruger mini?
t. utahfag
hell yea.
For home defense, get a pistol with a high capacity. You don't have to kill anyone, as most people will flee, even if you don't hit them.
Shut up, retard.
Greetings from poland
sucks to live in a commie state
>infantry use the gun they're handed
>somehow this makes the gun good
Even so, there's WAY more ARs in DMR roles than M1A/M14s - and for good reason.
A red dot is superior for close range shooting, and you didn't even mention it.
Furthermore, the M14 is absolute shit for close combat, which only serves to prove how retarded you are. And even if it wasn't - it's an unreliable hunk of junk that is expensive, difficult to make accurate, difficult to properly mount optics on, is needlessly heavy, and chambered in a cartridge that 95% of shooters will never make use of its extended range over .223.
The M1A was the shortest lived service rifle for good reason. It sucks.
Even as a brit I can tell you never trust your life to a gun that doesn't start in a calibre begining with 4.
t. Brit with guns Skeet & Sporting B class shooter, practical, 3 gun tournament and getting into fullbore 600 yard shooting at MOD range