I know a lot of ameritards love to screech about china bad, but I've honestly gained a lot of respect for how they've handled this
I know a lot of ameritards love to screech about china bad...
same, despite how bad things looked at first, they kinda managed to contain it in the end
Meanwhile in muttland....
>believing Chinese propaganda
It would never work in the land of the free. The Americans would shoot their way out of an enforced quarantine
100 yuan have been deposited into your account
How they've lied about it?
Imagine being so dumb as to believe anything coming out of China.
>hates "jew" media
>except when it is used negatively in regards to china
kek brainlets are so easy to play
>believing gook propaganda
Jews lying doesnt mean chinese dont.
That’s because you’re a diaspora chink trying to stop your hive from being firebombed for releasing a global pandemic
>land of the free
>viruses and oligarchs included
First case in November, did nothing. Lethal pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan in December, arrest everyone who talks about it in public. Take desperate last-ditch measures in mid January and put out fake official numbers and get WHO to fellate you. Now we just believe what the CCP says, right? We believe there really are only a handful of new infections per day across the whole country, right? Nothing to see here, everything under control, China numba one.
>I've honestly gained a lot of respect for how they've handled this
This sound so much like paid proxy shilling I'd be willing to wager on it.
it was just a movie
You know they covered it up and let it spread for months right?
You know the only reason we're in this mess is because they didn't want to make the party look bad by admitting something went wrong, right?
Let's wait and see what Corona-chan is doing in the West when June rolls around.
That a good sentiment, since the start of the Corona I've seem some Chinese news (I know how to read it) and I was surprised, unlike american news, where they keep treating China/Russia/People with wrong ideology/etc as enemies, the Chinese news are friendly, they treat US/EU and pretty much all other countries as friends, that was a shock.
Based and not on the CCP payroll-pilled.
Yeah they did really well minimizing it after causing a fucking global pandemic because Winnie the Fag was too busy shooting citizens and jailing doctors
chinese are just slit eyed jews my man
SK has handled it better. CCP withheld information that would have prevented the current global spread.
Fuck off you soulless chink
The concerning part for me is even if they did lie and cover it up for months, the situation in the west is looking a lot worse than the situation in China, even given our weeks of fore-warning. I hope the CCP is still lying about current figures otherwise western governments are grossly incompetent in comparison.
>can't even muster up a counter argument
Pathetic shilling.
Youre a massive faggot
>I know a lot of ameritards love to screech about china bad, but I've honestly gained a lot of respect for how they've handled this
When people first started talking about the flu instead of a medical response they sent police to visit the people and shut them up.
China and their fetish for controlling information is the reason its an epidemic in the first place if this had happened in any other country it would have stayed within the country.
you, again?
Italians try to catch up.
Unfortunately panic control is need, it's better to lock a few people for some time than it's to face a pandemic with shortage and spread panic.
I doubt it.
Chinks are masters at faking it.
Chicom propaganda agents GTFO.
In comparison?
None of this would have happened in the West you nong, none of this would be happening now if our retard politicians would've kept up the old "boycott communism" tactic.
>china wouldn't lie to me only kikes would do that
chinks are the kikes of the east (or maybe its gooks)
Breddy sure he's referring to how most of our leaders downplayed it shit initially too for economic interests.
Don't believe ANY news from any state. The second a leader admits they are infected their countries businesses WILL abandon ship. ALWAYS assume anyone in contact with a carrier or in a hotzone is CARRYING or you will be the next victim. Stay safe Yas Forums.
>China is responsible for certain western leaders being incompetent morons more concerned with stonks and elections than lives
You can believe non western media, not all people are cattle like americans.
>lied for weeks straight
>denied existence of virus for weeks
>"you know, user, I have massive repect for them"
kys CCP shill
if you chinks did something about the virus at the time you found out about it, we all wouldn't have to deal with this shit.
it acted too late. it's your fault. it will forever be your fault.
Nice try, Wu.
The Chinese have been in bed with the Jews since the days of Mao. There's a reason why the only westerner to be admitted into the CCP in history was a kike from Goldman Sachs.
