Euro roastie stabbed to death by Afghan lover for texting her ex boyfriends

>A manhunt for an Afghan asylum seeker is underway after his 16-year-old girlfriend was found stabbed to death in her bedroom by her mother.

>The incident happened in Steyr, a city in the Austrian federal state of Upper Austria.

>It is believed 17-year-old Saber Akhondzada stabbed the Austrian teenager, identified only as Michelle F out of jealousy after she sent text messages to ex-lovers.

>According to Michelle's family, there were recurring conflicts between the couple as the boy tried to limit his girlfriend's correspondence with at least 3 ex-boyfriends and forbade her from talking to other men.

>In the evening, the girl's mother went to check on her daughter and her Afghan boyfriend.

>When the woman managed to get in to the room, she found the lifeless body of her daughter.

>An autopsy showed Michelle died from two stab wounds in her back, with one stab puncturing her lung.

>According to the Steyr Police, Akhondzada was no longer in the room when the woman entered having managed to escape through an open window.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>3 ex boyfriends
Future street whore, nothing of value was lost

This makes me so happy, I always tell non-Whites to kill their snow whores after they are done using them. Helps thin the herd of the undesirables

Toll: Paid

Lmao KEKED smelly afghan

>the boy tried to limit his girlfriend's correspondence with at least 3 ex-boyfriends
Mission accomplished.

Based rapefugee.

He did nothing wrong

Women would cheat less if we just killed them and removed the unfaithful from the genepool

>you get what you fuckin' deserve

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When I was that age, plenty of people had had many "boyfriends" or "girlfriends". They never fucked, but they talked about them as "my ex". So it does not seem that weird to me.

Except get cucked on HARD lmao

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>3 ex bf
How did the west get so fucked up?

to days before the greatest happening
>time for a manhunt!

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This thread needs more big tits.

Why do they keep falling for it?

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Get Fucked

>a mudslide named Saber stabs anyone

She looks like Egoraptors wife

Why this shit always slid


You people gotta bump this shit they’re killing and raping the children

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Muslim cock is too sweet to resist.

Toll paid in full.

toll paid

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This guy looks like me but uglier wtf. What even attracts these girls to these guys?

Based afghan on thot patrol

So what? Fuck off mohammidite, get the fuck out of my country.


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This is why feminism should never have been a thing, ever. Teenage girls are not wise to the ways teenage boys or men. Teen girls need fathers and mothers to protect them from themselves, until they marry decent young men.

We need a paradigm shift back to traditional values if we are to continue evolving as a species. The greedy humans, the ones who are not as advanced as the rest of us despite their money, have to go, too, permanently. They are remnants of past hominids who only survived by fucking over their fellow hominids. Much like rape is an odd evolutionary adaptation (rapists spread their sperm around more than most men, and those rapist genetics get passed on), our greedier ancestors have always been able to leave offspring behind due to the benefits of greed. So this present generation of greedy, reptilian-brained elites is the worst one yet--millennia of elite families spreading greedy genes all throughout the globe.

Anyway, fuck the rich and fuck the greedy. Reptilian-brained hominids need to go. And with them will go feminism (which THEY wanted to destroy US), and then all other mentally stunted non-evolutionary belief systems. And then we can go to Mars or wherever the fuck we want.

White women dating non whites deserve to die

>Chink poo mutt
I can promise you no one is uglier than you.

part and parcel

Have to recycle old news to keep the pants-shitters scared.

Thank goodness he didn’t have to live in his country of origin. I hear it’s scary there.

dude looks late 20's, too bad he didn't stab the mother and father too.

There have been a bunch of these. Because girls are retards, they think like children.



Based shitskin

Girls are retards, they cry watching daytime tv shows

I don’t have no chink poo blood, I’m an Aryan Brahmin, we don’t mixed.

Well, i Hope they shoot him dead.
Because this might scare off shitskins from coming to europe and steal money that could be spent on Polish workers and products

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I hope he escapes and gets away with this. He is a hero in my books.

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How do we spam "Yas Forums PREDICTED THIS" at them every time this happens?

Everybody involved got what they deserved. I hope that hog remembers her nigger kids dying every night in bed.

When Dune Coon chads shave their beards and lift they can very easily become appealing to white whores.
In like, any given picture of "asylum seekers" you always see a handful of men who are fully shaven, have chisled jaws, aren't manlets and dress way too good to be in need of gibs. It's almost like they're sex tourists.

arrogance. They want to show how morally superior they are.

That shit is from 2018.

Top Kek. This sounds like fan fiction.

And yet, they still go for 15-16 year old girls.


most migrants to Europe are Afghan. Afghanistan is the most violent country and people in middle east.

Y'know - whenever threads like these crop i think 'pol's reusing that old story' and then yu realise its a new one almost identical to the previous ones.

Like laat week a stabistanian went and killed two before being shot by cops. Took me a few paragraphs in to realise that no, this isnt a annivesary of that other incident, this is a brand new street stabber moment.

Getting real tiresome.

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Coal Patrol is reporting “Toll status: Paid”

>This sounds like fan fiction
Trudeau would agree.

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2 birds, 1 stone

"Waiting for women to become capable of being independent" is strictly a western, if not purely Anglo concept, alien to the rest of the world, especially outside of the west.

>Calling my dead ex at 3am (YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS)

why do women date Afghans? They are usually unatractive manlets with beady eyes.

>why do women date Afghans?
Maybe because of euro gibs they have more disposable income than half the white boys?


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Oh, well at least the bastard deported himself in way that no libtard judge can revoke.

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You really think that guy is attractive? Ffs

Get ready for some fresh crucades... and this time, hopefully, we wont eat ourselves.

This pic, audible kek.

Vienna, Afghan (16) stabs arbitrator. After his two girl friends (16,17) gave the police a false report to set them on the wrong track , the police caught him because he behaved strange. He said he got robbed and ust defended himself.

This is the way that wusses think.

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"Boyfriend" at that age means holding hands and maybe making out and very very maybe a bit of coy fucking here and there. Simmer down incel

fine, but why Afghans?
There are Turks, Syrians, Nafris, Blacks. What do Afghans have to offer? They are the group that throws the most temper tantrums and their society is the most backward.

Girls love that ancient male aggressiveness shitskins have but think they’ll be a safe as the domesticated white boys they grew up with.

>hanged in Cell

Knwoing German Prisons, he boasted to some Russians or oldschool German thieves/Rocker about what he did. Good riddance