>believing US/jew propaganda
Pretty sure he has no answer to the clear evidence that China created this whole mess through sheer authoritarian incompetence so he's not even going to try.
>none of this would be happening now if our retard politicians would've kept up the old "boycott communism" tactic
Yes, which they didn’t do. Now there are more new cases every day in Italy than there are in a China, with similar growth throughout other western countries. Therefore, our governments appear more incompetent than the CCP.
Sickness is a pretty anti-freedom result. It Usually restricts freedom of action and movement. Everyone can get sick from Corona equally. That sounds like gross communism. Foh
Chine needs to be fucking nuked. End of story.
Everyone , Wuhan is cured, the illness is now maintained and comfortable.
do not listen to the fake videos, and you must stop spreading this harmful prank.
the creator of the false information and incorrect recording have been approached,have themselves agreed for that these statement are not fact, and sorry for spreading false information and demeaning the People's Republic of China with this lies.
It is important that the rest of the world to follow in Chinese example. and listen to the official facts reporting inside the Official Xinhua China News Agency , and to not use this opportunity to discriminate against China.
If I could. I would stab you in the throat with a white-hot fire poker.
No xi is responsible for suppressing whistle blowing doctors and allowing the virus to spread at astronomical rates, boomers are responsible for allowing china to spread it to us.
Why only anglos hate the Chinese?
>guys guys china based and redpilled
>china good, 'merica bad
>ok retard
I dont think its sensible to pretend an epidemic isnt happening and allow it to become a global a pandemic simply to reduce localised panic.
The old metaphor is that you you shouldn't shout fire in a crowded theater.
Except in this case the theater really was on fire and the people shouting fire were trained firefighters trying to get the fire under control before the whole city burns down.
The benefits of having no rights.
There's a group of chinks in a hotel in Dublin and the 3rd floor of the hotel is under quarantine. The media hasn't reported this, it's circling social media.
We had fuck all infastructure in place and allowed a load of Italians to enter the country..
there's been multiple chinashill threads since last night
Us Anglos have this weird fetish for freedom of speech and trusting the public with information about whats going on in the world.
I know its sometimes crazy but in this particular case it would have been better if they hadnt suppressed information about the wuhan flu. If they did that it might have stayed in wuhan.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
even WHO has finally admitted that it is what it is: a pandemic
all I read was "chink chink achoo!"
>but I've honestly gained a lot of respect for how they've handled this
you can't and shouldn't baselessly believe anything you commie faggot
leftover red scare propaganda
Ok Chang. I'm not a big fan of the Frankensteined virus they created. They don't have my love.
civil war cannot come soon enough.
>1 grain of rice has been deposited into your government controlled rice barrel
>Thank you ping pong
>China numba whan
well you sound like quite the intellectual
way to show him who's smarter
Nobody, not even the most delusional mutts, can say today that China is not going to come out ahead in this. Korea and Japan too, they've greatly handled the situation compared to us (even though Korea had to deal with a fucking death cult spreading it on purpose). Not only did they make the west look completely incompetent (which it is), but they are also restarting production right when the west will be in dire need of supplies. Americans can screech and thump their chest about their military as much as they want but all China needs to do to end the US is stop medical exports to them.
The west with exception made for Italy has basically given up already, no mass quarantines, nothing, the UK and Germany have even said they'll just let it go and kill 5% of their population (and the US, while not saying it, is acting the same way). Absoluely pathetic, I can't believe the last 2 weeks have made me wish I lived in China, Japan, or South Korea, if there ever was a moment where the social rot of the west was exposed, this is it. Fuck this place and fuck all the cattle who will accept that their leaders let them die with a shrug.
I should reply an anglo, you're usually to arrogant to take anyone from Brazil serious, but I work with epidemic diseases, we have many here.
Usually panic cause far more damage than the disease, it cause shortages, make very hard to impost quarantine, make hard to set emergency hospitals, etc.
If laws here allowed it, we would cut information, it'd be far easier if we could focus on the epidemic instead of trying to feed/police the area first.
anyone got something from a legit source that would cast doubt on the official chinese stance, that the virus has been mostly contained in china? i find it hard to believe, given the nature of the disease
Stop it, chang. No one believes your propaganda around here.
The US will be in the same group as China and Japan because they closed their borders really quickly too.
Mainland Europe will be a quarantine zone but most other places will be OK as long as they cut off all flights from mainland Europe.
It's not over for China. As soon as they think they have it under control and lift quarantine and travel bans to get people back to work it will spread like wildfire for a second time.
Do you respect people who wipe their own asses when they take a shit?
Because you're filthy bug people who spread disease.
Cuomo is doing a good job. NYS has ramped up testing with a bunch of private labs and has locked down the epicenter in New York (New Rochelle), and the NYC subways and trains are getting cleaned twice a day last I heard. NYC took longer than the Bay Area to ban large gatherings and recommend WFH, but they're still staying on top of it.
Consider the extremes China enacted. I think it is entirely possible the virus has been curbed there.
Once more, I shouldn't reply to anglos, you think your opinions are facts, but...
...if you already have a few infected people, doesn't matter if you close borders, from now on it's about enforcing internal quarantine measures to reduce R0 to less than one.
I've met a few Chinese, they look autistic but are far more tolerable than anglos.
Fuck off Chinc
I bet you believe the USSR handled Chernobyl well, too.
Man fuck you guys!
Going in to full panic mode is bad (nobody is doing that) but the Chinese government pretending the wuhan flu was a conspiracy theory and sending the police to shut up medical professionals who were trying to contain it is the whole reason its spread round the world.
If people dont know about it they cant shut down travel from infected countries. Which made it spread all over the world.
So in this case you are saying localised panic in China is worse than a global pandemic the Chinese government created with their actions.
Lets see what the final death toll is before we decide that.
this. china loves to lie, never take their word for anything
Of course it is contained, China was dousing every public space with disinfectant, welding people into their homes, and dumping bodies into crematoriums within minutes of death (or before that, possibly). They also have mask culture, large scale surveillance and AI-boosted pattern creation that they used to find the infected to weld in, oh and they make the fucking CT scans as well as just about everything else so they were doing more CT scans than the entirety of US and EU can do combined (which is the only real way to find corona, the test has a high failure rate).
It wasn't pretty, but obviously those measures work. We don't need that in the west, we aren't so tightly packed and we have better hygiene, but we're not doing a bit less, we're doing absolutely nothing.
It has been spreading domestically for over a week now, this is too little too late, people are barely getting tested with the normal swab let alone CT scans. Doesn't matter if you close the borders at this point, closing borders could have worked 3 months ago.
Cool bro have fun thinking about all those friendly autistic Chinese gentlemen you knit when you're coofing.
They started the shit didn't tell anyone for 2 months infected the whole world destroyed economies and people's lives. O they did a good job containing it, jesus christ chang noone agrees with the pat on the back for your communist dictatorship billion strong antfarm shitty handling of this.
After the disastrous initial response from the US gov't and CDC, it's down to the individual states to take this on and contain it
> too little too late
I think the borders should have been closed to China 20 or so years ago. For goods and people.
That would have definitely stopped this pandemic spreading from China to the US.
China shills the thread.
Spain is also taking more and more extreme measures. The guy in charge is, for once, pretty competent. We've been escalating this slowly because Spaniards are dumb fucks and would not accept going full China. I'm cautiously hopeful. Also hoping that China will gib some supplies because we are next after Italy.
>they kinda managed to contain it in the end
Yeah luckily the Chinese governments professional response means the virus never made it out of Wuhan province.
Oh wait?
Is it easy to close the borders between Spain and other Eu countries?
The Chinese have sent warnings and data to medical organizations far before they lifted the media blockade, if you want to blame someone for a slow response, blame your government and it's obsession with human rights and stocks values.
Again, anglos know only rage and pride. If you were more humble, maybe your government would have trusted the Chinese warnings an acted faster.
Most countries are getting free (pay later) supplies, Southern Europe, Asian Middle East and South American being the first for their friendly and close relationship with China.